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Posts posted by sifuwong

  1. When the call of nature strikes, and you really MUST sit on a toilet away from home, which place do find the least offensive and actually kinda nice.

    Personally, I find just about all bathrooms away from home gross, but if I had to go,

    The most gross:

    Home Depot (gross)

    Target (strangely gross)

    Chili's (the most gross)

    The most pleasant:

    Cheesecake Factory

    Hotel Derek

    Is it true that the Hotel Derek has a unisex bathroom? Someone i heard told me that their bar has a unisex bathroom. Reminds me of that show Ally McBeal.

  2. Of course Quannel X doesn't condone their actions. What bugs me about Quannel X is that if the colors were reversed (white victims, black shooter) he wouldn't give a crap... and yet he claims to be someone who stands up against racism. I don't like racism in any way ... black on white... white on black... yellow on black... brown on yellow... etc. etc. <_<

    No. If it was reversed, Quannel X would find a way to get those black shooters to turn themselves in. This is a good way for him to get more publicity for his 'good' deed.

  3. Went there last evening. It was nice. Love the layout and items there. Huge crowds and parking lot was full. The best sample i had was the Turkey Chowder soup. Question? I really wanted to know how to make the Turkey Chowder soup, but didn't see anything there as far as ingredients of stuff to get in order to make the soups. I guess they just wanted us to buy and eat right there. Seriously, that Turkey Chowder was awesome!!

  4. Twenty three-year-old Stephen McCoy's body sprawled across the floor of his parents' home, lifeless.

    The cause of his death?

    The answer depends on whom you ask: You see, the expert pathologists at the Harris County Medical Examiners' Office and the Houston Police Department have different answers.

    The medical examiner's scientific finding: Homicide.

    But the police told McCoys parents, "It was a suicide."

    after a thorough autopsy, the medical examiner's office knew something about Stephen McCoy's death the police did not pass on to his parents:

    The medical examiner had completely ruled out any chance the young man had killed himself.

    In fact, the medical examiner's autopsy revealed a total of not one, not two, but four separate bullets that penetrated McCoy's body.

    That includes three bullets that shot through his chest and lungs and a fourth that entered his body from the very back of his head.

    Further? The pathologists found no evidence the gun was even in contact with McCoy's body when it was fired.

    In murder after murder and case after case, KHOU has discovered the Houston Police Department has found ways to wipe homicides off the books.

    full story.

    Seems like HPD has been screwed up ever since Harold Hurtt became chief!! From their chase policy, HPD crime lab, police studying online for their degrees on work time, overtime abuse, sleeping in patrol cars, etc. I wonder why Mayor White never considered hiring a chief from within HPD when he took office. He had to go to Phoenix to get a chief.

  5. I don't really know much about our team except for Ching. I guess we were w/o not only him but another all-star as the announcers kept referring to him as. Just imagine next year.

    Dwayne Rosario who scored the winning goal is the other star. Also, Ronaldo Clark is a good player who was suspended for kicking an opposing player a few weeks ago. He did not play in the championship game.

  6. I don't doubt that Tillman would like to be top banana at a local station, but the problem is money. Not enough of it. He can't afford it.

    He could make six figures at a local station, but as a network star he's making at least four or five times what he would make in Houston.

    Network guys have a lifestyle and a standard of living local guys can only dream of, and

    I don't think he would be willing to give that up to come back to Houston, even if Bob Allen or any of the other stations' sports announcers were to drop dead at the same time.

    I bet Bob Allen is probably making at least half a million.

  7. Leashes are a great idea!! They use them in elementary schools when kids go on little field trips. An ingenious invention

    Well, time for Cykat to vent............... again. So I was dropping my son off at elementary school last week. A lady pulls into the handicap parking spot, lets her kid off and goes into the school too. We've all seen it. I recoginize her as a volunteer and I know for a fact that she isn't handicapped. I want to let her know that the spaces are there for people who NEED them and not for people "lucky" enough to get a sign to hang in their rearview mirror. I want to tell her that she's not setting a good example for the kids. I didn't, and I probably wont either. She'll have to figure it out for herself I guess. And what about those leashes that people put on their kids? Aren't they illegal?Call me a whiner if you want.Cykay
    Why didn't you tell her about the illegal handicap parking?
  8. Why would Tillman even want to do local sports? Forgetabout it. He's been there and done that. Remember he broke into TV at KPRC back in the 90s before jumping to a network. It would be a big step down for him to come back to a local, and no network personality is going to do that unless they have no other options. He'd also have to take a huge pay cut.

    I also don't think he would be good at local sports. He's too hyper. He was hyper at KPRC too, and I don't remember him being very good at it.

    I'll bet he would go back to local sports if he was running the show at any of those tv stations. He lives here and likes it here. I talked to him several years ago at a Borders Books(Westheimer&Gessner). He loves local sports, but also loved doing college football games or analysis. He seemed like the type to run a show and would not be second fiddle to anyone. Maybe when Ch. 13 decides to fire Bob Allen and Tim Melton...knock on wood.. then he'll be offered the job.

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