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Everything posted by DrLan34

  1. downtown district incentives http://downtownhouston.org/site_media/uploads/attachments/2011-02-11/2011RetailGrantPrgmGuidelines.pdf
  2. nearby remodeling http://blogs.houstonpress.com/hairballs/2010/12/westheimer_montrose_1.php
  3. There's a small but good looking rendering of the promenade from this poll on Culture Map. http://culturemap.com/poll/architect-aces-assess-the-aia-houston-design-awards/
  4. hahahaha "They seem to hang in some small groups and get boisterous when in close proximity of those of their same, or complete opposite, species." you make them sounds like a gang of chimpanzees hahaha
  5. Man this is excellent news... this coupled with the gray street improvements is great. I hope we start seeing some more infill over there. The giant rectangle is filling out... "Gray Street Pedestrian Enhancements Right-of-way improvements along Gray Street from Hamilton to Brazos. Enhancements will include sidewalks, landscaping, street furniture, brick pavers, and accessibility ramps."
  6. agreed, the tunnels are way too integral to downtown Houston's success and it is not something can be phased out... and the tunnel system is massive.
  7. Check out this article on the revitalization of downtown Dallas, pretty interesting. "On Main Street, for example, the plan encourages street-level retail, in part, by phasing out retail and restaurant uses from the underground tunnels and changing street-vending ordinances to attract carts and kiosks." http://www.houstonto...re-of-downtown/
  8. http://betterhouston.org/walkability/moving-toward-sustainable-growth-in-the-city-and-houston-region/
  9. any construction updates or pictures on all the new projects? i've been out of town and will be for the next 3 weeks...
  10. http://swamplot.com/shoppers-at-downtown-phoenicia-market-will-have-one-park-place-to-park/2011-03-08/ looks like phoenicia will have a pretty good amount of advertising on the outside of the building
  11. "The Blues" at el patio are pretty potent.
  12. Agreed, I'd take two 20 story residential towers over one 50 story office building any day. Let's see if this new gorcery can make downtown more of a "sustainable residential neighborhood"... When is it openning again, April?
  13. great to see that they will be bringing in some live music... unfortunately i will be out of the country at that time. Will the band be set up outside or inside?
  14. wtf... that is ridiculous, let the midtown management district know about this.
  15. http://culturemap.co...-so-yesteryear/ "And Frost Bank will be opening in the building with a lobby on Main Street."
  16. I caved in yesteday and got the 8 dollar snack basket they were offering (there was about 5 different levels of snack baskets you could choose from). if my company wasn't paying for it i probably wouldn't have gotten it but the food was pretty good as far as snacks are concerned. one strange part of the assortment was a bunch of martini style olives that came in a plastic bag...
  17. haha ya sorry for not being clear... i just looked in the window...
  18. the building and parking lot for this place look almost completely renovated... new landscaping the the F Bar sign is now lit up
  19. i saw heavy construction equipment on here yesterday, things look they are moving full steam ahead on Pub Fiction #2. I also saw heavy construction equipment next to JunaMon's International Sandwiches at Taft and West Webster... Nino Realty is moving forward with what i think is 9 new townhomes.
  20. I saw these yesterday, great infill, the place is starting to feel crowded and i like it.
  21. Checked it out yesterday... looks like a chill place with some dark wood tables and chairs where you can sit and enjoy a beer. Doesn't seem like a bar where you have to yell to talk to the person next to you.
  22. they changed the facade of the building, it is slowly but surely moving forward.
  23. Thanks for the photo. I've seen that one exposed strip there for quite some time, did you see any construction workers at the site? Hopefully they are moving forward now.
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