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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Urbannizer you must really dig some Hyundai and Kia! I never thought I would be so educated about their upcoming models, but you make sure I am.
  2. Yes, it is a very pretty and inefficient nightmare of an experience.
  3. That should easily draw over 21,000 so even if it was built I think they would be having this at Reliant. They might even fill that place.
  4. Sometimes...I've read chron articles where a crime occurred in "northwest Houston" that were the Heights, Oak Forest, Acres Home, or even Cypress.
  5. We have souls, but only the ones we steal from our victims.
  6. Maybe it's not United that I've been hating...I think it's mostly the Denver airport. That place sucks, from delays to power outages to the damn layout. Most of the times I've flown United, I went to or through Denver.
  7. I hope they put in a dungeon and elevators to raise up lions and other carnivores at random so they can feast on the wussy injury fakers.
  8. Well if you want to use the cockroach analogy (let's note you were the first to call illegals insect pests, and the hispanics specifically cockroaches) - I think this solution is more akin to calling an exterminator. Yes, you will kill more than just cockroaches, and you have to write a check, and who knows the long term effects of those poisons on children and pets, but hey, no more roaches.
  9. Ok now this makes sense. The Astros started 0-8, of course they would have the most negative "chatter" during that time period. They shouldn't be allowed to call this a study or put numbers to it.
  10. Yes, let's just close our eyes and pretend that 99.9% of the illegal immigrants in Arizona are not Mexicans. There, now we all feel better and happy! Let's go adopt an injured kitty! Profiling, schmofiling, the thought that police (probably at least half of which are hispanic) were going to start arresting everyone who was hispanic looking is still silly. People need to stop wasting their time being offended at every pointless thing and if they want to make a difference actually come up with an idea of how to efficiently locate and process illegals according to whatever laws are in place.
  11. This is why we need real robo-cops. A real person (not to mention the non-Rhodes scholars who typically join police forces) can't possibly keep up with all of the laws and restrictions that come into play in all criminal scenarios. But, as we all know, robots do whatever we tell them and can be made to look much scarier that your typical shades-wearing ticket jockey.
  12. I'm for it. The two beasts serve mostly themselves at this point, it's time to put them out to pasture. But is it likely, knowing that most people are pretty much morons and need a big group to lead them to which opinions to have? I think we're a smarter society now than ever before, but still a long ways off from the majority of Americans not being morons.
  13. If you run from the cops, you probably deserve a beating. But if you're a cop, you can't give in to that. Cops have to show restraint in judgment.
  14. My wife is mega excited. She said Tuesday Morning is way better than Marshall's or TJ Maxx because it has the potential of real good deals on nice things as opposed to overstocked cheap junk. I think we got our crystal wine glasses from there.
  15. I figure evolutionism says that some precursor to the chicken came first, which eventually evolved beyond mitosis to a better form of reproduction.
  16. You assume that the only way to enforce this bill is to pull everyone over. Even if that was true, it's so infeasible that it would never happen. So, we're back to the point of law enforcement having to work on discovering ways that they can best identify illegals without them having to commit other crimes first. That's a challenge, but from your perspective I would think you see this as a good thing since it means the bill as-written will be impossible to enforce (i.e. not going to pull everyone over), and no one will be violated so there is no reason to be up in arms. As for the impact on me, even if I was "targeted" as you say, I don't see it as a big deal. Here's how I see this going down: Officer: Sir can I see some identification? Me: Sure, here's my driver's license. Officer: Ok thanks, have a nice day. alternate scenario.... Officer (suspects the license is a fake): Do you have any other form of identification, this license appears to be a fake. Me: Sure, here's my SS card with some credit cards to corroborate the name. Officer: Ok thanks, have a nice day. (officer then decides whether to even bother with the fake ID issue) alternate scenario... Me: I don't have any ID, I'm just out running and I don't carry a wallet. My house is that way if you would like to bring me or follow me so I can show you some ID. Officer: Ok thanks, have a nice day. Where is the part where legal citizens get reamed? It's not that hard.
  17. Yes it does target illegals, who may be hispanic. So what? Drinking laws target people under 21, who may be hispanic. Rabble rabble! There's a difference between this bill -----> illegals ------> hispanics, greeks, danes, brits, canadians, etc. and this bill -----> hispanics You making the leap speaks to your hangups, not any that I have. Do you realize that most of the US citizens in the border towns are hispanic, even including the cops? Find your own data if you want to dispute that, I don't think it's worth my time to provide any. The key issue here has nothing to do with race, it's back to your valid point about probable cause and Red's point about effort/$ that will be put into this. It's illegal to be an illegal alien, that's pretty clear. Now we will just see if law enforcement can begin to develop some methods of noticing behavior that is indicative of illegals so they can attempt to enforce the law. "Looking hispanic" is not a realistic or practical method that could ever be successfully employed in that regard.
  18. Just a few...you seem to be trying so hard to make it about race. The border in question leads to an obvious assumption that most immigrants involved will be hispanic. So what? When Maine passes one we can then go nuts about profiling Nova Scotians? Those are some odd people though... The progeria comment was about judging people visually. Whatever. The 4th amendment argument is a decent one to make and I think I'm with you there, but the race nonsense is just stretching it to be dramatic, in my opinion.
  19. Continue if you want, but I was talking about on this thread not the known universe. Do you dispute that the law does not specifically call for arresting brown people only? So basically this isn't a problem with the law, but your problem (and all your fun link authors) about trusting cops. You think cops are dumb and will use this law to arrest brown people for no reason. I'm not saying they are or aren't dumb...but either way it's not the law's fault. I did click on one link just for kicks, and the uproar seems to be about this "reasonable suspicion" that everyone is worried will result in assumptions being made based on nothing more than visual appearance. Well...so? I used to get carded buying beer, now I don't. I wonder why? I look older. Wait - ageism is a no-no, we can't assume someone is old/young based on looks, that would discriminate against people with progeria! Ok I'm back to saying that this is silly.
  20. The building on the corner is now rubble. I also saw a crew and taped-off area in the middle of the church. There's a sign advertising it for sale as well, has it not been active for a while? Redevelopment would be nice. Something fun with good food. Or a gym. Or another self car wash, we definitely don't have enough of those in the area.
  21. Actually you are the only one that I've heard saying anything about only pulling over whites or browns or whatever. No one else has suggested, and the law does not specify in any way that cops are now supposed to pull over only brown people. That's my point. Will you be surprised if 99% of the illegals caught/prosecuted in Arizona are hispanic? Really? Illegals are illegal, whatever color they are they are all subject to the same laws. Not sure what that has to do with anything I said, I never said all Mexican immigrants stay near the border. The law is in Arizona, I doubt it will have much of an effect on illegal Mexican immigrants in New York, where I'm sure there are at least a few. I agree, check them all evenly and fairly.
  22. Um, exactly. Arizona, not Minnesota. Do you think the illegals in Arizona are mostly Canadians or Asian? So what is the point of this? I'm with you no not letting cops pull over everyone for no real reason, but the race argument is silly at best because it is obvious that this is meant to deal with Mexicans since that is the border in question. So what? If Canada goes to flurf one day maybe Minnesota will need their own law, and no one will be crying "profiling!". In general, can we establish that being here illegally is a crime? Yet for this crime, everyone is crying out that someone has to be suspected of or have committed another crime before they can be checked on the crime of being illegal. So how do we do this directly and just go after the crime of being illegal? Seems to me like it's set up to make it pretty easy to get away with being an illegal, which is why there is such a problem in the first place.
  23. Actually sometimes I do carry a small rock, just in case some punk kids get near my extended lawn/personal space. 6 ounces, max.
  24. Rick Perry Shoots Coyote while Jogging I'm no animal activist, far from it in fact, but I've never seen a coyote bigger than a collie. Seems like you could easily just scare them off. Past that, who carries a gun to jog? When I go running I don't even like to carry keys or a wallet, much less a laser scope pistol that weighs a pound or two.
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