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Everything posted by Parrothead

  1. Actually, I wrote a word that rhymes with sick (and not the whole word, but enough of it to get the message), but I changed it to "jerk" after I mistakenly thought I was being chided for my choice of words. When it was clarified to me that my choice of word wasn't the problem, I just left it alone. But you were close--you should still feel proud. Unless you meant "Jerk Chicken", and then we have a whole other topic right there *edited to add* I wish you all could read my avatar better, it's a little small, but it's a dude holding a sign up that says, "Get a Brain! MORANS" Makes me laugh my butt off every time I see it.
  2. I am really starting to love this thread now. It's all kind of silly, isn't it?
  3. Man, I remember when they couldn't GIVE those things away. *shakes head* They seem about what is going on in Galveston these days!
  4. It is so interesting how perspectives can be so screwed up. That's what is so fun about listening to you rant, dal. You sort of live in your own little world and put your own twist on stuff. I can remember being a kid and trying to weasel my way out of trouble by making up some huge story. My dad would just stare at me after I was finished weaving my crafty little tale and say, "You do not expect me to believe that load of utter bull____?" (oops, sorry--talking like a truck stop something or other) and I have to admit, no, I didn't think he'd believe it, but I had to give it a try anyway. Wow do you remind me of that kid!
  5. I tried to post this in the Home Repairs & Improvement forum, but the "New Topic" screen in that forum crashed my computer several times. So, here I am. Feel free to move this to the proper forums mods. We need to replace a window sill, about 2' long. Home Depot and Lowes do not do specialty cuts like what is needed. Can anyone tell me where I can get a window sill? Thanks so much!
  6. Now don't confuse him with our resident Spellcheck, dalparadise.
  7. I LOVE Wild Oats! Too bad Whole Foods didn't get on the ball and put a store up there first!
  8. Let the conspiracies begin! No proof yet that he is actually dead. Though this video has to be only slightly more entertaining than seeing Saddam swinging in the breeze
  9. Sorry--I edited **** with a more sedate "jerk".
  10. Oh NO! I misspelled "blatant"! I used an E instead of an A! What was I thinking, in a thread about misspellings? Wow, thanks so much for correcting me! I don't know how I would have gone on with my day had you not done that. Thank you! Thank you SO MUCH! *sigh* I'm talking about errors in journalism--among professionals who should know better. Read the title of the post, read the content of the post. I'm a mother and a housewife--NOT AN EDITOR. I'm entitled to make spelling mistakes on a message board, just as you, apparently, are entitled to look like a complete jerk for pointing out those mistakes.
  11. That is really starting to look awesome!! Can't wait until it's all done!
  12. I'm not sure, but I wouldn't think genetically engineered cows can stop Mad Cow disease, or any other disease that regular cattle get. Unfortunately. I will have to ask hubby about that.
  13. My high school english teacher said the best way to remember the proper usage is that more often than not, it is a person that is "hanged" and a thing that is "hung"...i.e. a towel is hung, a person is hanged. Past tense: had been hanged, was hanged...or I thought it was, anyway....? Ayyy-yi-yi. I am also noticing as of late that computers seem to be doing more copy editing and proofing, as there have been many mistakes in magazines and on television news segments that are so blatent. "lose" and "loose", most definitely, but others, like: alter/altar right/write bored/board They're getting the spelling right, just not the usage. Doesn't anyone notice that on the sets of these shows?
  14. The lighting ceremony at Christmastime from the Hilton (former Doubletree). Just beautiful, and definitely romantic after the crowd leaves!
  15. How long was the study done? Five years? Uh, okay. Sorry--not near enough time in my book. "Soylent Green is people! IT'S PEEEEEEEEEEE-OPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  16. My favorite thing at Barnaby's are the black bean burritos!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  17. Ben Reyes. *shudder* Ewwwww.
  18. I realize that most anchorpeople and radio personalities aren't English majors, but could someone please tell me why no one is correcting the recent and almost blasphemous use of hung instead of the proper hanged for Saddam Hussein's upcoming execution? Hearing it one time made me roll my eyes a bit, but this morning I have heard it three times. Owen Conflenti on KPRC-2 said it properly, and I thought I was going to fall off my couch I was so pleasantly surprised. We're so worried about english being our official language, yet journalists and television/radio personalities can't even speak it properly. I'm not usually so retentive about things, but bad grammar and word usage by people who really should know better just irks me a little. I really have nothing else to talk about today, sorry!!
  19. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! We're heading to Austin for a few days to spend the holiday with family. Have a wonderful week!
  20. I agree! I love Rudi Lechner's. There is also a wonderful (wunderbar? ) place off of FM 723, it's Swiss, but my goodness it is DELICIOUS and they have German food as well. It's called Karl's at the Riverbend. Hubby and I used to eat there when we lived out in Richmond.
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