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Posts posted by musicman

  1. Not necessarily true. This issue has been brought up to all the past mayors for ages. Mayor White is just the latest to not do anything. They all hand it off.

    They've already started shooting off fireworks tonight for Chinese New Year. "NO Fireworks in the city limits" is another city law that doesn't seem to apply to them. Tomorrow night will be a freakin' nightmare, the noise will be obnoxious, the smoke will be thick enough to literally block cars from driving down Broadway, police will be called, no one will make them stop the damn fireworks all night long. However I'm sure if my neighbors reported me shooting off fireworks, the cops would show up to my house, confiscate the fireworks, and issue me a ticket. I'll try it on 4th of July this year.

    Sadly more children will have to die in a fire. Still then, nothing will be done.

    on a side note, rps was outstanding at the meeting! Particularly when he brought up that we were able to quickly take in the Katrina evacuees but somehow don't know what to do with the relative handful of people that would be forced to move if the building can't be brought to code.

    their priorities are screwed up. it just seems that the day to day things the citizens care about the most are not being taken care of but the city can spend millions to build a park downtown.

    look on the positive side about the firewrks, maybe the fire will burn a few of the units so things won't be as bad ;) at least one of the front units burned yrs ago and it was demolished.

    As for the Katrina comment, that seems to be a popular sentiment in other areas too! someone asked whether the SRO/low income/etc housing was for katrina evacuees for when the federal funds get pulled. of course there was no response. it makes you wonder.

  2. Wow, that impresses me. I thought it sounded very modern and was suprised that the CD was over a decade old, now you tell me the recording is over 40 years old. As you know, the brass portions get very loud, I had to turn the volume way down on those sections on the video, otherwise, I might have blown out a few hearing aids.

    I have to commend you for your choice of Esquivel's music as well. I have several of his albums. Back when the studios would spend money to make records the artists would be backed by full orchestras. During the late 50's, when stereo was in its infancy, many experimented with it. in some instances, he would have half the orchesta in one studio and the other half in another studio so that true stereo separation could be achieved. He was also interested in "odd" instrumentation and vocalization which is characteristic of his trademark sound. just perfect for a lounge party!

  3. The Mayor acted like it was up to us to find a solution, or how could we hold him accountable for the lack of enforcement? Honestly, did we expect him to do anything about it when we hadn't given him a specific plan on how/where to relocate the current residents? He had dozens of department heads right there, but he wasn't asking them for a plan, he was asking me. (Excuse me I'm not Mayor, but I have a plan, see Danax's comments above).

    It was ridiculous.

    remember this in november for election time.

  4. Work they are unwilling to perform to better the city.

    As the units are condos you would think the city would approach it like this.....bringing them up to code will only improve their value and most owners should probably agree. the upgrades would help THEM.

    from a neighborhood perspective, the mayor has done nothing to help neighborhoods improve or even show support. main thing i can see the city does well is garbage pick up.

  5. not disagreeing with the issue, but part of the problem for the city may be that there is not one owner of the complex to deal with.

    aren't all the vietnamese villages (on broadway and on park place) individually owned condo units?

    i believe that is correct. but code enforcement is still the issue. it just takes work on the part of the city

  6. there are quite a few things this administration isn't enforcing. I laugh at the civiliity ordinance that is supposed to keep homeless out of downtown, midtown, hyde park etc. there is no enforcement. instead now homeless are everywhere, not just downtown. neighborhood protection ordinances, which is what that vietnamese place should fall under, are not being enforced. I know many neighborhoods complain about deed restricitons not being enforced by the city. there are 3 attornies that the city has to enforce for the entire city! hard to get anything done. in the 80's the city had a complete file of which neighborhoods are restricted so that the permit dept wouldn't issue permits unless neighborhoods approved that the plans weren't in violation of deed rstrictions. Now when you get a permit, the permit department does no check. the neighborhoods have to find the violations after the builder starts work. they cater to the builders not the neighborhoods.

    since your councilmember is an ally with the mayor, i doubt anything will change with her. other councilmembers are more likely to push the system.

    what makes the violation you're talking about bad. the city's MO with this is to reassign the officer that was working the violation. therefore the new officer has to start over and nothing ever gets done. this is happening all over the city.

  7. eh yeah...

    in their defense, though (?)

    they have what i would term "nouveau greasy spoon" fare

    (and with nouveau riche prices)

    ...and the longest domain name ever (www.friedchickenandchampagneaftermidnight.com) icon8.gif

    here's the menu

    needless to say, far from a "dive"

    hmmm $18 for fried chicken

    burger for $18

    mac and cheese for $15

    hot dog for $14?

    i'll be stopping by soon ;)

    from the menu ii wonder if this is breakfast klub related?

  8. By the way, the house in the 7th pic, the one with the "A" on the porch railings, is for sale and I peeked inside. There's a diamond window on the front not visible in the pic and the interior appears to be mostly original with the 2dqjxx3.jpgarchway, original doors and floors.

    It's on Eskridge and they're asking 79.9 but it has major rot visible on the window sills and has likely been a termite cafeteria for many years but could be a real gem.

    i like that light fixture. interesting how the doorways have no trim. i wouldn't expect that back then.

  9. If memory serves me correct: The Katy Freeway was upgraded 15 years ago, but the problem was that they didn't do a proper design on it, nor did they take into account on how much growth there would be.

    There is no consideration for future travel options such as Rail running down the middle (thanks Delay!) to help increase bodies going through.

    When it finally opens, I see it being clogged almost instantly AND the HOV lanes will be crammed within a year or so after opening.

    Quite frankly, I see the katy is a failure in design and foresight.

    the HOV lane was added yes, but the freeway hasn't been widened is what i was referring to. they forced what they could into the same space.

    Once the expansion is completed, it will bring long overdue relief to the area.

  10. the monowalls i'm familiar with are those that run on a track on the ceiling inside a house. when you need to resize a room or partitiion it, then you close the monowall.

    it must be some kind of premanufactured wall panels..

  11. Isnt UH right next to the old Schlumberger complex that they "aquired"? That could provide some allready in-place lab space or what have you. Is it still UH property?

    Actually, maybe its not quite next door....I think you have to cross some train yard to get to that complex. But still, that's some valuable building space.

    I think the name is "university park" or something similar but i don't believe UH owns it.

  12. should be the things over the windows here. originally they would have been fabric but went aluminum post-war

    I have these on the front of my house as well. when i moved in here i thought briefly about removing them but quickly realized the importance of their function. They work VERY well!. windows don't get hot at all!

    These awnings are really something that causes debate among house enthusiasts. Danax has finally come around to liking em at my house!

    A good friend in the heights has her original wood on metal frame awnings as do several residents of pecan park.

    i'd probably put some on my west side if i could find someone to match the old ones.

  13. I appreciate the helpful information !

    What exactly do you mean about " water will shed off if it in the right direction " also any recommendations on some underground drainage ?

    Danax hit on one point concerning water pooling on the driveway. but you also have to consider water from the driveway causing areas next to it to flood. i know someone who poured a driveway and sidewalk and as a result the water on the grass no longer heads to the street but is trapped like a dam. depending on what you are doing, sometimes the poured concrete can affect your current drainage situation.

    as for underground drainage, do you have any areas that currently flood in the yard? if so since you're already doing to have to dig up the dirt where the driveway will be, now might be the time to put in some pipes so that you can help the drainage situation.

    since every yard is different it is hard to make specific recommendations but not thinking now may result in a worse situation. just make sure there is a slope so that water can drain properly and in the right direction. if you don't see the concrete people using a level of some sort, beware.

  14. Let's hope TxDOT has planned for the increased traffic in their end design. And let's hope the Katy freeway is finished before they even start construction on "City Centre". Yesterday at lunch it took me 35 minutes to go north on the BW8 feeder, from Memorial to the I-10 eastbound feeder.

    Many here don't believe that widening the katy freeway is a good thing. I do because it is basically the only freeway that has not had a real expansion.

  15. i know some of the newer units near the park flooded at least once. An ex coworker got flooded there but has subsequently moved. Some other friends have lived on Crawford for several years and have mentioned on numerous occasions that having a fence around your place helps but doesn't prevent the street thievery that occurs in the area. they mentioned two instances of people going over the town home 6' fence and taking plants that weigh quite a bit (~80-100 lbs).

  16. To add to your previous comment. That is exactly how potential buyers look at properties. They look at the current owner's things in there and go eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!! They cannot visualize their own crappy stuff in there for some reason. That is why New Homes get the models "staged" so nicely, then they go, "WOW! my new home is gonna look like this too!" It is hilarious.

    exactly...all superficial. i saw a model recently where the kitchen pantry door was opening the wrong way. I asked the rep and she said noone ever pointed that out before. things like that really stick out to me.

  17. Man, I can't believe the hubbub that this is stirring up. The Mayor wants to help the city's citizens, and they bite his hand and say that he is wasting resources. I just don't get it.

    I see Subdude's point though.

    In many ways advancements in medicine have "prolonged" peoples lives to the point of where they aren't living comfortably. In the old days, they would have just died off.

  18. I can see that, I forget that everyone won't get the same type of deal that I would get, because of a few hookups from my building days. I think you could still make $1000 go along way at Houston Garden Center.

    sorry but i had edited my other post. 1k would make a difference but for me, the aestethics of the yard wouldn't influence my decision. for me, the yard drainage would be a more important factor for an old home.

  19. CURB APPEAL, they have already spent $100k, what's another grand ? Would you buy a new car that had a dent in the fender ?

    IMO a grand wouldn't be enough i.e. the fender would still be dented. i do understand your comment. i think there are many buyers who look at things superficially. when you do a major remodeling, it is amazing at how your perspective changes on other properties. other projects just don't seem as ominous.

  20. METRO's downtown trolley system was successful for the most part but it was free when introduced--entirely subsidized by METRO/the Feds--but then METRO tried to charge a fare to cover some of the escalating costs and that, along with the opening of METRO Rail, killed the service.

    Cost isn't what killed the trolleys, METRO did to maximize ridership on the rail. Trolley sure did increase restaurant choices for downtown workers.

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