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Everything posted by MexAmerican_Moose

  1. if i were him, i would have built another furniture store..who the hell likes the Comets anyways? Women's basketball is not entertaining...
  2. wouldn't the air flow right through the crane? it doesn't have a large surface area so i don't think that it blocks the wind
  3. IMO this was a bad investment on Hilton's part
  4. this goes to all my fellow coogs...there is a bball game today against Rice, come support your coogs and lets give them some payback for the loss at Autry >
  5. moo....it looks similar but the Bank of the Southwest Tower is already in Phily, its the short version though
  6. yeah, the golf course is one block south of Harrisburg, so it would be a pretty good location...i used to live near the Golf Course and it looked empty most of the time, so this sounds like a good idea.....there is a problem though, what about all of the soccer moms and their kids? don't you think that they will shy away from the Barrios and be scared of the place?
  7. VicMan i think the same way you do.....we are already seeing new townhomes being built on the east side of 288....i am pretty sure that the properties around UH will increase in value as Gentrification spreads towards the UH area
  8. what about mooses? i recall seeing another moose on this forum
  9. build it in the burbs with another city's money or build it in the warehouse district with private funds
  10. ^^that dude has never done anything for UH anyways, so i don't find that surprising....has anybody noticed the scaffolding around the Cullen Building? are they changing all the roof tiles or wuuut?
  11. you couldn't find screws at home depot by yourself? but i do agree that the service there is horrible....i remember last fall me and my buddy had to create a Rube Goldberg machine for our eng. class at UH and we asked one of the dudes working there for some particular parts and they didn't help us at all, we eventually found them but it was an inconvenience that we went through
  12. this is great for soccer here in the US...but i find soccer rather boring....especially those 0-0 matches...ugh
  13. happy new year fellow "haifers"...just came back from a relative's house....we put on a fireworks show
  14. i am very proud of my coogs and this game proves that we have the capability to compete with bigname schools......great year COOGS!!
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