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Everything posted by wendyps

  1. okay, that is just downright freaky. I don't know if I like the fact that I could be walking down the street and my image would be on here! They even have residential pics!!! You don't work for the department of homeland security do you? seriously though, who takes all these pictures? is it some kind of group thing like wikpedia?
  2. My realtor was Kenneth Zarella. I've never sold with him, but he found me exactly what I was looking for, always returned my calls and was an overall very friendly fella. http://kennethzarella.com/
  3. Thanks! I passed that just the other day and said to myself "I have to try that sometime". I'll definatley give it a go!
  4. wendyps


    A Lost topic! Fabulous! Did anyone else get into it by watching the first season on the DVD's? I did, and didn't sleep for a week because I coulnd't help watching just one more!! Now though, I don't know if it is because we have to wait 3 weeks for a new episode or not...but it just isn't as intriguing. They don't have as much "mystery island" stuff anymore. It all seems to be "local" goings on. There just aren't the same kind of cliffhangers! I'm worried that they realized that their mystery would finish itself out in only a couple of seasons...and they want to ride the popularity for as long as possible, so we get more fluff now. I really love this show...and I hope it doesn't loose its orginal focus! as for characters...I don't really have a favorite. The blond chick was going from annoying to interesting before they killed her. I used to love Locke when the whole paralysis crazy enthusiastic thing was playing out, but I don't really like him much anymore. I think the crazy old lady is great! I bet she has a bigger role in this then they let on...
  5. it is like poetry. And if one will be lost also all will be lost! oh, the tragedy! O Rabbito, Rabbito,! wherefore art thou Rabbito? Not that I loved Rabbito less, but that I loved Puppitos more. This above all: to thine own self be true. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
  6. This site is like crack. I found y'all a right after the crash of the first site. Doing a search on the 6th ward. I've been hooked ever since. I'm convinced that the collective people on this forum know EVERYTHING about this city. Through reading this site I have fallen in love with the city. I only recently started posting, its funny, after reading your posts for so long...you start feeling like you are in the know...I'm not, but I blabber about it more now
  7. I forgot the best part...if we made the Dome a club....Dallas wouldn't have one! >
  8. well, one is 700sqft...the other is 3000. also, one is a new build so you will have modern amenities, the other is quite old, so I'm sure there will be issues with age. The newer one is also close to memorial park. in a more residential area, whereas the old one is in a pretty commercial area with lots of traffic. the older one also looks like it is more of an apartment complex, where as the new is a town home. just a couple of observations...
  9. Where are you moving from? Houston is a BIG city...lots and lots of land. If you move only 5 - 10 miles outside the city, you can buy a home that would cost twice as much or more inside the loop. Houston also has very different neighborhoods within a matter of a few blocks. There is a lot of transitioning going on right now inside the loop. Those condos you mentioned by the Toyota center might be really nice, but the area around the condo very scuzzy. But, that is where you are going to see the most appreciation if you are willing to take the risk of it not transitioning. One area of town, Montrose, 10 year ago you could get a home for, what? 50K...those same homes are now selling for 350K. I wouldn't buy here unless you could come down and see it for yourself. Also, check out this website for a comprehensive list of homes www.har.com.
  10. Wouldn't that be a great way to save the dome...turn it into a night club!! There can be goth nights for Coog, kicker nights during Nascar and a techno night...they already have the rainbow colored seats apparently!
  11. I think it is still the Rocky's. How can a fashion that give you a weggie with the added benefit of making your butt look huge ever go out of style? riiight, Larry was telling the crowd what a touching story it was and how it applied to his life...it actually turned into a bit about sheep farming.... it was like the collective masses were afraid of even acknowleding the movie This website is bad for my career.
  12. we saw that larry the cable guy guy (work thing, not my choice! but would you turn down a chance to sit in reliant's suite at reliant stadium?) and he was cracking his jokes...and started making jokes about brokeback mountain...the entire stadium started booing, and not laughing...then he moved on to nascar, and the crowd went wild! It just felt that the audience was not representative of the COH that I live in. It was like I had warped to some other town. I'll grant you, I have a very narrow interpretation of Houston (inner loop). But, this is the Houston LSR, so I would have hoped for a more Houstonian reaction to what few witty comments he did have.
  13. Let me start mucking this up with the underground power lines. I had this same discussion here at work a few months back with an electrical engineer. Now, I'm going to muck-up a lot of the facts here 'cause I am just an excel geek...but... Burying power lines is actually a very difficult feat. As energy moves down wires it looses electrons. When you bury the lines, those electrons have nowhere to go, thus creating a very, very hot environment. This extreme environment causes a degradation of the lines, requiring complete replacement every 10 (I think) years or so. So that would mean every ten years we would have to dig up ALL the lines to fully replace them. There were other topics such as material used, type of soil surrounding the wires, etc... Any engineers or other smart people here who can help clairify?
  14. did you know they turned the entire astrodome into a dance club??? has anyone been? the idea of that seems crazy huge to me! Crowd control, liquor distribution, security...not to mention all those insanly tight jeans and oversized hats in one very large room!! Even this Aggie is disturbed by the though of it p.s. - the population of the rodeo was vastly different from the population of MY houston! When mentioning Brokeback Mtn, the crowd boo'd and got fairly quiet...but when NASCAR was mentioned...hold on to your seats! WHAT???
  15. sounds like a great idea to me, if only Houston can figure out a way to build it without taking 10 years and destroying all the existing retail in the area!
  16. I don't know much about Friendswood, but... I love Galveston, I've been going since I was a kid. It isn't the pacific ocean, but it is a whole lot better than the beaches in Ohio The weather here is wonderful! Well, most of the year. Late June through September is really hot. The rest of the year is like a long fall/spring. Lately, we have so many sunny, beautiful days that we all look forward to some rain storms. I wouldn't say it rains a lot. It is not like the weather on the pacificNW at all. Welcome to Houston!
  17. I just wanted to rejuvinate this thread. The corkscrew is now open and very nice! (see Heights section) And, I've loved the Darkhorse since I first walked in! Go sixth ward!
  18. I find that since living in Houston, I am in better moods on rainy days then sunny. A little variety is a good thing! Bring on the rain!
  19. I dropped by the corkscrew last night and was very pleasantly met! This is a great, large wine bar with lots of room for seating for small groups or large. The staff was very helpful and nice. I walked away with 3 new selections, all at under 20, and all that I was allowed to taste. She even opened a bottle for me with no requirement of buying a glass. It is on washington, between Sawyer and Houston. Next time you are looking for a place to sit and chat comfortably, please give this a shot. I would love for it to succeed.
  20. Agree. It is crazy to think that we can look at 100 years of climate data and determine the cause of a planet that is millions of years old. This planet has gone through innumerabe changes without human intervention. However, it is also crazy to think that the billions of little "bugs" crawling around this planet are not altering it from what it would be like were we not here. Case in point, the vegetation of east texas. It is changing from mostly pine, to lots of oak. Reason? Fires. We are preventing them because of the "devastation" to our homes and communities. However, for the pine trees to grow, they need the fire to germinate the seeds and kill off other competition (oak) to have enough sunlight for the seeds to grow into trees. By preventing the fires, the seeds are not sprouting, and when they do, there is not enough light for the seedings to grow, they are crowded out by the oaks that were not burned off by the fires.
  21. you get what you pay for. If someone is selling a house for a dollar, it is because the property is condemed because it is next door to a landfill, or directly on a runway, or the house is for sale and not the property and the developer doesn't want to pay the cost of teardown. as for buying versus renting. The short answer is yes, buying is generally cheaper/the same as renting (including insurance and taxes) per month, however, if you don't intend to stay for xx years, take a look at the online calculators mentioned above. There are lots of costs to buying/owning/selling a home that have nothing to do with the mortgage.
  22. Great! Just what I need to keep my itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikini in the closet for yet another decade!
  23. what is it? a restaurant? a big cookie? a cookie shop?
  24. The best part of that show was when they would crack each other up! As with Carol Burnett! Thats the kind of reality show we need!
  25. Please don't stone me, but I would love a starbucks up here with a drive through! Most of our little M&P operations (which I love and love to support) have bankers hours! I tried to get a quick cup to go one sunday, and couldn't find any place that was open that I could throw my money at, when I finally did, there wasn't any parking, and it was so packed inside, it would have taken too long to get my cuppa.
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