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Everything posted by Geoff8201

  1. "Coming 2013" seems unrealistic for a 35 story building to be completely finished when as of now there is still an untouched plot. I believe Coming 2013 simply means this is when it will start, not when it will finish. 2727 Kirby as a comparison took over a year and a half from foundation to top off and almost another year for a finished exterior. That was 30 floors, this one is 35. I'd expect to see goings on picking up as this year goes on, and the beginnings of a foundation late this year at the earliest.
  2. Cool video, but it's copyright 2011, and since hasn't the condo tower idea been scrapped? Although I'm sure there are those who believe a residential high rise right within walking distace of everything would be a great addition and they wouldn't be wrong. For this reason I don't fully believe that idea is dead.
  3. I heard about this recently, I breifly heard from residents in this area that (I think) they will petition to stop this as they feel low income residences will bring undesireable people to the area... I'm scetchy on the details, so I don't want to present rumor as fact. We will see how this plays out.
  4. Sweet! The one thing we wanted the most! Number 37,the parking lot!
  5. It's the kinda funny thats more like kinda sad. Hopefully someone will lease... continued economic recovery, and time will hopefully mend this problem. Although, as I think about it... 3 WTC before was the Marriott... if leased office space fails, rather than downsizing to a retail center, they could make it a hotel... although an 80 story hotel is a bit much feasibly and other hotels have opened within viewing distance of the site, but wouldn't it be nice.
  6. For those that are savy on meteorlogical issues, how do you determine if the drought is over? What if 2012 is a "normal" year... does that mean we are technically 20+" behind because of 2011? If we get normal rain forthe next 5+ years, would there still be a deficit based on that thinking? Is it based on a time period, total rainfall of all time, or is it based on water levels of large bodies of water and aquifers?
  7. If that rendering is indeed what the final product will look like, then I like it, it's similar enough to be associated with the 1st tower, but it isn't a clone.
  8. Yes and they work quite well, I use one of these on my Denon 3312cl. Having only an ethernet port on that a/v receiver, this was an ideal way to make it so I could use my iphone and the remote app and airplay as well. Just make sure you plug them directly into the wall outlet, NO surge strips. Got mine at Microcenter for about $70. As for wired vs wireless... wired is always better as far as security, privacy, speed, and reliability, but wireless is not far behind with a good router, recent firmware updates, a strong network password, and setting it to a channel that isn't overloaded with other frequencies...we all can't use 6 or 11 now . Wireless wins in convienience always, and only if you're that paranoid should it bother you that others can see your network name... just don't give it the same name as you. What i would do in a house with accessible attic space and the know-how, is to run a wired LAN connection to every permanently placed device... Office desktop, printer, ps3 or other game console, audio receiver, tv, and go wireless for the portable devices, ie laptop, ipone, ipad and their respective equivilents. Wired may be gone someday, but for now it still has its advantages. Do what works best for you.
  9. Bahahahaha! Now that's funny, I hope he reads that. As far as Cabo goes, I meant to actually go there 10 years ago, but never did... and now it's gone. So sad... Personally, I've noticed this trend a lot with so many places closing down... I meant to check it out (or go back), but just never did... there in lies the problem, it's a place I thought about checking out, but just never did and probably never would... something about it just didn't draw me in, some places do, most don't. Keeping people talking about it, and maintaining consistent good quality is key, but sounds like they didn't do that. A lot of times it is the parking factor. If I'm going to starve to death and go broke by the time I find decent parking, I'm not dealing with it. Even with parking not being bad for this establishment, I've gotten spoiled by strip center restaurants where I can usually park a few paces from the front door. Here's to the hope something opens in it's place that I plan to check out with date and time in mind as opposed to someday.
  10. I'm sure you have figured out a course of action 10 months later, but if it were me I would just do it myself, cause it's easy. If the Cat5e can be easily pulled I'd replace it with Cat6, go to Home Depot, buy a pair of RJ45 crimpers, the plates and read a few how-to websites on the wire color coding and it's a done deal. A whole house wired network is a piece of cake, and the phone system, if it's a pretty modern distribution box can be easy too.
  11. My 2¢ , here's the rundown -Interesting idea, I'm eager to see how it well (or not well) it ends up working for the 10 tenants -If it fails it could be resold as an awesome frat house... backup plan -Is overpriced an understatement? Despite being only 10 units... as a small midrise it seems like there should at least be a small pool and small workout facility. To say I have a million dollar home I'd like to say I AT LEAST have these things too... and they shouldn't affect the maintenance fee much. -With a card or coded parking garage, and elevator into your unit, and alarm system I agree with KinkaidAlum a concierge or security guard is overkill. The only way this place would get a guard is if something actually happened first to warrant one for the future. -Flat Screen in Master Bath... ok... home speaker system... why bother... Warning: Side Rant in 3... 2...1... yea, I have a 5.1 sound system, and every highrise and apartment I've ever had it in I can never use it to even half its potential without getting numerous complaints from neighbors. Units like this can be sound proofed properly, so you can't hear much noise, or feel the bass from next door, or for that matter hear when the neighbor upstairs flushes their toilet... but they never do it.
  12. Ok, so, I'm surprised none of us found these articles sooner... my last post was a mismatch of the facts. There is a lawsuit, and a lot of defects with the building beyond the glass railings... Read on... http://swamplot.com/the-glass-popping-lawsuit-at-2727-kirby/2011-03-21/ http://blog.chron.com/primeproperty/2011/03/tower-of-troubles-at-2727-kirby/ http://www.chron.com/business/real-estate/article/Lawsuit-seeks-payment-for-repairs-to-high-rise-1566538.php
  13. I like it too, with it being just down the street from me, I had my hopes there would be a decent design and not overdone. 2727 (will it ever get an official name??) is 30 stories, the first 6 being parking, and level 7 being the amenities. This beats it by 5 stories but we'll see how it does on height in feet cause 2727 had some high ceilings.
  14. I hate these, cause most of these predictions are based entirely on what happened this year. Things may happen in '12 that we couldn't even imagine.... but still it's fun to see in one year how far off I am .... 1. With the election, it will be a battle of bad candidate vs bad candidate, but Obama will win over a divided Republican party, and lost votes that could have beaten him, but instead went to a 3rd party candidate (possibly Trump?). Also a slow but steadily improving economy will be in Obama's favor as well as a decent turnout of the "99%". 2. OWS will quickly disappear into oblivion. 3. Earthquake activity will continue up to California. 4. We will see more drought, but no where near as bad as this year. No hurricanes, nothing will even get close. 5. As December 21st 2012 approaches more people will disregard it as being the date of the apocalypse, but we will all be very wary when that day comes, just in case. 6. Dark Knight Rises will be the number 1 film of 2012 and the re-release of Titanic in 3D will sink at the Box Office, but later 3D Blu-ray sales of that film will have good numbers. 7. Iphone 5 and Ipad 3 are released, and nothing new in the way of Facebook and Twitter, except both will stagger along, and lose members as 2012 is the first year many start to move away from social network sites entirely. Tech wise we will also see a preview of the next generation of game consoles from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. Edit: 8. Texans will lose just by a hair in the 1st round, but will return next season stronger than ever.
  15. You know, I was going to mention something like this talking about a Riverwalk type of setup, but it would have made my brief rant on labeling these things twice as long. Aside from imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, having a nice restaurant setup along the Bayou has potential. It may be a Bayou, not a river, but don't sell a bayou short... House of Pies had/has the Bayou Goo pie and that thing is delicious. Ahh, make it stop... Nah, do what you want... 30 posts later and I had to get used to it.
  16. Makes me wonder... how tall is too tall? How high can you go before the foundation and lower expansion joints can no longer support the shift and sway and even the weight for that matter of a super-super tall structure?
  17. Well according to a friend of mine, whom has had some contractor dealings with that building, that the need to redo the railing system stems from how they were anchored to the building, apparently there was a lot of rain water getting in through the mounts and leaking badly in some cases to the floor below, throughout the building.
  18. Only if your imagining the Occupy movement lasting through 2015... which would be a grim concept for so many reasons.
  19. Trust me, these are needed for all the reasons posted above. I've seen lately people walking through crosswalks having to walk around the cars that stopped right in them, I've too have seen people back up in the center left turn lanes to accommodate not just buses but any larger vehicle at narrow intersections, people completely ignoring the "No Right Turn on Red" signs and a few people later at night treat a red light like just a stop sign.
  20. Hmm, Initially, I like it... I hope that they will be able to keep the bayou clean enough so it's not a nice park with a centerpiece of a river of garbage. I don't like, however, the article making a New York Central Park reference in the first paragraph simply because these things should be done to improve our own city and not to mimic another city (which I don't believe is the city's intention but I interpret the article presenting it as so). And LOL at picture #3, I just think that it is amusing how much the two dogs playing tug of war in the artists rendering look more like a racoon or badger playing with a giant beaver.
  21. Probably my fault for not using emoticons that led you to believe I was actually serious there. There we go.
  22. I'd have to disagree with this assessment. More and more people are wanting to have a distinct separation in their home life and work life. Living in further out areas easily equals a less urbanized home life, that's more private and... homely at a lower cost. It comes down to population increasing in the city making it less appealing to live for many. And as these outer population increases, so will the traffic as people go even further out. Houston is what it is. Ultimately, it will depend on the transportation systems here, not the zoning. I believe that, in short, the answer lies in stacked freeways (for longer distance commuters to use the upper deck) and a high speed train system or massive expansion of the Light Rail.
  23. So is the railing glass recalled/defective/unsafe? Only conclusion I can figure... this would be too much, time, money and disruption if all i was was a slight visual change for aesthetics.
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