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Everything posted by texas911

  1. I seriously doubt UST has an open admissions policy. sttombiz, you're not painting UST in a very good picture. Let me guess you're a frosh?
  2. Exxon should build a new head quarters downtown. A signature building. Downtown needs a new skyscraper.
  3. I'll let you guys in on a little secret. P. Johnson played a joke on Houston, when viewed from the air, the Williams Tower with the plaza and waterwall form a very distinct phallic symbol. Burdette Keeland said this was done on purpose.
  4. That's the building I'm watching go up in front of Memorial Hermann, right? Its easily the tallest building in the med center and has a pretty cool "crown" on top of it. Impressive. Could have been a bit brasher but the physical size is impressive.
  5. When I was growing up my best friend lived at Parkwood. It did have a "project" feel to it. It was tiny and they had a family of 5 living there.
  6. That's how I'd rank it, but the negative for me with the Woodlands is its very far from downtown.
  7. First Colony is not just a master planned community, its one of the better ones in Houston. Its what zoning can do for you.
  8. I think people say they are from Sugar Land because it sounds cooler.
  9. Don't confuse Sugar Land the city with First Colony the master planned community. Inside First Colony, it is orderly and very well planned, outside of it is just like any other unruly suburban sprawl. First Colony is where its at.
  10. I like it because when I'm lost, I can use them to find my way back to the freeway.
  11. I just hope they don't turn it into another crappy spanish colonial strip center with fake red tile roofs and cheapo iron detailing.
  12. My wife graduated from there and its a nice small close knit University, you literally know everyone on campus. The architecture is OK, the finished mall and the Chapel look good but those damn priests must have bern hitting the wine when they apporved that ugly garage right next to the Chapel, which blocks the western sun that used to shone through the giant transparent cross on the western wall of the Chapel. Idiots! Also they should plant more oak trees and keep them trimmed. Nothing unifies an urban campus like trees do. But the new dorms are top notch and I applaud them closing the through streets. Its definitely an asset for Houston and hope they can keep growing. You'd be surprised how many out of state students go to UST. That's a plus for Houston.
  13. Barf, hope it doesn't look like that rendering in the newspaper. That's what Houston needs more of, faux Italian architecture, you know becuase we're either faux or Italian.
  14. Its jus suspect, how do we know its not one person posting as multiple people to try and get their views across.
  15. Lots of first time posters and surprise surprise, this thread is directly linked from www.lovetthomes.org. I think this forum is being taken advantage of.
  16. Been looking in the area and its crazy! The builders are buying everything and driving the prices up. I noticed that they are redoing all the streets and sewer lines, which is great. Don't know if it will fix the flooding but it definitely makes the neighborhood look nicer. Lots of new construction, most McMansions but a few contemporaries hidden here and there. There is a nice one on Gramercy right behind the Shell research campus. Looks like a mini West U but still very mixed income.
  17. Why are you guys worrying about Rice? They are well endowed, they don't need anymore funding and I think we call all agree that their reputation is in no danger of falling. They recently got a mega donation to help fund one of two proposed new residential colleges on campus so they can grow their enrollment. Rice is the last school in Texas that needs any help from the state. Their future is secured and they are a major asset to the city of Houston. Again, tier one in this discussion is for state funding. Not national rankings.
  18. Here's an interesting article from Chris Bell...... We only have two Tier I universities in Texas. A Tier I institution is basically a research university. They take in millions of dollars in federal research funding and churn out PhDs in science and math. Tier I institutions are the turbo engines of the 21st Century economy, but here in Texas we only have two of them. It's been like this for so long that some of us might have a hard time realizing just how out of whack Texas is with the rest of the country. I often joke that we
  19. Why is this such a hot topic? Again, the rail is going through Richmond in Afton Oaks, its already a freaking 6 lane mini highway!!!! I see people zooming through there all the time. How is rail going to change this? Rail is even quieter than most of the cars that run through there. It is just silly.
  20. Man I know that guy is mad, but that site is racist as heck!
  21. How much a square foot are we looking at for a new garage?
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