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Posts posted by musicman

  1. You have all these folks that haven't had a job in years lose their homes. THEN, when given an opportunity to actually have a job cleaning up the City, in order to rebuild their homes, they say "HELL, NAH!". Why ? Because it is tough work, but pays very well, yet these same people just want to sit around and delicate flower and moan about Govt. instead of being part of the solution, they continue to be part of the problem, and FEMA extensions can't go on forever. Where does it end ? Tier, how much money do you think it would take for you to be able to put your life back together, if you didn't have a job ? Even if you did have a job, and we are talkin' Wal-mart jobs, how fast do you think you would try to go find another within that company ?

    I'm sure our mayor will find them a place to live :wacko:

    That job, and blame for the nonperformance of same, must be laid at the doorstep of Mayor "School Bus" Nagin.

    The people of New Orleans re-elected Nagin on his promise to rebuild the city. He can't even get the sanitation department out to pick up the trash. And I'll ask again: why are you blaming Washington for that?

    so true filio

  2. Well. Mom's is the first house next to the freeway. There are homeless people living under the bridge. Her house was remdiated for mold a while back, and someone broke into the house and storage area six (6) times. When my Dad was living (he passed away in 2000), someone knocked on their door at 3:00 a.m. Dad didn't open the door, and the person on the other side was getting agitated with him, and said "Open the GD (but they said it) door old man!". That's when Dad cocked his rifle. They heard it and got the heck out of Park Place.

    Anyway, Mom is 83, lives alone, and has fallen more times that I can count.

    that's very unfortunate. your mom's area isn't the only one with problems but her age does make it more of a cause for concern.

    i guess most of the bridges in houston have people living under them. i know the s waywide where it goes under the tracks has some, monroe near gulf freeway and at gus wortham i've seen people living in the woods by lawndale when i used to ride my bike on the trail there. WRT the homeless, there are good and bad just like us.

  3. Thats good to know. They should be free every weekend and on holidays.

    up until 1 or 2 years ago weekends were free. The city wanted more revenue so they decided to institute a fee on sats. i know owners of 3 smaller businesses complained that it would hurt business but it was passed by the city. it wasn't until recently though that the new modern meters were installed. many had already been installed with the cotwold improvements but some around market square were installed fairly recently.

  4. It is more than just the Neartown Association... it is lots of the individual neighborhood civic associations, some that part of the Neartown association, some that are not... neighborhood civic associations whos officers are selected/voted on by the neighborhood to speak on their behalf..... I would guess that if neghborhood association endorses something, then its a good chance the majority of that neighborhood approve.

    Yes i know one of the officers in blvd oaks. he said that if it has to be built, better richmond than through their neighborhood.

  5. Are you Jewish? I know Jews spell YHWH, leaving the vowels aside.

    Im not too familiar with Judeo-Christian Ethical Principles/Moral Principles. I only know a certain amount of History and Social dynamics.

    ALSO, id love to ask you how much of the US Military believes itself to be a 'Christian Army'. Meaning, how many of them believe they are fighting for Christianity, or fighting along Christian principles, etc. How many high-ups in the military believe they are 'doing God's work' so to speak.

    It peaks my interest. Thanks.

    my officemate was in iraq for 2 yrs and i've known him for 10. i don't think i've ever heard him say christian army. As in past wars, i hear phrases like i'm fighting for my country, etc. maybe a few do think that but i don't believe it is predominant in anyway.

    My age, but I could pull some from the 20's. :lol:

    Book 'em Dano!

  6. Does anyone know if a HOA has to follow any guidelines set out by the state/city or are the self governed? I have a HOA that does not seem to be doing anything (I do not even know who they are or how to get a hold of them) and I would like to get involved.

    i think the state determines how they are formed, what powers they have, etc. But i believe they write their own bylaws.

    when you say they aren't doing anything, what aren't they doing specifically that you would like to see them do?

  7. And some others are just pointing out that some folks always bring up bestiality and pedophilia when discussing homosexuality, and then explain they are not comparing it. I am not saying they are cults or anything, I am just asking folks to merely use different examples to argue any flaws, because always putting these three together without meaning to compare them, and then having to explain it don't mean anything is just a lot of work, isn't it?

    I honestly don't see what's so horrible about pointing that out.

    how come it gay ones who keep bringing it up? i thought this point was moot.

  8. Looks like that is the case.

    So now hopefully they will take DT seriously as far as a location goes because lord knows I hope it's not Pearland or any of the other 'burbs.

    well since the city owned gus wortham no money would ahve to be spent acquiring land....now other houston locales they may not be as fortunate.

  9. Muslim: an est. 1.8 billion

    Hindu: an est 1.25 billion

    Christians: an est. 2 billion

    i still can't believe that you're saying members of these religions are part of a cult.. You claim you were for equal rights but yet castigate them because they choose to practice a religion just as you choose not to practice one.

  10. You can disagree with what I do behind closed doors all you want..that is your right...but is it the rightwings right to take away something that GOD had intended for me to have when I was created?

    which rightwings are you referring to?

  11. Exactly why the neighborhoods (any of them) have trouble getting the city to back the neighborhoods in their fight on deed restriction violations. 3 attorneys can't handle the work load for a city as large as Houston.

    But like mentioned this specific property isn't part of a deed restriction, it's the city's building codes that aren't being enforced. We'll have to get pictures to post. I know the civic club has some because we gave them to the mayor.

    As for the fireworks, there is no permit issued to them. But every year they shoot them off. And I don't mean a few here and there like we might all hear on the 4th. I mean enough that smoke billows onto Broadway. smoke thick enough that literally people can't see to drive through it. Like the heavy fog that rolls in through San Fran if you've ever been there for that. I've never seen or heard anything like it. Next year I will invite you over to my house to experience it.

    i agree with you stolix, i never said it was a deed restriction issue. The building codes aren't being enforced and many other things that the neighborhoods care about. I've grown up on the se side and have seen the good and the bad. it is my home. post some pics so that the others will realize how the mayor is screwing that area. I think most people in houston would be surprised of their bad condition.

    the fireworks issue is just another thing that isn't being enforced by the city.

  12. Lastly, Musicman, regarding the number of deed restriction cases that the attorneys have to handle, any idea on how many of those are serious violations of deed restrictions? Those that could compromise or undermine a neighborhood (and not something as simple as say, cars parked on a lawn or grass that gets mowed every month instead of every 2 weeks).

    the city only enforces major things.....setbacks, keeping businesses out, keeping commercial trucks (dump trucks, buses, etc) from parking on restricted property.

    they don't enforce cars parked on lawns and how often grass gets cut.

    I know that there is a move for the city to add to their list more aesthetic things like building materials (brick vs. siding, etc) per two councilmembers i spoke with. personally if they just did their job on the setbacks and keeping it a residential hood i'd be happy.

  13. Air pollution trends in Houston

    Pollutant: Carbon Monoxide 2nd Max at 3 sites: 2.2 ppm in 2005 (it was 3.5 ppm in 2000, 6.4 ppm in 1990).

    Pollutant: Nitrogen Dioxide Annual Mean at 3 sites: 0.015 ppm in 2005 (it was 0.017 ppm in 2000, 0.021 ppm in 1990).

    Pollutant: Ozone 4th Max at 7 sites: 0.087 ppm in 2005 (it was 0.102 ppm in 2000, 0.119 ppm in 1990).

    Pollutant: Ozone 2nd Max at 7 sites: 0.119 ppm in 2005 (it was 0.164 ppm in 2000, 0.196 ppm in 1990).

    according to these trends the pollution situation has inproved since 1990 not worsened.

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