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Posts posted by musicman

  1. How are the going to charge cars with one person, but at the same time allow cars with more than one occupant to ride at a lower rate, or no rate? How will they monitor it?


    it's in the long katy freeway thread. they are issuing tags where you have to be registered as a carpool vs single occupant.

  2. The quote you got for the gas line was cheap. I got a quote for moving my gas line less than 10 ft with easy access to it under the house and it was over $1000 because they had to perform a whole house test upon completion (required by the city).

    The price for installing the sink/faucet is high--you can probably get a handy man to do that for you relatively cheaply--it's not exactly skilled work.

    it obviously takes some skill. ;)

    a permit guarantees nothing unfortunately. if you know the person and have seen their work in the past, that's probably a better guarantee than a permit.

  3. Maybe I just walk a lot, but I agree with the above.

    Also (and sorry if this has been asked/answered already) I haven't made it there yet and as wondering how late are the pavilion/stores generally open?

    And I understand you can pay to park, but what about street parking if you drive down there? There used to be plenty if I remember correctly...

    i depends what's going on in the area already. as more stores/restaurants start to open, there will be less. i was at toyota center a few weekends ago and ended up parking by HP for the concert, since HP hadn't opened yet.

  4. I thought you bought the Nissan?

    i couldn't handle the sale pitches at nissan and everywhere else to be honest. once i got past the sales people the toyota manager was ready to deal.

    now if i can only get past the repeated calls about "do you know your warranty is about to expire?" :angry: had one about 1.5 hrs ago.

  5. I find it laughable that right-wing TV and radio personalities, and those who follow them, rail against liberal bastions such as NYC and CA... but guess where they live?! NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA! Michael Savage?! - SAN FRANCISCO! Home of Nancy Pelosi and the Gay Capitol of the world! Sean Hanity - NEW YORK! They love to mouth off against the so-called "liberal elite" - but they live and work right there among them.
    aren't you pretty much doing the same thing as a resident of texas?
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