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Everything posted by musicman

  1. i'm going to contact councilmembers rodriguez and noriega and see what their response will be. METRO didn't publicize this cause they didn't want negative publicity.
  2. Wolff said he hoped the city of Houston would build an overpass at the tracks. IMO METRO needs to step up to the plate and build an underpass otherwise there is no chance for success. to even suggest that the city should do something is ludicrous. METRO's planners should be fired! to blame UP for this is also a cop out. METRO is JUST finding this out? sound familiar?
  3. i hairline crack can be a major problem too because it still is a point for water entry. my friend that used him said that on the place they had inspected the fixes were 25k. not petty cash.
  4. how could any buyer keep a straight face when the realtor's name is Shenequa?
  5. no acting. i didn't say there was anything wrong with facebook. the typical facebook user and the typical haif user are not the same. one is definitely a higher echelon.
  6. we all know how accurate online profiles are.
  7. exactly and let's keep it that way. is that supposed to be a positive or a negative?
  8. maybe a facebook member can help you out
  9. IMO haif is at least a step above facebook.
  10. damn let me print some tickets.
  11. ...help run people off. not sure HAIF would benefit from a typical facebook user. it's fine when you're in jr hi or hi school, but most of us are beyond that stage.
  12. I don't think it has slowed down. most of the new projects aren't controversial like the rail lines, ashby highrise, etc therefore most are just reading more rather than posting. news on the controversial projects has almost come to a halt which means opinions have as well. for me personally, many of the post topics occur in areas of town i rarely if ever go. for instance i haven't been to katy in this decade that i can remember. i just can't get excited about a denny's opening.
  13. managed growth tends to drive up prices of homes. would you like to pay more for a home? how do you propose to increase green space and decrease pollution? METRO can't serve the Houston area as it is now due to lack of funding. where is this funding coming from?
  14. my coworker said kevin was a little expensive but they really thought the report he provided was great.
  15. unless you're getting a VERY good deal, this has "stay clear" written all over it.
  16. Construction began this week on a $15 million Hermann Park renovation project that will require a year-long closure of an area known as Lake Plaza, surrounding the park's McGovern Lake. The lake itself will remain open, and popular activities such as the paddle boats and the park's mini-train will continue to operate, although people will access these features from new locations. The Lake Plaza area will be closed from the front edge of the central parking lot to the lake. When the work is completed, Lake Plaza will be almost twice its current size and will provide improved access to the zoo, a renovated paddle boat facility with a new boathouse, a new mini-train depot with satellite stations around the park, a new food pavilion and a new bridge across the lake. full article
  17. i'm not the one complaining
  18. she's going to plead no contest...in return, no jail time and 10 yrs deferred adjudication.
  19. maybe if there wasn't a black history month it would be mentioned all year long when appropriate. having a specific month makes teachers feel obligatory to keep it only to that month.
  20. I guess YOU would. to me it will always be history, no matter what color. i still get surprised sometimes though. someone in their 30's came up and asks me if the holocaust happened. to be honest, i never thought of it.
  21. and for dessert, get some chocolate cake with port wine.
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