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Everything posted by jm1fd

  1. So you suggest just going out spending $5k+ on appliances willy-nilly with no regard to reliability? They don't go hand in hand. Take Land Rover for instance: horribly unreliable, yet highly desired. People have LOTS of reasons for buying what they do, be it a good job by the company's marketing department, or they thought it was pretty, or it looks like a more expensive brand, or it is the "in" brand/model/style, etc.
  2. Well then what source of appliance reliability data do you suggest?
  3. You don't think they'll do better after the tax free weekend is over? Why would a retailer have a decent sale when they KNOW they're going to get overwhelmed with all the tax free weekend morons?
  4. Wait....the topic says reliable, but then you ask which are favorites? Which do you want? Cold hard facts as to reliability, or emotional my-whole-family-has-owned-Toast-O-Matic-Brand-toaster-ovens-since-the-50s type responses? If you want the facts on reliability then go get yourself a copy of Consumer Reports and be done with it.
  5. It is limited to a whopping 25 mph and they claim the battery pack lasts 3 to 5 years. That kind of performance for $20k....I think I'll pass.
  6. Have you already closed on the house? Tell the builder they need to modify the plumbing to accommodate a softener before you close. I don't know how the market is in Katy, but if they're having issues getting product sold they'll probably be willing to accommodate your request at no charge if the alternative is you walking away from the deal.
  7. Both items will likely be VERY expensive....they'd either have to bust up the slab all the way through the house from the toilet to wherever the main line is, possibly re-plumbing the entire house to get the pitch correct (turds don't run uphill), or they'd have to tunnel under the house to run the line. Now...if you find an under-slab plumbing leak and get the sellers to give you a credit for it, then that would serve to offset a lot of the expense.
  8. I'm pretty sure I saw Borden's on the shelf a few years back. I'll bet they're still churning it out.
  9. It is? Really? Could you gaze into your crystal ball and tell me what AMR will be trading at on 11/14/2008? I can't decide to sell now and lock in my profits or hang on a bit longer...
  10. I'm sure she was just using to highlight the fact that the sewer line had been recently replaced. LOL
  11. They might have been a *LITTLE* less sophisticated but not by much. Your car has OBDII which is a pretty advanced system as it is. I kinda doubt that the ECU can only show the last two problems....except for certain problems which might mask the presence of other problems. You'll never know if they were lying or not.
  12. Makes sense. It always was in that class in the past. You work for Toyota/Lexus corporate? That review was HILARIOUS. The car wore out his neck!!
  13. Awww...that's terrible. I hope he didn't die.
  14. Must be hell on those dishwasher door hinges.... I thought the big advantage of SZs was the fact that they had two refrigeration systems...one for the fridge and one for the freezer which meant that the humidity was closer to or at optimality in the fridge section. No? Is that marketing BS?
  15. Houston is where its at! I went to Pierson & Co. on TC Jester this weekend....REALLY REALLY tasty, and the prices were EXCELLENT. Two of us had a full spread including dessert for under $20, and had 3/4 of the dessert and over half the sides leftover afterwards.
  16. Call the buyers and ask them how they became aware of the house. If they say fluffy bunny girl suggested it to them, then call a lawyer and go to town. Simple as that.
  17. Yeah...hence the ongoing development of the LF-A.
  18. Exactly! Just look at Europe....their high tax on fuel has resulted in the market developing cars that run on Dandelion juice!
  19. I've never thought of Toyota to be the type of company to do things just for the sake of bragging rights.
  20. Yeah...I think that may be the name of it. It is the Cavalier/Cobalt replacement. I don't know when exactly the standards were legislated into being....sometimes they'll pass a law but compliance won't be required for a decade or more. Numerous safety and emissions improvements were implemented during the mid 90s. Dual airbags were required for 1994. Side impact standards had to be complied with starting around that time, and they got tougher as the years progressed. OBDII was required to be in place by the 1996 model year.
  21. You shall. Ford is working on a whole line of engines using turbocharging and direct injection under the marketing name "Eco Boost". GM is planning on putting a little ~1.4L turbo D.I. 4-cyl in their Cavalier/Cobalt replacement. Indeed....of course you fail to mention that they had to meet a much lower set of safety and emissions standards than the cars of today.
  22. If we're talking Timbergrove or Lazybrook then I would say trade the bedroom for the larger bath. If you're west of the heights outside the loop, then your target audience is a family of Mexicans....keep the bedroom, and consider turning the second bathroom into yet another bedroom.
  23. You're putting your fiancee in a cool small dark room for a few weeks? Is that legal? LOL
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