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Everything posted by porTENT

  1. I went to the Drinkery last friday night. Total meat market, had to use a 2x4 to get my wife outta there!
  2. Pass. Much like Googie, gas stations come and go. They're already late to the restaurant/gas station concept in Houston too; check out Rudy's off of I-45N or 290N. No matter which way they slice their brisket, there is a self-evident hierarchy in architectural typologies and business models and gas station will always be below restaurant (as long as humans are in charge). It would be unstable territory for Buc-ee's to expand into an suburban/urban market where more than location and rapid image branding are necessary to be competitive. If they do, they'd better be able to adapt.
  3. How is privatizing a public building a good idea in this case?
  4. Congrats to Porchman who knew about 30 minutes before frheard got it.
  5. Same rules apply as the last game. Good Luck!
  6. LOL Republicans are looking more and more like the pre-Civil War confederates every passing day. Hopefully they will cool their jets this fall, unless their gunning for CIVIL WAR II
  7. One of first cities to "collect" starchitecture.
  8. IN THE LAST 50 YEARS! sheesh crunchtastic gets internet points for the man on the moon (despite ease of forgery even then). However 9/11 represents the maturation of the new world order, the great equalizer of modern technology (& lockstep with the Holocaust). Poor Mr. Yamasaki.. 1st Pruitt-Igoe is claimed as THE linchpin failure of modernism. and then 9/11 (although I'm still deciphering it's architectural impacts in terms of the Spectacule)
  9. nice furniture maker, on the border
  10. Considering this is an Architecture forum, yes it is the most important historic event. I dare you to name something more significant than the revelation of the spectacle.
  11. It would be nice if downtown was fully circumscribed by lush green parks. Pierce elevated would have to go under a big dig and I'm not sure what would need to take place on the east side of downtown.
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