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Everything posted by trymahjong

  1. Muxian Fung COH planning and development spoke at Neartown/ Montrose last night. She spoke generally about traffic corridors, but questions were asked about developments along lower Westheimer (areas within Historic Designation areas and areas with deed restrictions) and she spoke about current ordinances that “request” rather than demand buildings be built close to sidewalk which resulted in only 19% developers opting in. So now there are proposed amendments: 1) Create both mandatory and optional compliance boundary. 2) Revisit the designated Type A streets based on the adjacent local context. 3) Designate additional streets with appropriate context. 4) Revise some of the standards to effectively promote pedestrian friendly environment along the transit corridor streets.
  2. I heard a report at last nights Neartown/ Montrose meeting that Txdot will build a bike lane along south side of 59 as reconstruction begins. Another plus — 527 will be lowered to connect with Lowered 59 but none of the bridges will be impacted. All those bridges will stay “as is”
  3. I talked to the chair of LULAC bids are being sought to stabilize the property. The building has leakage problems.
  4. Guess I should few my letter writing campaign to a disfunctional Government as a character building experience.
  5. Update I heard David Robinson speak at last nights Neartown/Montrose monthly meeting. Many of his remarks were Buget centered and the hardship police- firemen pay parity was putting on COHbuget. When asked about lower Westheimer renovation funding......he seemed to say that the renovations from Main to Montrose and from Montrose to Shepherd were two projects where one was funded one was not. Now those are looked at as one project that is partially funded.
  6. I guess I will continue to email but I have also decided to write handwritten snail mail this week.I guess next week if shut down continues , I’ll send a few registered letters( return receipt requested.)
  7. When I got back from Manhattan, I noticed Hay Merchant has changed from plastic straws to biodegrade. In Manhattan you notice lots of people pulling out stainless steels straws at coffee and juice places.
  8. I had heard at Cohen’s townhall that lower Westheimer from Bagby to Montrose is paid for.!! But from Montrose to Shepherd is still seeking funding.
  9. Oh my......I received a response from Dan crenshaw with my name on it! and I should correct myself- there are 800,000 not 8000,000 furloughed fed gov employees- Thank you for contacting me regarding the partial government shutdown. I welcome and appreciate your concerns and this opportunity to respond. I believe that we must both strengthen border security and reopen federal agencies. When I arrived in D.C. on January 3, the federal government was already in a partial shutdown, with approximately 25% of the government unfunded. To reopen the government, both sides must negotiate and come to an agreement. I voted for a bipartisan bill to ensure that federal workers are rightfully paid for their work, and I've also requested that my congressional pay be withheld until the government reopens. I also made a pledge to the people of Texas to protect our country. National security includes a secure border, and the rule of law should not be a partisan issue. I believe we should enforce the law and keep our country safe. The trip across the southern border is dangerous, and yet thousands decide to make this perilous journey, putting themselves and their children at risk. Border security ensures not only the best interests of American citizens but also of the migrants themselves. As we continue our work in Congress, please do not hesitate to contact my team in Washington, DC at (202) 225-6565 or visit https://crenshaw.house.gov to share your thoughts on legislation or issues of importance to you. In addition, I encourage you to sign up for my weekly e-newsletter to stay up-to-date on what I'm working on each week in Congress. It is a privilege to serve you in Congress, and I look forward to your continued input throughout my term. Never Forget, Dan Crenshaw Member of Congress
  10. Yep I feel like I ‘m tilting at windmills...........constantly
  11. Dan Crenshaw has settled in Washington DC enough to verbally spar with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and get quoted in the news....But I have been writing Dan Crenshaw for almost 4 weeks and he can’t get his email auto response updated? Even with a skeletal staff this Shut down crisis seems worthy enough for a more sensitive response. I wrote him earlier today to explain that after 4 weeks my furloughed kid from NASA was having to dip into savings. Now my worry is for the other 8000,000 that might not have savings to dip into...... This was the response: Dear Friend,Thank you for contacting me and taking the time to share your thoughts on this important matter.As my office gets up and running, I will be sure to send you a more detailed response. I simply wanted you to know that your opinion has been noted and your voice has been heard.It is a great honor to serve as your Representative in Washington, DC. I am humbled to take on this responsibility and look forward to serving our great state and Nation to the best of my abilities. To better stay in touch, please sign up to receive my e-newsletter through my website.Sincerely,Dan CrenshawMember of Congre
  12. I finally heard back from Sen Cruz .....after writing him 7 (seven) times concerning the Government shut down, my fears for my daughters family as a furloughed fed employee,...........it seems he couldn’t tell me enough about the solutions he had in mind......... Greetings, This week, millions of Americans are mourning the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade — but also celebrating the incredible progress we have made since then, fighting to restore the God-given rights of every American, of every age. I am proud to be leading the fight for pro-life policies in the United States Senate and to continue battling to protect the rights of the unborn. I believe every child in Texas deserves access to an excellent education. That is why I introduced pro-school choice Student Empowerment Act, alongside Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.). This bill builds upon my Student Opportunity Amendment, which was signed into law in December 2017, by allowing all students – including public, private, religious, and homeschool students – to use 529 savings accounts to cover eligible educational expenses. I also introduced a bipartisan resolution with Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) declaring next week ‘National School Choice Week’. This week I participated in the Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings for Attorney General nominee William Barr. There, I questioned Mr. Barr on the rule of law, the First Amendment, and religious liberty. I am confident Mr. Barr will uphold his oath of office and be above the political circus that consumes Washington, and I look forward to casting my vote for him to be the next Attorney General of the United States. Please read below for an update from this last week. Keep Texas Strong,
  13. Perhaps I’m caught tilting at windmills........... But for 14 years I have been one of those residents trying to “. Preserve” a “ mostly lost” Avondale. The romance of that quest is mostly limited to walking my grandchildren my great grandchildren under the huge tree canopy, down broken up pink tinged sidewalks, hitching posts, and tiles ( bearing Original resident names) into the cement. It is the voices of those children whose imagination puts together a wonderment of how the historical residents Contributed to a “ fairly” new Houston. How the architecture of the houses were chosen and how trees were chosen to be planted ina mostly treeless development. So of courseI am reticent to bring current residents kicking and screaming to the notion that high density is thing available to us; And any “ history” that we might want to preserve is futile. I do accept that my goal for Avondale is easy to find humor in. I believe that’s it’s not only location that seeks develops but also the history of Avondale. I think it is desirable for them to advertise new apartments in the heart of Historic Avondale. That bit of PR is priceless. This is a small area and indeed my back yard, so I do standup and ask developers to make concessions towards keeping as much of “Avondale” as it is. Or at least trying to blend and be sympathic to the neighborhood. The developers want their clients to be part of the myth after all.
  14. Of course, perhaps I misspoke. I was trying to convey that curb parking for these residents might be 1 1/2 block long. so street space is shared with new and established residents, all with permits to park there. So permits in itself don’t necessarily guarantee a street space. This was the sticking point the developer had trouble answering.......beside the 6 visitors spots and if they don’t bicycle or Uber over, where will the roomates ( perhaps 20% of the residents will probably have roommates I would guess) where do those people park when competing with established permit holders, new permit holders and restaurant valets? BTW this development started out as 36 residents with parking for all.
  15. I’m not sure COH permit parking guarantees a parking space in Avondale. I say that because of the numerous cars that go round and round looking for a spot and their permit is hanging from rear view mirror. The downside of parking your car on the street in Avondale is the increasing number of BMV’s each month.
  16. There seems to be a lot of talk about furloughed fed employees seeking out additional jobs, as a stop gap measure.But reality is for many (NASA employees for one)—- who are forbidden by their contract to seek additional jobs.
  17. Btw any “sensitive” adjustments were probably made as a sign of good faith to existing neighbors— who negotiationed long anD hard for them.The first rendering of this place bears little resemblance to that that is offered today.
  18. Indeed rent prices are attractive, so attractive that it seems naive for the developer to assumes every apartment will house only one occupant. This was what was laid out to the current residents of Avondale when questions of parking were asked. Providing parking is also attractive. However, Avondale has Permit parking in sections. Plus many valet parking try to use Avondale for parking as well as those restaurant patrons who don’t want to pay for valet try to park on Avondale. When lower Westheimer is in its renovation phase, parking for all the businesses will be chaotic. The developer insists that their “ target” tenant is a bicycle / Uber user.....perhaps so, but that doesn’t mean that each of them also has a car. IMO roommates and visitors also show up with cars. So parking will be a headache for those residents.
  19. Are you sure it's Taft and Avondale? What buildings will be torn down? I know there is new development in 200 block of Avondale that many residents have been attending variance request meetings.
  20. I’m waiting in LGA with the construction trying to get in and skeletal personal trying to get through, I am fed up with all this @#$& and want who ever has the power to use that power to get the government up and running again. Its 23 degrees here— I’m worried for any fed gov workers who can’t pay their heating bill.
  21. That’s sobering. I’m leaving from LaGuardia tomorrow headed back to Houston.
  22. I have resorted to emailing only once a day—— Mostly after news coverage I want to send a searing letter immediately. BTW This whole government shut down fiasco cannot be laid at any ONE persons feet. Now is the time for all of us to call, email and snail mail our Governments reps.
  23. I wrote Ted Cruz the same letter as Cornyn and Crenshaw ( several times still waiting for reply
  24. I wrote Crenshaw the same letter as Cornyn received this: Thank you for contacting me and taking the time to share your thoughts on this important matter.As my office gets up and running, I will be sure to send you a more detailed response. I simply wanted you to know that your opinion has been noted and your voice has been heard.It is a great honor to serve as your Representative in Washington, DC. I am humbled to take on this responsibility and look forward to serving our great state and Nation to the best of my abilities. To better stay in touch, please sign up to receive my e-newsletter through my website.Sincerely,Dan CrenshawMember of Congress
  25. I wrote to Cornyn this is what I received Thank you for contacting me regarding the current operations of the federal government. I understand the importance of funding programs that support our national defense and protect our borders, and I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter. A partial federal government shutdown creates further uncertainty and instability in the economy. I am eager to end the partial shutdown and move ahead with the fiscal and economic reforms our country so urgently needs. In 2018, Congress enacted five appropriations bills that provide funding for 75 percent of the federal government agencies in Fiscal Year 2019, including the Departments of Defense, Energy, Labor, Health and Human Services, among others. However, on December 22, 2018, funding for certain federal agencies lapsed due to disagreements over funding levels for important border security priorities, resulting in a partial federal government shutdown. I share the frustrations of many Texans, and I will continue to work with my colleagues on a path forward to end this partial shutdown. It is my hope that an agreement can be reached quickly to reopen the all federal agencies, while strengthening security at our nation’s borders. I am honored to represent Texas in the United States Senate, and I will keep your views in mind as the appropriations process moves forward. Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Sincerely, JOHN CORNYN United States Senator
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