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Posts posted by musicman

  1. What are the best stores in Houston to buy modern furniture like the stuff found at Ikea but higher quality?

    On my list of stores to check out so far are...

    Bo Concept

    High Fashion Store


    Pottery Barn

    Crate and Barrel




    Room Store

    Danish Inspirations

    not sure the quality of some of these is any better. pottery barn and crate and barrel were written up in a magazine i was reading at the dr's office. it mentioned several others that were of poor quality.

  2. But for now, in this neck of the woods, gates create a security concern.

    they sell locks for gates which would help alleviate your concern. if you have a wooden fence, it's already very easy to pull off the panel and get into the area.

  3. The area can't easily be mowed by the individual homeowners. That's the whole point. Do I have to draw a map for you? They'll either have to walk a mile, scale a fence, or spend hundreds of dollars to install gates.

    my parents are in their late 60's and pay someone to cut their 410'x15' easement. i think they pay $25. theirs is pretty big so i'm sure yours would be considerably less.

  4. THAT sort of thing is the problem with Houston.

    if they would only enforce the ordinances on the book, it would be cut/maintained. many civic clubs have these same type of issues when ordinances aren't enforced. (loud noise, garage sales, high weeds, etc)

    why don't you turn in the addresses to neighborhood protection if you're that concerned? if not neighborhood protection, elevate it and contact yoour councilperson. what street is this?

  5. To look at it a different way - Discovery Green is the latest and greatest thing in the City. It's a beautiful park. But what happens in 30 years when Discovery Green isn't the latest and greatest? Will it still be beautiful? Or will it be forgotten, neglected, and dangerous? The way Houston City Hall works, this is a serious question. Whose to say they won't re-write the rules to make owners of surrounding buildings take care of the park? And then whose to say those building owners will actually do it?

    a conservancy was setup to take care of discovery green.

  6. I'm amazed at how fast the misunderstandings are coming here.

    First off, I AM President of my Civic Club. In fact I'm also an officer in a Super Neighborhood Council. And it's not MY house that backs up to the road.

    As civic club President, you need to use all resources possible. Does this hinder drainage for the street or the neighborhood in any way? If so, you may take this approach and the city will cut it. Not sure where you're located but the county also cuts this if it affects drainage.

  7. Please advise me. Is there any law against maiming a dog if it scares your two-year-old on your own property?

    1)the dog shouldn't be roaming on your property. as for maiming, i wouldn't think that would be allowed for scaring someone however a bb/pellet gun could be helpful in preventing 1. <_<

    What I'm talking about is bigger than any of these three you posted by the way.


  8. i know 4 longer term residents (all over 5 yrs) and they say there's the standard problems with older buildings but evidently not enough for them to move. i know many units got wet from ike so there's some of that you'd probably have to deal with.

  9. So, Parisians enjoy being different with their lowrise skyline, like those in D.C. Houston is representative...and a great example...of the rest of the world that has a love of tall buildings. Find the criticism.

    being different is one thing....however when they used the word lovely.... that crossed the neutral barrier IMO.

  10. This article is neither a compliment nor a criticism. It is merely a comparison between a city known for its tall buildings and one that outlawed them for 31 years..

    while the statement

    The Parisians don't want their lovely low-rise city looking too much like Houston.
    is a comparison, it's definitely not neutral.
  11. The problem can be summed up in one word: Culberson.

    Were it not for his obstructions and lies, the line would be well on its way by now.

    if it were only that easy. METRO moved the route again just this yr cause of one neighborhood complaining and a vocal councilperson backing them up.

  12. You can do your part by ensuring they at least are listening to quality music while doing all of the above.

    Ignore the boogers and make them listen to some good music. It will work out.

    i recommend in a gadda da vida

  13. Raked over the coals? By that context, you wouldn't know raked over the coals if they threw you in the Kingsford Plant while it was on fire.


    Obama has never been raked over the coals by ANYONE. Close as he ever came to it was O'Reilly and Bill was on his best behavior and led an excellent interview. The fact you think he has been raked over the coals is laughable.

    Very true. I must say that your earlier post regarding Rev Wright, Bill Ayers and Rashid Khalidi was one of the best posts on HAIF in a long while.

  14. I recently moved into a second floor apartment that is located right off of a busy highway. Needless to say it noisey, all of the time. I was going to look into soundproof windows but I wanted to be sure before I invested money into this temporary dwelling, that this wasn't something that the apartment community would have to address. Are there any bulding codes or residential community laws that address specific requirements when the dwelling is close to a highway? It's kind of weird because on both sides of the highway there are the sound barriers, except for where my apartment building is.


    depending on the floor you are on, the sound barriers may not be as effective as you think. not sure any apartment would let you change the windows.

  15. So if you have a carpool tag you can potentially abuse the system? I hate the honor system in this town because nobody honors it - except me. <_<

    and the owner can go online or call and change between the carpool vs single driver should you not be one nor the other.

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