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Everything posted by MidCenturyMoldy

  1. Maybe, except there is a building on the master plan exactly where the hotel is to be located (Southwest corner of Loretto and W. Main).
  2. Saw it last week. Here's the link: https://www.booktandl.com/trip-inspiration/houston-art-museums-kinder-menil-turrell-rothko I was a little disappointed at first when I read that the author lives in Texas (Austin). Then it became apparent he isn't from Texas, he seems to be from NYC and just lives here part of the year, so I felt all better again. 😉
  3. Maybe so, but my response was to the suggestion that "neither side of the street matches" the master plan. As it stands right now, the east side of the street (vacant lot = park) matches the plan perfectly.
  4. IKR? Though I don't blame them for objecting, or even for fighting it legally, they knew what they were getting into when they built their McMansions in that area.
  5. There is currently a big empty lot on the east side of Loretto Drive, just south of the Menil Drawing Institute, which corresponds exactly to a park space in the master plan. The image comes from a thread in this forum, the link to which is right under the plan image in my post.
  6. Apparently it took 12 years from purchasing the land to opening the building in Toronto. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismaili_Centre,_Toronto
  7. The fact that I was asked to take down the post because its publication violated a non-disclosure agreement signed by the landscape architect leads me to believe the renderings were possibly the real deal.
  8. "Leader," you mean. Their founder lived 13 centuries ago.
  9. Although old-timers will sometimes say "the Montrose," short for "the Montrose Area." And, of course, "the Heights."
  10. "Located directly off the Buffalo Bayou to the North-West of downtown Houston..." Yes, I know this is tedious nitpickery on my part, but NO Houstonian would ever say "the Buffalo Bayou." Just say "Buffalo Bayou" and not sound like you're from Dallas.
  11. Is the inspiration for Texas Tower's crown hanging around in this photo? I
  12. Compared to what was there 30 years ago, the aerial photos are astonishing.
  13. Yup. https://thetriumphofpostmodernism.tumblr.com/post/154887506063/haddon-townhouses-1983-arquitectonica-photos
  14. Stop hating on Arquitectonica! (Actually, I don't like that building on Richmond.)
  15. I don't think it takes away from the project. I do think it takes away from the street. Or the pedestrian experience of the street. ETA: Or takes away from what could have been. I'm not saying the project in any way takes away anything from Westheimer.
  16. I would have preferred if Montrose Collective had been set back from Westheimer the way this project in Austin is going to be. A friend who lives just blocks from MC says he believes Radom wants most pedestrian activity to be on the sides and not on Westheimer. Maybe someday Westheimer will be shrunk to just one lane each way and the sidewalks will be much wider. Maybe transit and pedestrians will someday be the top priority!!! MAYBE HOUSTON WILL BECOME THE SOPHISTICATED URBAN CENTER WE ALL KNOW IT COULD BE!!!! NAAAHHHH!!!!!
  17. I remember 40 years ago, maybe more, residents on Indiana and/or Michigan and/or Maryland Streets made the local news when they took shovels and scraped off all the asphalt that COH had just laid over their brick-paved streets. https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7487117,-95.3985608,3a,60y,58.7h,84.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRwGpj2FDMq3Q9meaFuLBMw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  18. I've seen it in at least one Bollywood movie (thanks to my Desi ex). Probably more. If I remember correctly, this movie had nothing whatsoever to do with Houston...this scene just popped up out of nowhere (as musical scenes are wont to do in Hindi films)... then back to India when the music stopped. My guess was that the producer had a brother in Sugar Land, which would explain the final location with the "lake."
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