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Everything posted by torvald

  1. i am looking for the rest of my damn books (still boxed from moving) because the two books i did find were only on the circles in britain, which usually have stones. the cross section points to a rise of the moon (or other celestial thing) on a solstice. when i was driving back from schulenburg to houston on I-10 there was a huge moonrise and it got me thinking about it again. which way was the cross on the circle pointing? since i was not at (or near) the site, i have no idea what lines up with anything, i guess with some time and measuring with the satellite photos, i could make a convincing argument. i checked on-line and there is actually a solstice coming up on the 21st. i tried to make some screen captures of the helicopter footage to make a few points about the shape and change in grass/elevation within the circle but the program i use to do this is adding some sort of mask to the actual image within the news station's framing/panel. which got a bit frustrating. if any you you fellas go, with those fancy GPS things... could you please, post or PM the exact direction that the cross is pointing (both directions or the perpendicular lines)? i would appreciate it and would use the info to show whether there are any similarities or not in other circles or directions of the moon/sun rise, etc .
  2. "23% Dixie. You are a Yankee Doodle Dandy." i lived in NE pennsylvania for a few years as a kid... i guess it stuck! i can't tell you how many times addressing a crowd as "you guys" got me a huge talking to. usually accompanied by the finger wag and whole "oh no you did not!" head thing women do. (i don't know what to call that). up north, saying "yes, sir" to a male authority figure or older male (as i was taught to do down in texas) was percieved a extreme sarcasm, i was really surprised by that.
  3. i totally agree. i have complained on HAIF numerous times on how i feel about graffiti on personal property, so i'll spare you.
  4. i've been for a few new years eve parties but nothing on a regular basis.
  5. ok. admittedly i don't get out much but --- to me it seems that this is the most i have ever heard of the world cup. worldcup fever (or whatever it is) seems crazy this time! i was at harry's having breakfast this morning and all of the waitstaff had soccer t-shirts on and the televisions were tuned in. when a goal was made HOLY CRAP if it wasn't like a sports bar for a few minutes. everyone was happy! i'm not complaining in any way --- i am just asking if the fever is more prevalent this year and why?
  6. much of history is. sounds like an interesting book. thanks h-townman for taking the time to summarize some of chicago's history. i am going there briefly at the end of the month and as i go about, i will certainly look at the city in a different way. it's always interesting to see how different cities evolved and where their character originated --- for better or worse. i'm still reading up on the texas history i inquired about a few months ago and it is pretty wild how so many different/personal agendas combine to form something unique.
  7. i was naughty and did not take my camera.
  8. over on the agoraphoria website someone was joking that the crown of the building looks like those things in tron. image it really does! i think it also appears more looming because there are no other tall buildings in front of it, just the park. especially when you're in the park.
  9. i went. it was disorganized. it was totally packed and folks were stepping over people sitting on the lawn to get around. there weren't areas without people to walk up and down the hill. those who got there early got fenced in by the rest. i was impressed by the amount of toddlers running around (mostly down) the steep hill and very impressed by the fireworks. there were a large amount of pets there. my favorite was a jack russel terrier going berserk at the fireworks and nearly pulling his owner down hill into the bayou. overall it was ok. i left after the fireworks though, i couldn't handle the sheer amount of people (i was on the side without the live music stage). was nice to see the large amount of folks there behaving and genuinely pleased with the show. there was much applauding and people did not get pushy with all of the chaos. my cohort was mostly impressed by the ladies and their lack of clothing. i would say that the ones worth seeing, were the ones that coincidentally, had not dressed that way. actually, now that i think of it there was a good cross section of folks there. families, couples, small kids, older folks. i saw some whitebread families and some groups of teenagers hanging out and enjoying the park near the bridge. one girl had a tattoo in old english over her cleavage that said "daisy chain". i overheard one mom tell her kids, "this is a bridge so we can go over the water." they were about 12 and one said, "yeah mom, thanks". one fella was walking around playing an accordion, another two fellas had a harmonica and an acoustic guitar and were playing as the went around the trails. so, except for the crowded hill, i enjoyed seeing the different types of houstonians who came to enjoy the park.
  10. that was really great of them to do that! although it may be silly, i should go through my archeology books and see if there is anything remotely similar. if so, i'll scan it and post it here.
  11. i had bandwidth problems on my site. the worst problems were folks using my scans for ebay. that really sucked due to the high request count. i would replace the photo (updating the one on my site) to something funny like a burnt item or possibly a newborn baby with "free shipping!" typed over it. i've seen an incidence of "bandwidth theft" on HAIF were the website's owner switched out the photo with something really nasty and it was removed by a moderator. i usually just watermark the images and it brings people to the site. that guy is a jerk, what does he accomplish by the letter? makes him feel more important, i guess?
  12. the main street head reminded me of that too. i think the material seems the same. photo i instantly thought it would be neat if there more things like that around, yet more in honor of something historic. the head annoyed me until i associated it with hulda. i was pretty surprised by "the oracles" in the neverending story. they were pretty hot to be in kids film... not to mention dominating. the oracles
  13. which consistent agenda are they baldling pushing for years on end?
  14. if adding something makes gasoline "cleaner" shouldn't it be added everywhere?
  15. during the past few short texas roadtrips, i've noticed gas prices in the sticks are between 10-25 cents cheaper per gallon. i don't mean in spring or the woodlands, i mean in the tiniest of towns out in the middle of nowhere --- with one gas station, maybe two. once you get closer to houston the prices creep back up again. so, my layman's question is: why would the gas be more expensive in a large city like houston? this is why i assumed it would be cheaper: --- competition between multiple gas stations. --- tanker truck delivery to same brand gas stations are closer in the city. --- it's processed nearby in texas city.
  16. torvald


    i'm glad you folks encouraged me to post the songs and info in the first place. just in case: they're here she's moving up on my i-tunes play count as well...
  17. no shortwave on the poll? that's all i have other than the longrange FM.
  18. it's my view that blocking the intersection for some non-emergency random thing is not acceptable. i have never seen a group of cars act as if its not a problem. how can you judge the quality of the roses like that anyhow? baking in a plastic tube in the sun is probably the worst thing for a cut flower. has anyone here ever bought or received one? i can't imagine that are they impressive enough to get a ticket for blocking the intersection. my coworker suggested that they are a cover for selling crack.
  19. they just added some landscaping... i am sure that'll help!
  20. the problem is that when someone decides to buy a flower sometimes the folks behind them get to miss the light totally. when i am on my bike i can steal an opportunity like that to mosey on by... but if not all the cars get pissy and swirvy and it's not so great.
  21. hooray for hulda! also for all forgotten and outdated records everywhere... i could list a bit but it seems they fall into a few catagories: english, midwestern or 78s. locally i really enjoy million year dance and the el orbits (odd mix, i know).
  22. as traffic was blocked at kirby and 59 while some fella bought a rose from intersection, i remembered wanting to ask you HAIFers this. do you know who i mean? the random interchangeable guy with a yellow vest selling the single stem flowers in a thin plastic cone? i've seen them at intersections, at hermann park and at the transco fountain. who are they? i thought i saw something on television like an expose sort of thing which said that these folks sell things things all day with out pay for some sort of cult thing? it was years ago... so i'm not sure, 60 minutes? anyhow, who buys those damn flowers? and are they silk or what?
  23. torvald

    Blue October

    oh no! the only time i've seen it is on the t-shirts folks in their late 20's! i thought it was a clothing brand... now i know.
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