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Everything posted by Nate99

  1. I realize the International Tower is a long shot, but if it were built along with this and the Hines residential project on the Cabo's/El Big Bad block, Market Square park would have the feel of one of those parks in Manhattan mostly surrounded by tall buildings. A pretty neat neighborhood.
  2. Definitely. If you look at the camera from the Zone (North) you can see the bones of the lower bowl coming together. With the two really big cranes in there, I expect the steel will be moving in big chunks. EDIT: from scotch's link above, dated 3/11. http://imgur.com/a/IdIip#3
  3. You can see in earlier pictures how they had been boarded over, it is just recently that they took the covering off. They have a lot of options with how this goes back together during renovation. The window frames around the big glass windows at street level under the arches are completely rusted out. I'd be surprised if anything on the exterior is in much better shape.
  4. I bet that is exactly it. Between the building construction and light rail, it's not easy to walk down the street in the area. Haven't seen one of those DT since they finished BG Place.
  5. Any ideas what they are framing up? Looks to be about the right size to go on the scaffolvators, but as of right now, they have the building already surrounded, with similar wooden structures already attached. Also, by my reckoning, they've taken out 4 floors in ~2.5 weeks. With 14 to go, that's ~2 months and change to get it all gone, so Maybe by June 1?
  6. They're definitely busy inside right now. Walked by there about an hour ago.
  7. Where's the fun in that? I've probably said this ten times already, but this end of DT is going to look and feel so different. Just walking down main to the Cathedral with Skyhouse almost complete and the adjacent lot already torn up, you can get an idea for the future here. With this project as well as the one on the Binswanger Glass block, you're looking at a difference like we saw from the time before the GRB was built to post Discovery Green for that area.
  8. I'm also a compulsive watcher of the build cameras. You can already make out the SW corner coming together. There are two of the biggest "mobile" cranes I've ever seen that just got set up inside the stadium about to start swinging steel all over the place. This has been impressive to watch. I was there when they built the North end. It was all cast in place concrete. Apart from the footings/pilings/foundations (which are pretty much all there for the South end already), this appears to be all precast or steel.
  9. I did indeed, good catch. My last pic shows the closed lane on Travis. With the port-a-potties, it looks like a staging area for the rest of the demo.
  10. They're pouring concrete at the Capitol/Main corner today, presumably for the new garage entrance.
  11. Hotel Alessandra? In that the GreenStreet/HP bolt on?
  12. There is some kind of parking garage retrofit going on with the work around the Milam/Capitol corner. In the discussion of the tunnel closure, I thought I recalled hearing that they were planning to build a new parking structure first, then the building, with the tunnel closed, then open, then closed again prior to final completion of the tower. Not sure where I read that though. EDIT: from an article Urbannizer linked:
  13. I don't really have a dog in it either way. Either it gets built or it doesn't, but often times, the perfect is the enemy of the good. This area is still relatively isolated, as long as they're not stacking FEMA trailers there, it will be an improvement and something to work from. All very interesting IMO. Cities need boring buildings too.
  14. I still see the long neglected Savoy there in the rendering, perhaps due to the image quality. Still look forward to seeing it complete.
  15. It may be short sighted or whatever, but interaction with the street around there is probably best avoided at the moment. To pull off the kind of transformation of downtown that most here want in some form or another, I think you need to start with stuff just like this to make the "cooler" ideas more plausible in phase two with an already established customer core for the holiest of holy pedestrian friendly street scenes. Lord knows there will still be plenty of parking lots to claim for whatever urbtopian visions might yet spring forth. There are too many variables to "master plan" a place like DT Houston, the residential incentives seem like a really pragmatic way to get to a denser, more attractive place, but if it doesn't happen organically, you might be left with 20 years of bad ideas rotting in place.
  16. The lady on the right in the black dress doesn't look to be buying what dude is selling.
  17. Nor have I. Seems to be some kind of structural center "anchor" for the project. It sure is a crapload of rebar in one spot.
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