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Everything posted by wernicke

  1. Maybe they should just rotate T-Mac and Yao in/out of the line-up throughout the regular season to keep them rested and feeling fresh for the playoffs... 22-game win streaks are fun... but they would be more fun if they happened when it counts (the playoffs).
  2. Spent a night in the Flagship after prom... those were the days. I'm not sure how they let a bunch of 17- and 18-year-olds check-in to a hotel alone, but it says something about the state of the place back then even...
  3. Injuries to T-Mac already a concern (Houston Chronicle). The team looks good on paper, but... it also looks like Artest may be the most healthy key player on the team. Too bad our stars have such frail joints... Go Rockets.
  4. You mean Books-A-Million... where is it located in HP? EDIT: Nevermind, noticed it was mentioned above.
  5. I noticed them building the mini-train's new stops near the TMC (across from Palmer/Hermann) and the Rice rail stop. Should be interesting.
  6. I'm glad Landry is coming back... he is a great player, and adds a ton of much needed energy. Hope his knee holds up. And this is a great team, with essentially everyone returning PLUS Ron Artest in a contract year. All it could take to get us deep in the playoffs is Yao (and McGrady) staying healthy.
  7. wernicke

    Midtown TIRZ

    The Midtown TIRZ partly funded the sidewalk improvements that are almost complete along Elgin... I think it looks pretty good.
  8. White has been great for Houston during his time as mayor, not just during Ike. I think the story about him yelling at the FEMA people is kind of funny, and probably necessary to get people moving... although it hurt a few Georgian volunteer's feelings. Maybe they should look into getting rid of mayoral term limits, like Bloomberg is doing in NYC...
  9. Yes, sir, Mr. Boss. I promise to take an actuarial approach to all my HAIF posts from here on out.
  10. Rode Metro's 700 bus service replacing the Red Line to the TMC from Midtown the past two days, and... holy crap... are those Metro people totally incompetent. They have buses running every 15-20 minutes during afternoon rush hour... I waited 45 minutes and over an hour the past two afternoons b/c every bus that did come by was packed with bodies. How they think this compensates for trains with a much larger capacity that come twice as often on Metro's most traveled route is pure stupidity.
  11. I live at the Calais, and literally watched Brennan's burn to the ground. I went to sleep at about 12:30 AM the night of Ike, and was awoken by my fiance a little before 1:00, saying she had heard people screaming outside (including what she thought was a child)... The fire trucks were there immediately, so we went down to the 2nd level garage facing Smith street and watched as firefighters tried to fight the fire for a while before deciding to just let it burn out some (the winds made it impossible to control). I was very impressed with the fire department... those guys were so coordinated, and as they left to let Brennan's burn, they would stop, kneel, and cross themselves... it was striking to watch, really (especially knowing that people had been injured in the fire). I hope they can rebuild it, possibly salvaging part of the brick wall.
  12. Do you believe that crap? Because that article was both crazy and stupid.
  13. I predict a non-event... the winds will slow by the time it gets here, and it is moving too quickly to cause major flooding. As an aside, why are there so many Ike-related threads -- just one wouldn't do??
  14. I did my 8th grade history fair project on the Camp Logan riots... I know I had pictures of the camp, and newspaper articles about the riots. I distinctly remember going to the Julia Ideson Building to do some of the research. Might be a good place to start.
  15. Wouldn't you be happy if your state's government was a national joke of corruption, and someone stepped in that was relatively honest (except with Troopergate) and increased your annual state oil rebate by $1200 after increasing taxes on oil companies (similar to Obama's windfall profits tax)? Bloomberg News Report on Palin's Oil Co. Tax Increase and the Alaskan social welfare system The tax increase backed by the Republican vice presidential nominee will, at current prices, raise oil revenue to $11 billion this year -- almost twice what the state needs to fund its government -- state documents show. Alaska also has gotten more money from the federal government than its residents pay in taxes -- $1.75 per tax dollar in 2006, the most recent year available, according to the Tax Foundation, a Washington research group.
  16. Pretty amazing building. I'm green with architectural envy. I wish something bold and modern would get built down here in H-town. editor, how do you like the weather up there? I'm applying to residency right now, and would love to wind up at U of Chicago or Northwestern... but I've only visited during the spring/summertime.
  17. Or keep it to the "Off-topic" section's political oriented thread. But, in Niche's defense, other members of our board also use their personal banners for political reasons... I don't particularly like the large emblems, which take up a lot of space, but a short statement merely provides insight into who a poster is as a person. It would be very difficult to regulate personal banners to stop political commentary. As for the 25-story building... it is coming along nicely. Although my friends in the surrounding apartments would love to see it go faster. The Allen Pkwy/Memorial/Bayou corridor has great potential, especially if they can increase the number of pedestrian crosswalks over the bayou.
  18. I am just now hearing about the Chicago Spire... I can't believe it is a pure residential building at that height (2000 feet). Pretty dramatic addition to the skyline.
  19. I think it would be much easier to list the things that Bush has done well... But I personally can't think of anything that his administration has handled well. We are far worse-off than we were 8 years ago.
  20. It seems to me concrete is a much more sturdy medium long-term as compared to asphalt (which expands/shrinks more with changes in temperature). I-45 is absolutely hideous. But I don't think that will change for a long time. The I-10/610 interchange on the other hand is very well done... the overpasses look nice, there's millions of ever-green saplings that should look even better as years pass, it looks like they incorporated trails, etc. I-10 and a portion of 610 are how freeways should be done (except rail should have been included on I-10). And we should note, we have Mayor White and his friends to thank for the mass tree plantings...
  21. Pretty exciting... it'll be nice to have some more cranes downtown. Although, it will never compare to the medical center... where I counted at least 12 cranes last week.
  22. I am obviously being nit-picky here, but... I never said he broke the law. I said he supported legislation in congress (that is pending approval secondary to staffing issues at the FEC) that would have made his own actions a few months later illegal... Palin sold the Alaskan government jet and endorsed flying on domestic airlines like regular people. Again, I think it is a salient point.
  23. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Everything is going to be OK. First, I don't think you read the article. The point is that after backing legislation last year requiring presidential candidates to pay the actual cost of flying on corporate jets, McCain started using his wife's jet without paying the actual cost of flying on corporate jets. Which is just another indication of how McCain is willing to change his principles to fit his ambitions. Seems like a salient point to me.
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