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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. Very interesting. 16 years ago they could not give away this land now look at it. I wonder if they will feel the same after the next Hurricane?
  2. And one good Hurricane and the whole place will be toast. They will file bankruptcy and our insurance rates will triple as they try to recover their money from the poor working man.
  3. To bad the place is way beyond is prime now! Interesting story though thanks. I just love history liek that!
  4. Galveston is a dying city. The only real appeal it has is access to the surf. Even though it would be a shame to see it go it would take a miracle to save the place now. One good hurricane and most of it would most likely vanish under the relentless waves.
  5. A lot of people believe that this place is really haunted and it might be. After all it is sitting right on one of the oldest spots in Houston. If I remember right Houston was pretty much founded right there. Boats use to load and unload their cargo and customers right there. I am sure that the spot has a lot of history to it. So if anyplace in this city was to be haunted then that place would be. I do not think that it is just a ploy to get business for halloween. Ghost hunters have been exploring that place for years. And from a business point of view it makes for some good free advertising.
  6. I stopped going Downtown a long time ago because of stuff like this. Just can not afford it anymore. Plus unless you know the trick then you can get in downtown easily enough but not out. It is best just to stay out of that place now.
  7. Many Places in Houston are hard to get to but never stopped anyone. That place would have made a wonderful Museum for the Medical District or the Fire Department since it is right there anyway. It will also make a wonderful housing development. I guess the fact that it is so close to the freeway is what really bothers me about this place. I just picture kids playing in the very contaminated soil and getting sick and then a major lawsuit and all kinds of stuff. I am probably just getting ahead of myself though.
  8. I saw this on the CNN web site and thought I would just share it with everyone. That moose may soon be just a mouse click away Internet hunting idea has wildlife officials up in arms Wednesday, November 17, 2004 Posted: 2:38 AM EST (0738 GMT) HOUSTON, Texas (Reuters) -- Hunters soon may be able to sit at their computers and blast away at animals on a Texas ranch via the Internet, a prospect that has state wildlife officials up in arms. The Web site already offers target practice with a .22 caliber rifle and could soon let hunters shoot at deer, antelope and wild pigs, site creator John Underwood said on Tuesday. Texas officials are not quite sure what to make of Underwood's Web site, but may tweak existing laws to make sure Internet hunting does not get out of hand. "This is the first one I've seen," said Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wildlife director Mike Berger. "The current state statutes don't cover this sort of thing." Underwood, an estimator for a San Antonio, Texas auto body shop, has invested $10,000 to build a platform for a rifle and camera that can be remotely aimed on his 330-acre (133-hectare) southwest Texas ranch by anyone on the Internet anywhere in the world. The idea came last year while viewing another Web site on which cameras posted in the wild are used to snap photos of animals. "We were looking at a beautiful white-tail buck and my friend said 'If you just had a gun for that.' A little light bulb went off in my head," he said. Internet hunting could be popular with disabled hunters unable to get out in the woods or distant hunters who cannot afford a trip to Texas, Underwood said. Berger said state law only covers "regulated animals" such as native deer and birds and cannot prevent Underwood from offering Internet hunts of "unregulated" animals such as non-native deer that many ranchers have imported and wild pigs. He has proposed a rule that will come up for public discussion in January that anyone hunting animals covered by state law must be physically on site when they shoot. Berger expressed reservations about remote control hunting, but noted that humans have always adopted new technologies to hunt. "First it was rocks and clubs, then we sharpened it and put it on a stick. Then there was the bow and arrow, black powder, smokeless power and optics," Berger said. "Maybe this is the next technological step out there." Underwood, 39, said he will offer animal hunting as soon as he gets a fast Internet connection to his remote ranch that will enable hunters to aim the rifle quickly at passing animals. He said an attendant would retrieve shot animals for the shooters, who could have the heads preserved by a taxidermist. They could also have the meat processed and shipped home, or donated to animal orphanages. CNN News Link to the story.
  9. Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing them. I always love looking at old pictures of places. it is fun to see how much places have changed over the years. And not always for the better.
  10. I thought I would share some of my most recent photos of the Place. These are of the boiler house in back of the hospital. As you can tell like the Hospital this place has been pretty gutted as well. It is still a wonderful place to look at. Front exterior of Boiler House West corner of boiler house. West side of Boiler house Looking at the back of the boiler house. Right rear entrance of the Boiler house building Exhaust Stake in back of building #1 Exhaust stake in back of Boiler house Building #2 Left rear of Boiler house. Standing in back of main room looking at the front towards Hospital. Standign in front looking at the back of the boiler house and stack. Main room shoot #2 Left side room of the Boiler house.Standing on the West sdie of Building. Well that all for now. I will get the rest up as soon as possible. As far as I know now there is no plans to do any work on this building at this time.
  11. I am very happy that this old building is being renovated. For some reason it always bothers me when I see an abandoned building just sitting there doing nothing. Maybe this will help add to a growing trend in the revitalization of downtown. Though personally I feel that this building would make a much better museum.
  12. No. Spanish is spoke in Spain. What they speak in Mexico is not true Spanish. So all I can call it is Mexican until I know a proper name.
  13. I posted a lot of the reconstruction photos on one of the other threads. I will post more as I get them uploaded. Jefferson Davis Reconstruction thread. and Photo's
  14. I posted a little thought on how I feel abotu them below on that thread MY Thought on the vast majority of Mexicans But my personal experience is that the vast majority of then Mexicans coming over here just want the money and better living not to integrate or even try to. Many of them immediately apply for food stamps and welfare and never get off. They use our clinics and health care system, clog up our streets and mess up the neighborhoods. After it gets even to messy for them then they move on and take over another neighborhood. Much of Houston financial problems are due to the among of immigrants using up all of the free services and stuff available. I see this everyday. If they were coming here for a better life then why not show it.
  15. Well most of my pet peeves have already been covered in this thread but the main thing that really sets me off is the change of language in this wonderful city. Mainly the Mexican speaking half. The vast majority of them is illegal and refuses to learn how to speak the main language spoken by everyone else; instead they claim the freedom of choice and make us bent to their rules. I already know what they would do if a few million of us went to their country and demanded that they all learn English to accommodate us. Every month I see more and more Mexican speaking radio and TV channels pooping up everywhere. And it is almost impossible to become a teacher in this city unless you are BI-lingual in both Mexican and English. The city and business could save a ton of money if they only printed their info in one language. That is what sets me off.
  16. When they were digging in the basement a few gravesites as well as several bones were found and documented. They only dug down far enough to place the new plumbing and dig up the old. Not much was disturbed at all. Over all, the place has been pretty quiet so far with the exception of a few encounters and sightings. They are about to step up the construction phase so if you still want to get semi close to old place I recommend you go now before they push out the barriers. Basement digging #1 Mostly covered up grave marker More basement piping Enjoy.
  17. I thought it was a company called Duroteck or something like that? Anyway I have lot of of Pics from the insides as they renovate the old girl and bring her back here are just a few if you are interested! New Blue Prints Artist drawing The Building when new Front shot in begining of revovation Archway on side of stairsRear of old HospitalSide by Fire department Old fire escape and garabage chute Opposite side. Grill work under stairs Another view of the old Hospital today. Downtown from the top of the stairs I hope you all like these. I have many more of you are interested.
  18. They are actually planning to turn the whole thing into a low cost housing project for an artist group! The whole building is currently under renovation. A very facinating place to go if you can get in! Though not much to see now that the place has been completly gutted. Here is a link to some of the current photo's A similar topic about the Hospital with Pictures
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