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Highrise Tower

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Everything posted by Highrise Tower

  1. Returning to the office on Monday. The company has a face covering policy. My N95 mask is dirty and too restrictive so I went to shop local today. Went to Chloe Dao Boutique in the Village. https://www.chloedao.com/ Bought two types of face coverings. 100% cotton, and a premium Neoprene version. Overpaid, of course, but at least I'm supporting local. The face coverings are hand-made in The Heights. Think we will be wearing face coverings for a while? Probably 6 months to a year? Might as well get something comfortable.
  2. Bernie's Burger Bus to close up amid Covid-19 https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2020/05/28/bernies-burger-bus-closes.html
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