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Everything posted by strickn

  1. Who wrote this article? You? Another writer has also made the connection between Buffalo Bayou Park’s design ideas and the similar urban experience projects taking place nationally in a new book called Parks For Profit, linked. https://www.archpaper.com/2022/11/parks-for-profit-kevin-loughran-relationship-postindustrial-parks-real-estate-development/
  2. Unless they have built a lot of irrigation for those water-seeking baldcypress trees, that's not a good fit for them. Sasaki planted them all along Dallas' arts district sidewalks and the district is having to rethink that. The darker-leaved trees look like oaks and if so they're planted too close together.
  3. It's worth it for the site plan if they stick with that. The design is a little too Woodlands Anadarko goes to the Greenspoint skyline for me but that's not what will make or break it Houstonistically.
  4. Thanks. I'm unfamiliar with that architectural firm: offices in London and Bristol, England -- and Bricktown Oklahoma City. https://www.ahmm.co.uk/contact/oklahoma-city/
  5. Then it’s already completed on I-10 *dusts off hands*
  6. https://aoghs.org/petroleum-in-war/oil-pipelines-big-inch/ Probably shows a follow-up project to the original pipelines that Texas Eastern bought after WWII? Second guess: Northern Natural Gas, which later was Enron?
  7. If the Stros win the Series Mattress Mack builds them a monument on the third parcel, pass it on
  8. You keep ‘em coming in with the jokes, I’ll keep them here with the links. Editor gets to build a HAIF supertall on Allen Parkway with the advertising dollars, and everyone is happy
  9. The Medical Arts Building was a new American genre in professional and civic life. Don’t know if there’s a book about them but dozens of cities had one, and the design was frequently worth a long lingering look. Here are a few. https://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/10115-medical-arts-building-at-1215-walker-st/ https://www.expressnews.com/150years/education-health/article/Medical-Arts-Building-served-doctors-patients-6119325.php https://www.sanantonio.gov/Mission-Trails/Mission-Trails-Historic-Sites/Detail-Page/ArtMID/16185/ArticleID/4435/Medical-Arts-Building?ID=2 https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery/img/10003605 https://utswlibrary.omeka.net/exhibits/show/milestones/item/51 https://utswlibrary.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p13044coll6/id/936 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_Arts_Building_and_Garage http://www.e-nebraskahistory.org/index.php?title=File:HB5_w.jpg https://kchistory.org/islandora/object/kchistory%253A116529 https://www.minneapolishistorical.org/items/show/167 https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2021/may/06/15-floors-of-1930-spa-city-site-sell/ https://landmarkhunter.com/206312-medical-arts-building/ http://www.buxtonkubikdodd.com/blog/2019/4/12/salute-to-springfields-sole-get-to-know-the-medical-arts-building https://www.tulsapeople.com/city-desk/from-ornate-building-to-boring-parking-garage/article_f77b1f7e-ef73-11e9-9d2c-7b6c98e4f928.html https://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/news/2019/03/11/downtowns-long-vacant-medical-arts-building-to.html http://www.beltstl.com/tag/halls-ferry-medical-arts-building/ https://communityimpact.com/houston/bellaire-meyerland-west-university/health-care/2022/10/12/houston-cardiovascular-associates-leases-40000-square-feet-in-new-medical-office-in-museum-district/
  10. From Chron, “In all, the house will take about 220 hours of concrete printing. The remainder of the work is expected to be finished by mid 2023.“
  11. The Karlin Railyard redevelopment proposal was floated in January 2020… is it that one again? https://austin.towers.net/two-towers-at-the-railyard-could-redefine-austins-skyline-twice/ was hoped to be integrated with a podium that would expand the Convention Center itself. That would be excellent design work.
  12. And for some lady who riled up the town when the archive of government documents were being removed back to Houston on schedule. Maybe the pool deck closet in Palm Beach was likewise getting set to become Great America’s new capital! That would be quite the “come and take it” flag / swimming towel
  13. The Fish and Wildlife Service public responsibilities are always by default scoped to the USA, I'd say🙃 Even those numbers aren’t in context until you know the total estimated US population of birds, and the average amount that their population ordinarily decreases annually. If a lot of the million deaths are niche specialists then that is also a bigger deal than wrens, starlings or sparrows. And wind turbines (North Sea or otherwise) for one thing are not killing house sparrows. We can eliminate car crashes into trees by putting guardrails on every road, too, but we don't, for obvious reasons. So making wind farms Hurricane-Alleyproofed and more sufficiently Central Flyway adapted is an important and interesting challenge which engineers can certainly meet; yet each safety improvement is likewise going to increase the cost per kWh of these technologies. It will make them marginally less practical compared to authorizing some other power plant: past some breakpoint, it's a better decision to invest elsewhere. Maybe it will still make sense here when all is said and done.
  14. Wish our street artists were invited to color some of these panels. Houston is colorful. The Menil has been cited as a touchstone for these designers but this feels overdressed where the Menil feels relaxed. This is a tasteful linen seersucker suit where none was required. Seems like it breeds not community-centric, but institutional, activity
  15. overall, they may have built out the site, now -- until a future decision is made to eventually replace some of their surface parking with a new parking garage.
  16. I guess that it's not going to line the River Falls end of the property if it's adding a triangular parking lot (per the project filing). That will probably be added at the opposite grassy end. If it's a concrete tilt-wall building with five equal floor shells, then the building itself will have a footprint of about 135000/5 or 27,000 square feet. I wonder what that will leave available for the site's stormwater runoff detention from ALL that impermeable cover. Seems like they have to store the runoff somewhere.
  17. Good point. Needs to be replaced with another safe blue glass urban midrise post-architectural post-urban investment product. Ferris Bueller's teacher: "Hines? Hines? Hines?"
  18. If your concept is that a public building can perfectly well be a cartoon of a private single-family home if the postmodern style calls for it, then to start with, people need something else from this at the level of artistic license: just asserting it doesn't absolve the artist from picking a more sensible style in the first place. Michael Graves already gave Allen Parkway another cartoon house job in the form of a Federal Reserve sub-branch, and that choice poorly suited both the utility and the dignity of a public-sector institution. This jamatkhana has utility and dignity but the classic criticism of postwar Houston urbanism is that it is too disjointed and hermetically sealed from its surroundings. If your building is open air but treats everything offsite as a blank slate both artistically and urbanistically, it is still disjointed.
  19. Just like Holl's and Lake Flato's recent local arts buildings, or this Dallas palace under construction right now, https://www.archdaily.com/981862/morphosis-designed-new-arts-campus-breaks-ground-in-texas can't help noticing that the architecture has nothing to say to the rest of the city that is its home. How different is this Aga Khan cool textured beauty from say the reserved geometry of the Tampa Museum of Art (2010)? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampa_Museum_of_Art Like them, these design renderings could really be clipped from magazine articles about recent climate-minded modernism in Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix, San Diego, or Tehran just as easily as Houston -- probably more easily. Academic or commercial architects are both equally out of step with Houston's distinctive rhythm and texture.
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