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Casual Observer

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Posts posted by Casual Observer

  1. No fudge here folks. I drive a 2005 Acura Integra TSX. Its a 200hp, 4 cylinder that gets about 26 miles to the gallon city. I drive about 40 miles a day, 4 days a week, which means I only fill up about once every two weeks, sometimes more if I travel on the weekend.

    But just talking commute gas - I spend about 25 bucks every other week to top the tank. So I'm actually being generous when I say 80 buck a month, when I'm usually lower. I might be at 80 bucks once I count weekend activities.

    Here's something else to look at, I watched a guy put $65.00 in his escalade one day. I asked him, and he told me that he fills up twice a week most weeks.

    My point is that trains aren't the solution as mentioned earlier. Better fuel conservation is. Europeans have been paying 5-6 dollars a gallon for years, and thus you don't see Hummers & Escalades over there, but instead you see smart cars & mini's. Our dummies will eventually learn their lessons themselves. Until then, wasting my tax dollars on building more meaningless rail (e.g.:METRO Light-rail) is not in my best interest.

  2. Well, in all technicality, Westbury is outside the loop.

    What you have to do is draw a line right down the middle of the inner-loop. Use I-45 north & US-288south as a guide. Now, everything to the west inside the loop is going to be over 200k starting out, and everything to the east is going to be 200K going down.

    I'm sorry to say that the east side only works for some people, and unfortunately, I'm not one of them. I don't work on that side of town, I'd be a minority in 9 out of 10 neighborhoods. I don't speak Spanish, which is an unspoken must in some areas & neighborhoods, and I don't have any friends or family over there.

    So I'm stuck looking on the north or west side. I don't care for the north side because it feels seperated from the city. I feel that way about the east side too coincidentally. I happen to spend alot of time somewhere between I-10 and US-59 here on the southwest side. So starting from downtown and working my way out here's what I've found:

    Downtown - 300k Lofts

    Midtown - 300k townhomes

    Museum District - 400k brickups

    Rice Village - 400k brick bungalows

    West U - 300k wooden ranch style

    Southside Place 300k wooden ranch style

    Bellaire - 300k wooden ranch style

    Braes Heights - 300k townhomes / brick ranch

    okay...so lets head back up to Westheimer:

    Afton Oaks - 300k woodframes

    River Oaks - no comment

    Montrose - 250k bungalows / 300k brick ranch / 350k brick ups

    West Gray - 250k nothing but townhomes & bungalows

    Rice Military - 200k townhomes / 250k brick ranch

    Hell, I'll cross I-10..

    Timbergrove - 250k bungalows

    Lazybrook - 200k brick ranch

    West Heights - 200k victorians

    East Heights - 300k victorians

    Okay, so there you have it. I've just toured the western hemisphere of the inner-loop and found nothing for 150k. Even if one of you short-sighted inner-loopers could find me something for 150k, do you really think it could compare to what I'm closing on out in the suburbs?

    Not all of us work inside the loop - I work outside the loop.

    Not all of us have friends & family inside the loop - I have neither.

    Not all of us have ethnic ties inside the loop - My ethnic ties lie on Bellaire blvd.

    ..and last of all:

    Not all of us can fit inside the inner-loop.

    Besides, theres more urban density outside the loop on the southwest side. So, I'll see you there.

  3. I love how you all keep referencing neighborhoods like River Oaks. Can any of you actually afford River Oaks? How about anything along the Westheimer corridor. I'm sorry, but I only get about 150k to spend on a house? I just don't make enough money to spend anymore.

    Ideally, I would be content to just live inside the belt (in reference to the southwest side). I refuse however, to purchase somewhere like Sharpstown and pray that it will convert like Westbury & Myerland has.

    So I guess when I'm 40, when myself and my wife are both finally upper management, then maybe I can finally move over to Briargrove Park, or even better - Briargrove. I still won't be inside the loop, but at least I'll be close.

    For all you that wonder why what little land that isn't developed inside the loop hasn't been developed - I can tell you that it sure isn't lack of knowing that its there. Its because the owners want three to four times what its worth. How is a developer supposed to build homes for 150k to 250k when the land sells at a price that supports only a 400k to 600k home?

    Until you can answer that, I'll be in Sugar Land.

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