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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. The goal of Rice U. and the architects seems to be to create an active lively urban scene with amenities to attract people and promote interactions. Half-Price Books would fit in admirably with this scheme. Its inclusion would be mutually beneficial.
  2. The 100+ year old house (previous home of Feast and other restaurants) was demolished this past Saturday December 26, 2020. R.I.P. Any word on if something besides a parking lot will take its place? Unhappily, my bet's on parking lot.
  3. Let's hope that the ill-advised plans to despoil 800 Bell have been thrown in the dust bin, and that it will not fall victim to an ignorant, awkward and unconvincing attempt to 'modernize' this beautiful and distinctive building. Consider some of the amateurish attempts to update older buildings such as the Federal Courthouse (515 Rusk) or Two Shell Plaza. The results manage to be both tragic and laughable. Granted, that is no small feat, but surely there were better options available.
  4. Notice that the artist's rendition of the proposed building does not include a bus shelter at the corner of Westheimer and Montrose. Hopefully, this was an oversight or done for aesthetic purposes. I'd hate to think that a project so dedicated to being "focused on the pedestrian experience" would have an antagonistic attitude towards public transportation.
  5. Perhaps it's the design ("porch style swing") that's causing concern. Midtown Park has single-occupant swings, but they allow the rider to easily hold on to the chains with both hands. A porch style swing, if I'm picturing it correctly, is more like a suspended bench. Perhaps it's the lack of a place to grab on that's considered to be hazardous? Seems like nonsense to me, but in today's litigious society...
  6. Seems strange to see an actual traffic jam on what's now Allen Parkway. This must have been a major artery to enter downtown from much of the west side of Houston. I wonder if the traffic jams continued until I-10 opened.
  7. Austin has been described as "the city furthest east in California". I too like Austin but sometimes it borders on cutsie-ness, and diversity isn't its strong suit. It's OK to be weird, so long as you're weird exactly the way they are.
  8. Weingarten Realty seems to be the epitome and personification of irresponsible development. Is "make it look cheap and ugly" a part of their business plan? If so, they've met and exceeded that goal. It's a damn shame that their tentacles ever latched on to River Oaks Shopping Center.
  9. Perhaps a Margaret Keane themed restaurant? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SBd03ijhvKdz_cWAhyl6ejoujRGsaaUv/view?usp=sharing
  10. That makes sense. The original footprint of the building was quite a lot smaller than it is now (perhaps 2/3 or 3/4 its present size), and Kroger didn't occupy the entire block. Eventually the few remaining houses facing on Hawthorne (and maybe Yoakum?) were demolished to expand parking, and the building was significantly enlarged. IIRC this would have been sometime in the mid to late 80's.
  11. First, 17 years was WAY off the mark. I sent a typo/correction email to ABC13 via their FB page, and the age was immediately deleted. Not exactly sure when this Kroger opened; when I started shopping there in 1981. I'm told that it was only a couple of years old. I've also heard that the Montrose Softball League used to play their games on that lot when it was vacant. I'm going to miss it for both sentimental and practical reasons. I t's easily accessible by two different bus lines, both of which run frequently. The same cannot be said about the Montrose HEB, now that the Alabama line has been discontinued. And the bus that serves W Gray and the River Oaks Kroger runs only every half hour. It is within walking distance for a significant portion of Montrose. A neighborhood isn't "pedestrian friendly" unless there are destinations to lure out of their houses and cars. It's been a good meeting place, where encountering neighbors and friends make shopping more of a pleasure than a chore. I know several long-time employees by name, which builds a sense of community. Some people have commented on their high prices, but the thrifty shopper can find some great Manager's Specials in the produce, deli, and meat departments. There's also a selection of discontinued or damaged items that have been heavily discounted. Snooty Kroger on W. Gray can't (and probably doesn't want to) compete. Some people seem to believe that increased property values and new development automatically equal improvement. Although Disco Kroger is no longer glamorous, I think the contributions that it has made should be recognized.
  12. I've always thought Heritage Plaza was unique looking and instantly recognizable. True, that. The same could be said about the Pontiac Aztec. 😁
  13. While I agree that judicious lighting would enhance our skyline, IMO the only thing that would improve Heritage Plaza's appearance is a demolition permit. It's been 35 years and I still have to suppress a groan whenever I see it.
  14. This building looks like it was originally a movie theater, which would account for the marquee and distinctive 'stepped' shape of the building to accommodate a sloped floor and and seating. Any idea as to what it was originally called? https://www.google.com/maps/place/730+E+11th+St,+Houston,+TX+77008/@29.7908659,-95.3884872,3a,75y,228.93h,82.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9rMIBPkBGPRsy8Ci6eapGw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x8640b8a3e13d48ad:0x3d7f7d15a95b7876!8m2!3d29.7905505!4d-95.3886791?hl=en
  15. I don't know about this property, but am astonished at how often this happens. I've seen several renderings on HAIF where the surrounding streets are misidentified.
  16. Tried to check COH permits for this address, but apparently their website has been improved and I can no longer find that info.
  17. Thanks! I get it now. Suppose I wanted to copy these uploads to flickr, repost, and delete the originals to regain some space. Is there a file I can access that shows the places where my allocation has been used?
  18. That makes sense. And if there's an uptick in crime, try slipping your neighbors' dogs some mild laxatives as a precautionary measure.
  19. My knowledge of computers is, how you say, not good. That being said, I don't understand how come when I attempted to upload a photo from my clipboard, it was rejected with the message "File exceeds 108 kbs" Even I know that's a ridiculously small file. Obviously the beautiful photos that are posted on HAIF on a regular basis greatly exceed that amount. What causes me to get this error message?
  20. That area has always been the no-man's-land (or Berlin Wall, if you prefer) of Houston. The only accommodations for crossing the bayou are either distant or strictly reserved for auto traffic (as in the case of the Studemont bridge -see photo). Biking a mile or two out of your way may not be a major inconvenience but for pedestrians, it's a killer. All I can say is this is what happens when a city is built on the cheap. It eventually comes back to bite us in the butt. https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7781025,-95.3873417,3a,75y,359.44h,95.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLHEtm_RnVkm5GFkYEK6Wsg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
  21. I agree. It's kind of old-timey cutsie-corny but that does not detract from its usefulness.
  22. 100% agree. It's true that there are mansions on Westmoreland Blvd., and that our former mayor and her wife have a stately home there. But there's also somewhere around a dozen apartment complexes, and although rents have skyrocketed, the tenants can hardly be described as "very wealthy". A large percentage are occupied by young adults who tend to be more enthusiastic about having a walkable and bikeable neighborhood. Removal of the Spur could have helped to tie Montrose, Westmoreland, and Midtown together, to the benefit of all involved. But, no. I lived in Westmoreland for well over 23 years and it's bemusing to read the proclamations of people who obviously have little acquaintance with the neighborhood and no comprehension of how unwelcome that damn Spur is.
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