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Houston Retail

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Everything posted by Houston Retail

  1. yeah, both canopys have been removed. Ill post some pics when i get a sec
  2. i live at the estates at mem heights and not olny run to the bayou alot, but drive over he friggin tracts all the time. IT would make great green sapce. It was actually used when the Saks warehouse was being used (trains came once a month or so, I never saw one, but that what the guy at the paper co said). I bet Guy has alot of more pressing things on his plate, but I'll talk to some people I know about this and see if anythign can be done. At the end of the day, its up to UP.
  3. Im ready to start bloggin! I can cover downtown and midtown if you like.
  4. although i am a skeptic of this project, i heard from a relaible source today that they are in the process of converting deposits into contracts. Anyone here sign up for one and can confirm?
  5. i never went there. i think its probaly the toughest part of the rail line. Its got shady parking, homeless all around and greyhound across the street. Id go there with some friends if it was a good destination, but i dont see girls going by themselves at night to a place like this. maybe that will change with time, who knows.
  6. I know him. He cruises the boards daily. He musta missed this the first time around.
  7. accidently posted twice. sorry.
  8. This is a great use for the board. We can make a big difference in how things happen if we put the right minds together.
  9. I heard they played the Raiders of the lost ark. Sound quality was great and about 60 people were there (subtract that 10 homless that are always in that park and you get around 50 people). Most were families surprisingly.
  10. The hotel market is supposed to bounce back in 2007, which is about the time this would come online. The right hotel flag would make a huge impact. Ill try to post a few pictures of the pavillions, but I am confident that he can pull this off if he does it right. This development team is not to be compared with the Shamrock. Bill has been around for years and is an old retail guru. He is being calculated with his approach to the project, in fact, he has been working on this project for many years. He had the Crescent block tied up a long time ago. I think this site would suit the development better. And I am excited about the number of projects being talked about along the rail line. Its great energy for the corridor to have.
  11. I had been waiting for the right time to post about this. Have you guys heard of Urban Exploration? UE is a past time of some folks who like to sneak into empty buildings and explore them. I first heard about it when a group from New York wrote a book about it. Heres a link to a local site (they went into the Plaza Hotel) http://suv.topcities.com/HOME.htm Another site Do a search for Urban Exploration and youll find alot of neat stuff.
  12. Well I can give you an update. Some other squatter broke in and broke that beautiful marble statue in the foyer. The lights are still on so they can show it. and this is probaly the sickest (unhealthy) building I have ever been it. Its reeks of dead pigeons on the smaller tower (which has been condemed by the city). I bet you couldnt get into the old Days Inn building. The guy who watches it rules with an iron fist.
  13. Local News-SW US : TX - Housing demand near DART rail could soar The shopping list for home buyers hasn't changed much in decades
  14. another neat idea about this concept is that it will "placehold" vacant retail space and to the pedestrian, it will look like activity. Studies show that when people are walking down a corridor and are about to pass 25ft or more of vacant frontage, they tend to turn around and go back the other direction (you can see this effect happen just past the Icon hotel heading north on main). If we can energize these storefronts, activity will continue.
  15. soft good retail is clothing and housewares and the sort. its may be easier to define what it is not - bars, clubs, restuarants. and w/r/t retail in other parts of downtown, its tough to ask for all things for all parts of downtown. it needs to have niches of activity that are separate but connected. ie. the soft good retail should be near each other to create the synergistic effect that retailes strive for. no one wants to be out on their own. The bars and restaurants have done a good job defining their area in the 3-400 block of downtown.
  16. it is the meat rack thats planning to open on main. check out their website, it doesnt leave much to the imagaination. www.meatrack.org
  17. your talking about the plaza hotel. the prior owner was pretty stuck on his $4mil sales price, so it sat vacant for a long time, but aparently this group got it for a bit less. its going to be converterd into medical office space.
  18. interesting site http://www.htownblogs.com/
  19. Check out this blog from Manhatten http://www.curbed.com
  20. midtown blog wold be cool. id help out where i can (retail / real estate blog)
  21. Under the "Daddy, what was Sakowitz like?" category, I can offer the following. (it seems that I cannot use the tag to post an image, so please click away at the links) Sakowitz 1 Sakowitz 2 Sakowitz 3 Sakowitz 4 Sakowitz 5 Sakowitz 6 Sakowitz 7 Sakowitz 8 And for those of you who dont live in Houston, here is a clean scan of the 002 article
  22. Yep. The partners had different needs and ended up going in different directions days from opening. They are obviously trying to lease it to someone now and I think it is a great location for a diner similar to what it was going to be. I would hate to see a starbucks here (they would not use the current structure anyway). Starbucks would go somewhere like the BW3 Center. The location is great for a diner becuase they would grab all of the people coming from downtown after the clubs close for a bite to eat instead of going to Mais.
  23. club quarters should be done soon, and i think the Humble Marriott was the longest running construction. The Club Quarters will not be open to the public, it will be a corporate hotel. I dont understand exactly how it works, but i think companies buy a certain amount of time in the nationwide hotel chain. The Texaco has clearly been put on hold and is most likely under reevaluation in this extremely soft hotel market (last numbers I heard was 47% occupancy! we are supposed to rebound to the 70% stabilized numbers in 2007)
  24. Well this garge is going to be very small. built on 5k sf i think. it will service the people living in 420 main. There will be great retail on the ground floor of 420main, so as long as the garage fits in architecturally, im cool with it.
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