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Everything posted by wernicke

  1. Funny local print news round-up on Palin. These are the people who know her best! Palin as VP raises Alaskan eyebrows Dermot Cole, a longtime columnist for Alaska
  2. Alaska article on Palin playing along with calling a local politician a "cancer" and a "b***". Just reinforces the amateur-hour theme. This is serious business here folks. Playing games with the presidency is not cute.
  3. As long as you realize only about 10% of Americans agree with you, and you don't try to force this extreme view down society's throat, I don't mind. But if you held that belief and were in charge of nominating justices to the Supreme Court? Scary. McCain put his ambition for president over the good of the country.
  4. lockmat said: If an eleven year old girl is raped and impregnated by her father, should she be forced to bring that fetus to term? Palin:Yes Explain why this is wrong. If you don't understand why opposing abortion in this circumstance is wrong, then you are definitely way out on the fringe of our societal norms, and any conversation on the issue is pointless.
  5. Check her out on the cover of Vogue. And her Miss Wasilla 1984 shot. I dunno, something about her big hair... it is almost like it is a huge joke or something. Seems like she could be the sexy secretary in a skin flick, right? Or am I alone on that one?
  6. It is quite obvious the only reason Palin is on the ticket is because she has two X chromosomes. Which is why her opening statements praised Hillary and Geraldine... Do you honestly believe she was chosen based on her credentials? And it doesn't matter what one person thinks, what percentage of Americans, especially women, share your's and Mrs. Palin's views on women's issues? Hint: a minority. Former mayor of backwoods town of 8500 just 20 months ago = Amateur-hour.
  7. Umm... 20 months ago Palin was a part-time mayor of a city of 8,000. Zero experience on any national issues. Is she ready to stare into Putin's eyes? For the true Religious conservatives out there, can anyone explain how to reconcile the stated emphasis on family/women in the home/etc. with the expectation that the mother of five, including a disabled infant born in April, be able to be chief executive of the United States government?
  8. You will definitely be disappointed in November, my friend.
  9. Kay Bailey Hutchinson would have been a WAY better pick. I wonder if they offered it and she declined, eyeing the Texas governor's office?
  10. Interesting fact: Alaska's gross state product (2006) was $39.6 billion. Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown MSA's Gross Area Product (GAP) in 2006 was $325.5 billion. I am admittedly somewhat biased, but I think this pick is a debacle. Seemed amateurish in their announcement today.
  11. The Christian base of the Republican party is thrilled... b/c all they see and care about is abortion. This pick sticks.
  12. Wow. McCain's pick is borderline bizarre. Former mayor of town of 2K, govenor of Alaska (total pop. 680,000!!!!) for less than 2 years, former beauty queen, mother of 5 (and as an conservative Christian is against birth control, so could get pregnant again possibly ) who is a 72-year-old man with a history of recurrent melanoma step away from being President of the United States! What percentage of the US population is comfortable with this? I am not.
  13. Awesome speech tonight. And on the 45th anniversary of the MLK speech, no less.
  14. Maybe he was referring to the possibility of the building's robot arms reaching out, snatching you up, and disemboweling you in mid-air before you can reach the ER...
  15. I don't get it? Doesn't this new thread offer the same information and renderings available in the main thread?
  16. The Alley is a very nice venue to see a play or musical... almost no seat is a bad seat. The Summer Chills series is always good fun and a relative steal at $20 or so. Everyone should check out a production. Interesting history of the Alley building here.
  17. A colleague lives in the Hermann Building... concrete ceilings, history, nice view, open... I wouldn't mind living there. Nice pics.
  18. Kind of funny... One Park Place advertises the view of the refineries as a bonus: Houston-based Finger Cos. is developing One Park Place. The building has a selling point that no other city can claim, said Marvy Finger, chief executive officer: windows looking out on lights shining from miles of refineries and petrochemical plants after sundown. "You're really viewing a Christmas tree at night,'' he said. link
  19. My fiance and I drove around the east side looking at townhomes last weekend... I got real excited by the potential of the area (and was also suprised by how big the industrial wasteland is). There are areas of semi-dense townhome development (200K-400K it seemed) that feel almost like a neighborhood already. A nice soccer stadium with some surrounding retail will be a good boost. The rail will be a bigger boost. This area would be perfect for a little CoH-initiated planning This is all dependent on how long the worst of the credit crunch lasts though
  20. I wonder if the Regent Square development will get held up too... tear down some apartments, wind up with a very valuable fenced-in field for a couple years. Hopefully not though.
  21. In psychology, egocentrism is defined as a) the incomplete differentiation of the self and the world, including other people and the tendency to perceive, understand and interpret the world in terms of the self. Anyways, I was just letting you know that you were "coming off" a certain way... relax boss.
  22. You are coming off quite ego-centric.
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