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Casual Observer

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Posts posted by Casual Observer

  1. A liberal is anyone who feels sorry for those who deserve no sympathy.

    FYI: Todays Republicans are the Democrats of the 40's & 50's. The Democrats of today are the screaming liberals of the 60's & 70's.

    These two parties are merely platforms manipulative people use to their advantage to gain power. Why do you think Independents never get elected? People are like sheep - they are stupid by default and must be led. Republicans prey on religious people. Democrats prey on minorities. I don't care what party is listed on the tickets of all the politicians in Washington - because underneath, they're all liberal.

    Conservatives? Ha! I wish..

    Oh.. to the 1.4 million Mexicans in Houston, I have no beef. To the countless unnumbered illegal aliens however - go home.

  2. Closed borders is absurd.  Controled borders is the answer.

    I agree - completely.

    As for the aethetics of the wall, I don't really care. I would think maybe something with a southwestern flair. Either way, we need to get back to the basics around here. I would look to companies who manufacture only American made goods for the future business plan. I would also encourage the nation to find a way to replace the 33% of oil it get from the middle east somewhere else instead. I would put the farmers back on top, as without them, we have no food or fabric.

    And finally - I would back out of all high risk areas like Iraq, Afgahnistan, Bosnia, South Korea - heavily fortify our positions in Germany & Japan - and start focusing on homeland security.

    Don't close the borders - just control them. Yes, I agree.

  3. Someone here listens to Michael Savage.. you know who you are. :)

    Here are some of the problems:

    1. Our own politicians fight for the rights of captured insurgants & would be terrorists at Get-Mo.

    2. Our own president is allowing illegal aliens to come here by the millions with no repercussions.

    3. Our military tactics are to only "return" fire, instead of initiating it.

    4. Our media crucifies our soldiers for doing their job.

    There are many other problems, but these are the worst. I think we should pull all our reserve troops out and give them 3 month rotations along the border instead. Have the military contract out with private helicoptor companies to fly the borders with thermal cameras. Have them report to the military units along the border and shut these illegal aliens down.

    We need that wall built. Mexico first, and just do the thermal sweeps for Canada - for now. We need to get in Canada's face and let them know we're going to hold them responsible for any terrorist activity found to be crossing their border. And then hold them to it.

    Once the wall is built, we need to flush out all illegals - round them up and ship them out - no excuses, no questions, no exceptions. If they want to stay here, they'll have from now until the last brick is put into place to sign-up to begin the 5 year citizenship process.

    NAFTA - throw it in the trash. CAFTA - throw it in the trash.

    We went from a nation of 70% Export 30% Import, to a country of 10% Export 90% Import%. Thats not good. We pay farmers thousands of dollars a year to grow crops that never get eaten. We are an economy of goods & services versus an economy of production. Face it - you can't name ten products at your house that you can proudly say was made here in America can you?

    Terrorists will continue to strike no matter what we do. Only once we are 100% at home should we go somewhere else to fight. And the next time we fight, we need to bring 100%. I'm talking weeks of carpet bombings, full force-on-force infantry & armor operations, and then swift and efficent deletion of any insurgants (thats a nice way of me saying that we should drag them out into the streets, and anounce on the bullhorn that we will instantly kill anyone we think is a terrorist, right before we kill them).

    You puppies want to win a war by building the schools before you tear the old ones down. Have you all forgotten how we won World War 2 in the Pacific? And no - Russia didn't win that one for us - our Marine Corp. & two Nuclear bombs did.

    My point? Is that until we protect ourselves, how can we begin to protect other countries? Iraq, like Korea & Vietnam, & Somalia, is a lost cause. We need to pull our troops out, thank them for the job done - alway remain that we were there to stop terrorism and focus on homeland security.

    Finally, Before any of you piece of ____ hippies say anything about my thoughts on bringing my boys home - I want them home so that they can protect me, and not someone who doesn't care, doesn't pay taxes, and doesn't take their freedom for granted..

  4. Hey, it's not just urban enthusiasts who don't like the mall.  I know of at least one Katy resident who isn't too fond of it :)

    I would think a Katy resident would be the only one allowed to delicate flower about it then. The mall is going to effect their immediate community. It's not going to have any impact on Montrose, Midtown, or Myerland.

  5. I've been to Minneapolis a few times and never thought anything of the traffic. It was never congested, and although we didn't use it - their bus & light rail system seemed to be in good working order.

    Are people claiming Minneapolis to be in too bad of shape for a Superbowl?

  6. Max makes a good point - there are already too many high-profile marquee cities in the U.S. Unlike most countries that have only 3 or 4 major cities that are internationally know - the U.S. has at least a dozen.

    I would rather spend the money on getting more sure-bet national events instead of betting it all on a long shot.

  7. LTAWACS, just so there is some validity to all your bullshit - why don't you humor us with where you live at inside the loop, how much you pay monthly to live there, whether you rent or own where you live, and the size of the place where you stay.

    I won't even take into account your: age, race, marriage status, number of children (if any), and annual income.

  8. The Katy area and not necessarily Katy itself has a lot of jobs.  Look from HWY 6 out along I-10 at how many office buildings exisitng.  Office space is being build along the Grand Parkway too south of I-10. 

    Also,  there large office development in existence around the West Belt and I-10 interchange plus the energy corridor.  I would dare to say that this area could comprise as many jobs as other office centers like Greenspoint, Greenway Plaza, and Westchase.

    Many people out there don't drive into Uptown or Downtown anyway.  The work on the West Belt at Westchase, Energy Corridor.  The North Belt also has many offices.  And don't forget the Northwest Crossing at Hollister and Tidwell on US 290.

    what he said..

  9. You know.. I could understand someone bitching about 610 or the belt being expanded in lieu of public transit, but do you have any idea how selfish and retarded you sound trying to make the point that expanding I-10 is bad?

    Don't forget that thousands of vehicles have to use I-10 to pass through Houston daily. Houstonian's are not the only ones using the road.

    I say "Ugh" to whiners.

  10. I played with SETI for a while a few months back, and didn't like it.  It pounded the Altivec and made my fans run 100% all the time.  I like my Mac because it's quiet.  SETI didn't help.  I tried uninstalling it, and it was like I was back in Windows-land with files scattered all over and things that refused to be deleted. 

    Thats a shame about the old client. I used it only as a screensaver so I never was around for the noise to bother me. The new version does run all the time in the background now - unless you turn it off manually (after starting it manually after a reboot).

  11. Good question.. I haven't tried running it on my PC at work yet. From looking at the site, I think its for all platforms though.

    I only mentioned macs because I have one, and I've seen a few threads on here where people were talking about their macs.

  12. Hey, have any uber-cool mac users updated their SETI client recently? They've discontinued the classic app and started using a new shell program calling BOINC. This app was written so that you can run multiple scripts (like seti) at the same time as the app serves as a manager.

    So far I don't like it, but the graphics are slightly improved. The only difference is that (to the best of my knowledge) you can no longer run the app as JUST a screensaver. Now it either runs all the time in the background, or will only run when manually turned on.

    Don't worry about trying configure the screensaver in the SETI preferences anymore, the new version drops a SS in your SS pref folder under mac prefs for you. All you have to do is go in there and config your hot corners.. everyone does use their hot corners right?

    Oh, the classic version stopped recording packets completed in March of this year (2005). So for all you score keepers, you need to get the new version.

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