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Posts posted by NewMND

  1. Wasn't there a rumor awhile back about Dubai business men wanting to invest in a project in Houston? Maybe this could be related to that? You know how they like to do in Dubai....tall!

    Oh yeah, and he said it could be larger than the Oaks District project, if so, then I hope the site is either where the Old Navy is, or the strip center where Linens & Things is. Like someone else said, Uptown doesn't really need strip centers anymore.

  2. Yup, it sure is Girl Scout cookie time. I used to always get the Caramel DeLites (I still call them samoas) and the thin mints. Now, I get the Grasshoppers by the Keebler Elves, they're the same as thin mints, so the only girl scout cookies I get are caramel delites, I haven't found a substitute for those yet, even though it seems the Keebler Elves now have a substitute for most of the girl scout cookies.

    And for that Golden Globes thing, one of the hosts was Billy Bush, he's actually part of the Bush family, but instead of politics, he went into tabloid entertainment. There is another Bush, I don't remember her name, but she's a model. The Bush family is everywhere!

  3. I'm disgusting. I just ate a whole box of girl scout cookies, the caramel delites to be exact, in one sitting. I didn't even mean to, I was eating the cookies, and watching the tv, went to grab another one, and realized I had already eaten them all. At first I was devastated, then realized I ate a whole box of cookies in one sitting, and then became disgusted.

  4. I thought this project was supposed to stretch from Westheimer to San Felipe. Are they doing it in phases maybe and those renderings are just of phase 1?

    And what's going in on the empty lot next door, that's High Creek or High Park or something like that, right?

    As far as Barney's, who knows, but they need it. Between this, Galleria, BLVD Place, HIghland village, and whatever you else you can think off, this area is going to need every retail store on the planet to fill up the space.

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  5. When you say construction will start in September 2008, is that when they'll to demolish the apartments, or will the apartments have already been demolished by that point?

    It seems for the longest time, rumor was that a Ritz was going into BLVD Place and a W into the Oaks District, so if the W is going in, maybe there is truth to the rumor about the Ritz.

  6. Hillary would definately mobilize the Republicans to go out and vote against her. If it's not Hillary as the candidate, I don't see there being a high enough voter turnout on the Republican side to beat the Democrats, none of the Republican candidates are getting their party as excited as Obama and Hillary are for the Dems. Hillary would get many Republicans to vote against her, instead of voting for the Republican candidate because they like him. But as long as Edwards stays in the race, he seems to help Hillary, since him and everyone else are splitting the Anyone-But-Hillary vote. If he wasn't in the race in New Hampshire, Obama would have most likely gotten a lot of Edwards votes, giving him the win.

  7. It's interesting, in the article, it mentions that AEG was willing to pay for most of the stadium, but the Oscar De La Hoya group looking to buy the Dynamo could be pushing for more public money to be used. I'm confused, I was under the impression that whether the team was sold or not, AEG would be building the stadium and would own it, so they would have a concert venue, and I guess "rent" it out to the Dynamo. Is that not the case? Whoever owns the team will have to get the stadium built? I guess that's why negiotiations are taking so long.

  8. So who thinks the Greater Houston area can surpass the Philly metro area in 2008, becoming the 5th largest metro area in the country? The Philly area appears to be with-in striking distance now, so I think Houston can pass them sometimes in 2008. Once we make it to number 5, I expect we will remain there comfortably for awhile, unless for some crazy reason DFW slows down enough for us to pass them.

  9. Does anyone watch "30 Rock?" Such a crazy show, but anyways, there was one episode when the blonde character, I think her name is Jenna, went on Hardball with Chris Matthews because she was trying to do damage control, because it was printed that she hates the troops, but she meant theater troupes. Anyways, she was trying to sound smart on the show, and she goes something like "If President Bush is so serious about terrorism, then he needs to capture and stop Barack Obama before he can strike again," and she continues on "I'm for change and I believe in change so I'm voting Osama 2008!" It was funny if you were there.

    Anyways, as far as Obama vs Clinton, on a "likability" (I dunno how to spell the word) level, I like Obama, but when it comes to foregin policy, I definately think Clinton would be the better fit. And when it comes to foreign policy, I also think Clinton will be more conservative than people think she will be. I think I'd prefer to see Clinton run for president, with Obama as her VP. His likeablity can help balance out her personality disorder, and as VP, he can gain much more experience, and be more seasoned the next time he runs for president. I like Obama, I just think he needs a few more years experience before he becomes president, and being the vice president seems like a good training ground, well, in theory anyways.

    As far as Republicans, I guess I like McCain the best, but he's just so old! Romney seems like a douche with good hair, and something about Guilianni bugs me when he talks, which I guess is a shallow reason to dislike someone.

  10. 2) Successfully switch from evening to morning workouts

    Oh my, doing that sucks! I'm not a morning person at all, I'm very much a night owl, so waking up at 0630 in the morning is so hard to do, especially when I start to think about the fact that if I don't get up to work out, I can basically sleep for another hour. But the evening workouts weren't really working out for me, especially if I had to work late, there was just no motivation to exercise when all I wanted to do was go lay on the couch and watch TV. I started out with one morning workout, now I've worked up to 3 mornings a week, next week I'm going to try 4! Now I can go home after work and watch TV without feeling guilty, since I did my workout in the morning. I could always try going to bed earlier I suppose.

  11. I don't leave my car running while pumping the gas, but I do use my cell phone. A few weeks ago I was witness to a women tearing into this guy because he was smoking at the gas station, she was telling him he is going to be responsible for killing hundreds when the place blows up and takes out the neighborhood. Could an exploding gas station really take out a neighborhood? I don't think so, I think it would take a refinary explosion. Although I do think the woman was right to yell at him, who smokes while pumping gas?

    When it comes to dogs and cats, what makes a better pet, the females or males? The only dog I ever had was a female, and the only cat I ever had was a male, and he was mean, not to me, but he was a mean cat. Anyways, a friend of mine has a dog that had puppies, and I was offered one, except that all the female puppies are spoken for. I was just wondering if there is much of a difference between having a female or male pet, if they've been spayed and neutered.

  12. Does anyone do dream analysis around here?

    What does it mean if in your dream you are pregnant with a horse, and you can see the hove (hoof?), the horseshoe pressing through the belly?

    Oh, and to the early question about being distracted, I've put my cell phone in the freezer...twice.

  13. In the late 90's, did anyone ever see that guy who would ride his bicycle down Westheimer on Friday nights wearing a "Jason" mask and a machete? We used to see him when we would go to the AMC Studio 30 or the Barnes & Noble. I saw him like 8 or 10 times, and Westheimer is a busy street, so I was wondering if others had seen him.

    Also, I saw a parked car with tampons glued all over it.

  14. You mean those "No defecating in the bushes" signs are meant for people?!? I always seen them when I go to the CVS across the street, but I just thought they meant don't let your dogs poo in the bushes. It's probably what I assumed because I got yelled at before for letting my dog poo in someone's yard. My dog was in mid-poo when I got yelled at, I had the plastic baggie in hand ready to pick it up once she was finished doing her business, but the little old lady who owned the house was too fast.

  15. I'm sure we'll see much more residential built around the medical center, like Mosaic or whatever, but I doubt we'll see any residential actually built in the TMC. Unless maybe they do a hotel/residential combo thing. Does anyone know if the TMC would even allow residential to be built within the campus borders?

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