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Everything posted by MidtownCoog

  1. what a vage: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5091899.html
  2. If the state can't get it's act together in higher education don't count on continued success. Big companies come and go.
  3. Dallas looks good as HQ site North Texas already has a stable of high-profile corporate headquarters, and it's in a good position to woo more as companies seek to move from expensive areas to cheaper ones, a New Jersey relocation consultant says. Of 30 major U.S. cities, the Dallas-Fort Worth area offered the fourth-lowest annual operating cost for corporate headquarters, according to a recent study by John Boyd, head of the Boyd Co., a relocation consulting firm based in Princeton, N.J. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...hq.35a845d.html Read closely and see if you can find the "Dallas Mathematics" equation.
  4. Excellent! I used to work in the Shell-Mex building. Although we always just called it 80 Strand. The floors sound like a 1980 data center. I have some cool pics I need to post of the lighted entry bricks. I'd love to do that with my patio. Each brick had a light source.
  5. Good luck with your damage control meeting. All these usally do is take a cop off the street for a few hours. Show up and tell them that.
  6. Oy vey. And before that an entire family of 8 lived in a one room log cabin. All my PC equipment takes an entire room. In your world I'd have to sell it and use a laptop on the kitchen table.
  7. Exactly why I miss the old Pearland from the 80s. Every self respecting red neck was armed, shotgun rack in the back, ready for action. Now Pearland is just another burb.
  8. D'oh! Well, I still be at the Business mans' special this Thursday.
  9. Not that. Your hobophobia. I'm with you on all the new Midtown bums, but overall, most bums are as much a part of the fabric that is downtown as any modern skyscraper.
  10. Fannin @ Commerce. Across the street from "On The River" parking garage. That place is a trip. Does anyone have access to this building? I'd love to get some shots at bayou level. It appears you can dock a boat down there.
  11. This sounds good. Houston needs to embrace the bayou scape. They have been working on an observation deck at Fannin forever. Bums are not a problem in this area. If anything, this side of downtown attracts the friendly travelling hobo type. The king of the road. Let sleeping bums lie.
  12. I've never associated them with Rich's. The guys who partake in the male toos on Tuam appear to be African American males on the "down-low". I have read they trace license plates of the John's all the way to Alabama. That's what a hot-spot this is. The reason I know this is from the PIP meetings and talking with HPD.
  13. Don't confuse the homeless with opportunistic street bums. The homeless are the cute ones on TV. These are the ones that take advantage of every opportunity. Hell, they'd stell our potted plants. Even took our Christmas wreath one year.
  14. All I can say is "wow". Something has to give. And I understand the bums place in a big city. It's a cost of doing business, but at this rate, Midtown is doomed.
  15. These bums are an assett. We should let them be and spend more money on red light cameras and topless club enforement. And might as well hire some people to enforce the smoking ban. Thank GOD they'll never touch our Trans Fats.
  16. Makes sense. Still, tell them MidtownCoog said "good luck with all of that".
  17. Update from 1:00 today. I drove by Search after lunch on the way back from my Friday Spec's Warehouse ritual. Midtown, we have a problem! It's a mini-"tent city" across from Rich's entracne on the back side of Search. People sleeping everywhere, hanging out walking in the street, etc. I even saw three different black pimps with their white trash pregnant ho's. I am not joking. I am used to the bums in Midtown but this is something new. When in the world did it get this bad? This has to be the end result of the Operation Bum Sweep under Pierce Elevated.
  18. The slide show is pretty funny. The dig at their shared services Ballet was pretty funny. Looked like a kids play.
  19. Also, it's not just one "Shell" downtown. It's trading, oil, lubes, aviation, wind, chemicals, G&P, etc. These are independent business that do not need to be in "walking distance" of each other like Niche says. Shell Oil is HQ here, while many others report up to London or Den Hagg. And don't forget how many people they have in the Penzoil buiding. So enough about Shell. My rate is $250/hr if you want to learn more.
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