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Everything posted by banking214

  1. Below is an email I sent regarding BARC. Please take a moment and read this email. Something must be done to stop the cruelty at the hands of our city. All, The Merck Veterinary Manual states, "Canine distemper is a highly contagious, systemic, viral disease of dogs seen worldwide. Clinically, it is characterized by a diphasic fever, leukopenia, GI and respiratory catarrh, and frequently pneumonic and neurologic complications". Personally, I have witnessed two of my dogs pass away due to this horrible, vicious disease. Words will never convey my sense of loss or sadness. In their loss I found a sense of purpose; to inform others about BARC and distemper. Since I started my site, I have received many encouraging emails and comments. This past month one common resounding theme could be heard: adopted dogs from BARC are still dying once rescued from BARC. I beg each and everyone of you to read just a few lines from each email below. They tell a story that no family should ever have to endure. Email #1: Medicines, force feeding and fluids, cleaning her up, trying everything suggested. That Saturday, Abby looked better, we took her out on a car ride, she loved it. The wind in her face, kisses on her face. When we woke the next morning, she was down, breathing, but barely. We put in her a humidifier room and a few minutes later, my husband said she was gone. Email #2: I'm worried because my barc rescue, Sara, has been in heavy contact with my other dogs (who have been vaccinated of course). We've had her for a week. We are treating her, and her symptoms appear to be mild right now. She is already at the neuro stage ( right leg twitches and I think I might have witnessed "gum chewing"), so we think she's had it for a while. She was at the kennel for a month and got sick after a week of being there. Email 3#: Emily had a good weekend, with lots of love, but on Tuesday, she began to exhibit green mucosal discharges, and her rear legs began to shake. We had to make the difficult decision to put her to sleep this past Wednesday, and we are all devastated. In closing, it has also come to my attention that dogs are starving at BARC. There is food, however attendants would prefer not to clean up after them. I also received very graphic and shocking photos of dead dogs in the back of a truck today. I can't imagine to tell you how disgusted I am. I could clearly see the legs of dogs sticking up in the air. I ask for each and everyone of you to help bring change to BARC. The animals desperately deserve our attention and help. Sincerely, Chris M. Dodson http://blog.bearshope.com www.bearshope.com M: 214.673.3329
  2. banking214

    Found Dog

    You can also email Nicole Sica at Houston Examiner. She might be able to run a story and find them a home. Her email address is: editor@poocini.com Also, email Scouts Honor may be able to assist you as well. Their email is: info@scoutshonor.org The website is http://www.scoutshonor.org/?id=1
  3. I hate them. So bland and generic. Give me the Capitol back.
  4. And you can vote as many times as you want. I gave out at 30. http://www.travelandleisure.com/afc/2009/newcitiesvote
  5. I remember having a few birthday parties at PP. I still have a ton of pictures with friends eating cake under the big patio structure. I can't remember the orginal location, but I believe they moved to 59/Betlway 8. Not sure when that location closed.
  6. I have seen some of his work when I lived in Dallas. Really great work in my opinion. http://www.msmgroup.com/
  7. Actually, I am not sure what I was trying to convey. I am not opposed to growth, but would like to see it done the right way. I don't think that sprawl helps a city at all. What we are seeing now, the urban core being developed and filled in is the right kind of growth. Unfortunately, not every person can afford to live in these areas and many are displaced. This is something that needs to be addressed as Houston continues to grow. From an economic point of view, cities like more people (homeowners especially) and jobs. This just adds more money to city and county coffers. However, too much growth can be a burden on a cities infrastructure if not adequately prepared for said growth. I am a Texan to the heart and love this state. With new people moving to Texas from all over the country and world, I hope they take pride in the fact that they are now Texans as well.
  8. I agree with the above post. It would be nice if they had some of the pre-prepared kits like they have in Central Market. Maybe not a full selection, just something small to start off and see how well they sell.
  9. I think I am starting to like the days when Texas was not as populous. I don't want our great state to end up like Cali - Too Expensive and Broke. Population of Texas since 1990 below: 2008 - 24,326,974 2000 - 20,851,820 1990 - 16,986,510 http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/SAFFP...n&pctxt=fph
  10. This was in the Houston Press today. http://blogs.houstonpress.com/hairballs/20...ons_reviews.php Link to PDF: http://offcite.org/wp-content/uploads/2009...n_pavilions.pdf
  11. Our govenrment it totally out of contral at the moment, fiscally speaking. Why should my money be used to help those in foreclosure? We are teaching our society "don't worry, the government will take care of you" mentality. While the goverment does have certain responsibilities, this is not one of them. In 5 years from now, when the economy has recovered, are we going to still bail out foreclosed homeowners? Just today it was announced that GM lost 9.6 billion in the latest quarter. Should your money be used again to bail them out?
  12. Food was mediocre at best. At night, the views of the ravine were nice though. Great building, hope it is not torn down.
  13. Glad the mayor has dropped this from tomorrows agenda. Such an embarrasement and a waste of money. Thoughts? http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6277344.html
  14. I plan on attending. I also found this link as well http://tcotreport.com/
  15. If you are going to let fear run your life, you might as well stay home.
  16. Actually, I have. In college my car was stollen from the apartment complex I lived in at the time. I did not blame myself or the apartment management. The fact is, everyone likes to find someone to blame. It is easier than admitting you are at fault.
  17. But the view from this location is worth millions. Refineries to the east and to the south, well, nothing really.
  18. Our country is in sad shape when others expect to be provided for and kept secure at all times. I am sure she is going to sue for "mental pain and suffering" soon. Please, makes me sick. If you leave your laptop and a purse in plain sight, you are just asking for someone to take from you. I tell people to keep purses and laptops aways from windows in ones home. You never know who might be lurking around at night, peering into your home.
  19. This is great news. Now Houston is going to have another W hotel. I am just about ready to burst with excitement.
  20. Schipol - Easy to navigate, train station on-site O.R. Tambo International Airport (ORTIA) - Super clean and spacious, modern Hobby, Love Field - Hobby gets higher marks for the great makeover. Both are easy to navigate and you can't beat the parking. Benito Ju
  21. I can still remember Joske's had these green colored tiles when you walked in the entrance. I think they might have been glass. And it also had a distinctive smell.
  22. Wow, that brings back memories. I remember that was the place to go after soccer games. Good times.
  23. That is funny, my dad said the same thing. He goes on the weekends and picks up a few things. I will have to check it out. They could always bring down the small strip center for more parking.
  24. I was told about Toys R Us a few months ago, I guess I was wrong. Hate they are moving further away from me. Not that I am a lush.
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