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Everything posted by PapillionWyngs

  1. None of the above - but I am never eating that particular thing again. Thanks - but I thought cranberry juice was for a bladder infection???
  2. Please, someone, just shoot me.
  3. PapillionWyngs


    Anything Barbie, anything to play in the sand with, and my Water Wiggle!
  4. I had an Aunt (God rest her soul) who met her second husband at the Four Palms. He was 25 years younger than she was. Guess they had good lighting in that place!!!
  5. Kickerillo's reputation has stayed as clean as it is because he always "fixes' his screw-ups. I've known him for 31 years. Don't care for him, wouldn't buy a dog house from him. He is to houses what Tillman Fritatta is to restaurants.
  6. We closed our Monterey's there. Sad. It is in decline. Big time.
  7. I remember when we had three viable newspapers in Houston, the Houston Press (not the sorry-assed one we have now), the Houston Chronicle and the Houston Post. The problem with having only one newspaper is that nothing local gets covered. I hate it. I'd rather have no newspaper at all.
  8. One of the partners in my husband's company lives in Royal Oaks. We have had the last two company Christmas parties at the Country Club. It isn't River Oaks Country Club, but it's ok.
  9. And I wish I was able to crawl under a rock somewhere. Some better - took tamiflu the first day. The first day, had 103.7 degree temperature. All I am craving is chinese food. Husband had flu first, son 14 second, son 13 third, now me. Problem is, no one is recovered enough to take care of me, but I took care of ALL of them. Pity party - but no one wants to come because I am contagious. I want steamed chicken dumplings. Is that too much to ask? WAH!
  10. What about on Laurel Drive? There was a house that I knew quite well, on the corner (don't ask me which street was on the other corner) that had a glass room on the inside. That had to be an architectural marvel, but by whom?
  11. By the way, does anyone have either a picture of "suicide circle" the way it was, or an arial picture of the way it is now.
  12. <<I really wouldn't call the broadway, freeway, park place, a true traffic circle in the sense that it's controlled by a light and it's STILL a pain to navigate. If the circle was larger in diameter then it would be more successful in managing traffic, as it current stands, it's a hazard on how it's designed. >> Well, hate to disgree with you there - but when it was first constructed, there were NO LIGHTS! I know, I lived there. That's why they called it "suicide circle". It was meant to flow on its own, first only with yield signs, then stop signs, then, eventually, traffic lights.
  13. All tht I have to say on this topic is that it is very , very sad when a parent loses a chid, and TRAGic just TRAGIC, when an infant loses a parent. No matter who they are, how much money they have, or how many drugs they did.
  14. I LOVED hamburgers by gourmet!!!!!!! I don't know how many there were, but there was one in Greenway Plaza, and one on Richmond. Not too long ago, there was one on Park Place, it lasted about 5 minutes!
  15. I know. "Hay-fers". Still sounds like "heffers" pronounced with a twang!
  16. Hold on, just a minute. There are women in this group, and the absolute last thing in the world that we want to be called is....... "HAIFERS"!!!
  17. Hot Wok off Nasa Road 1 is good. That's about the only decent place for Chinese food in Clear Lake anymore.
  18. My husband will be thirlled. I don't care for 888 at all. Last time I was in there, the whole place smelled rancid, the food we got was rancid...I hate 888.
  19. I worked downtown off and on, the last time was for 4 years, 2000-2004. We lived in the tunnels. You get used to it, and the best places to eat - the best prices overall - are or were in the tunnel. I hate when a ton of people walk side by side in the tunnel. I also hate it when you are almost running in the tunnel, trying to keep up, and someone passes you anyway!
  20. Well. Mom's is the first house next to the freeway. There are homeless people living under the bridge. Her house was remdiated for mold a while back, and someone broke into the house and storage area six (6) times. When my Dad was living (he passed away in 2000), someone knocked on their door at 3:00 a.m. Dad didn't open the door, and the person on the other side was getting agitated with him, and said "Open the GD (but they said it) door old man!". That's when Dad cocked his rifle. They heard it and got the heck out of Park Place. Anyway, Mom is 83, lives alone, and has fallen more times that I can count.
  21. I was raised in Park Place on River Drive. Mom is still there - although that's an unsafe place to live now.
  22. My high school prom was held there, and I went to a couple of conventions there. I'd like to see pictures of it NOW - but guess there aren't any.
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