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Posts posted by sifuwong

  1. Best of luck, most are going through major reorganizations and only accepting "contract positions". That could mean working temp any where from 6 months to 5 years. It all depends on the individual. What works for a single man wont work for a couple and add children. Some can handle not having health insurance while some can while working contract. Not to discourage you but thats what has been accuring here with at least 4 major companies I know of and still speak to old coworkers/friends most barely clinging in to what they have. Keep trying you never know. Finally, always prepare yourself for a career change. Garner as much experience while at any major company so you can transition those skills to another career. You can get tons of advice on Yahoo Jobs, etc. Try www.LinkedIn.com you will be glad you did. :)

    you mean your friend/co-workers are barely hanging on to their geologists positions? there seems to be quite a demand for geologists and not enough supply.

  2. It just depends. Could be house rehab, grocery shopping, friends, bike riding, afternoon sports viewing, yard work. There are only 2 constants to Sundays: taking a nice long while to get out of bed, and coffee and newspaper.

    Workout, tennis, grocery shopping, and finding women if time permits!

  3. ** Try to get out of the first round in the 2000's.


    Hey, it is not a big deal since Rockets would'nt have won it this year anyway or any of those years in 2000. It hurts worst when you make it to back-to-back finals and get beaten in the last few seconds of the finals... :P

  4. In fact, I will be in Utah later this week but please allow me to clarify something. I realize your team hasn't been out of the first round in many, many years but in case you are confused or can't remember that long ago; they don't actually give out banners for getting out of the first round. They usually put banners up for Eastern/Western Conference Champions or World Champions. I do understand your confusion given your team hasn't sniffed the second round in over a decade.

    One more note, Championships won in the Jordan era when Jordan was playing baseball instead of basketball come with an asterisk, quite like the Spurs Championship of the strike shortened season, and aren't really championships at all, now are they? Or is that revisionist history?

    Clutch City! :P

    Is that so? Just a reminder to anyone that the first 3 championships from Bulls came when they were 1-5 against the Rockets during those 3 yrs. So that means the Bulls only have 3 titles, not six...or to be kind, let's say the Bulls 6 titles come with an asterisk for the first 3. :rolleyes:

  5. There is no tier. You are either in or out. But, really, who cares? If a bunch of sportswriters vote him in, am I no longer allowed to consider him a steroid using, skirt chasing turd? Of course not. I suppose for those who make a living writing about these things, or those who need someone else to tell them who is worthy of praise, the Hall of Fame may mean something, but the reality is, you will never be able to utter Roger Clemens' name in my presence again without causing me to break out laughing. I mean, really, you can't make this stuff up! He paid all this money to salvage his reputation, and look where he sits today, a mere 140 days later...he is a laughing stock being investigated by the FBI. Can you screw it up any worse than that?

    There is no tier, but if he gets in, i consider his accomplishments to be a bit tainted. Thus, he would be below the guys i mentioned or even a few others that haven't come to mind. I do think the mention of Roger from now on comes with some asterisk.

  6. So I've come to the conclusion that it must be all about the hall of fame for him. Why else bother with it to this extent? He wants some exoneration, but since there are no official charges the defamation suit was his only means. I could be wrong, but assuming that's the case, do you think he would be better off if he had just confirmed what was in the Mitchell report (and conveniently claimed those were the ONLY times it ever happened), apologized, and moved on - would he have gotten in the hall of fame? Will he now? I think not.

    I think he would've still gotten into the Hall of fame. I believe he deserves to get in, though i would drop him down a tier...not in the same class as Nolan Ryan or Sandy Koufax, Steve Carlton, or Randy Johnson.

  7. Just heard that he hooked up with John Daly's ex-wife and the wife of former wrestler "Brutus Beefcake" back in the day. The saga continues.

    I can tell you that i personally have seen Roger back in late 80s and early 90s on a few occasions at Bayou Mamas and Ocean Club . He had lots of women hanging around him, so it doesn't surprise me a bit at all.

  8. Woo hoo! I just saw this on HAIF banner -- Iron Chef Japan is coming back to American TV. It'll be on the Fine Living channel this time. I don't know if I get FLN, but if I do I'm setting the DVR to record it now.

    Yep, it turns out I do get FLN after all. Who knew? Now if only I could get The Travel Channel. That's the channel I miss most since getting stupid Comcast.

    Glad it will return!

  9. There's plenty of difference between those two age groups... There's a group of men out there, that like'm young (relative to a man's age), real young. It happens (the fact that she was 15 is not a bigger shocker to me). The bigger issue, as has been stated here, is that Roger, the family man, the all-American guy that has/can do no wrong, appears to be one of those rather creepy guys, chasing/nailing girls half his age, and not exactly what he, and his supporters, claim that he is... his case is a little more complicated because she was 15... maybe, in his mind, she was a "mature 15" ... or however it is rationalized...

    My point was that any 28yr old that wants to be friends with a 15yr old is just creepy. Doesn't matter if he had sex with her or not at that time. Yes, this was brought up probably by McNamee's camp to discredit Roger's character in order to have that defamation suit thrown out of court.

  10. I don't think it is any more strange than a 50 year old, going after a 25 year old, someone half his age. The desired end result is the same: to nail someone, half your age. Yea!!! Anyone in this triage (Hardin/Clemens/McCready) that claims no sex before 18 (and having to wait 2.5, 3 years)... I find that hard to believe. Kinda like driving 60 mph on the freeway... You can only do that for so long, and then it's time to get on with it, in the fast lane, 80+.

    The FL statue does have some sensible "Romeo and Juliet" provisions; however... at age 28... what he did - or could have done (innocent until proven guilty) - statutory rape... Baseball just isn't what it used to be. Bonds. Clemens. I could go on.

    You don't think there is any difference between a 28yr old/15yr old vs. 50yr old/25yr old? So what you're saying is that a 15yr old female has the same maturity level as a 25yr old for the most part... think about it again and let me know

  11. Ha Ha! Tru Dat...Believe it or not, SLC is a pretty cool, pretty hip, little city. The rest of the state? Not so much. :)

    I actually have to agree with you. SLC has some nice bars. Lots of nice college gals. I've noticed when i was there that many of them don't wear bras...lol

  12. Oh, like Stockton and Malone?

    They won't get rings unless the sign to a good team while they are old. The West is too strong. A Rockets at full strength would destroy the Jazz. The only time the Rockets were at full strength against the Jazz, they beat them at home in Mormon Town.

    The thing about the Jazz is that they always have a good team because of their system. However, they will never be great because their system pretty much is set and their players can't freely explore or do what they want. They have so many set plays that they pretty much follow.Against a very team like San Antonio, LA Lakers, and Dallas with good athletes, their system can be picked apart. I can't see them winning a championship with this current crop of players.

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