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Everything posted by westguy76

  1. The whole point is I don't have a choice if I want to go to a public bar. Thats why they are trying to protect my freedom to do that with out being subject to harmful fumes. what are smoker's rights I must have missed that one is it in the bill of rights or something. comeon!
  2. No you don't get it people have every right to make decisions for themselves the issue is unlike every other example you gave public smoking is forcing smoke on me its a by-product not an individual vice. So I believe, in my opinion, that smoking is an epidemic that affects more than just the people that partake in it, so it is the governments responsibility to ensure the health of the innocent is protected. Lest we all have to pay for it like we are now.(rising insurance costs) now excuse me while i go light one up Actually smoking is not even the 6th, 7th, or 10th thing i think about when i go into a bar but at the end of the night i think about it when i smell the stench and my eyes sting. I don't mind being called a puss on a message board either. I was just trying to make i thought a valid point people are overlooking about infringement of rights. I might not have verbalized it well enough but this issue is clearly different than falling off a ladder or drinking heavily or spreading the flu UNINTENTIONALLY.
  3. Never been there. But does anyone remember a little majic shop on park place or maybe Bellfort is southeast Houston. I remember going in there as a kid but this was in the early 80's. It was somewhere near reveille or broadway.
  4. you are right i gave them way to much. They do not look any better than us. Considering who they have played so far!! TO is going to look like a giant if Dunta Robinson is playing on him
  5. westguy76


    God i hope michael is gone. I am so tired of his crying and shouting WWWAAALLLTTT....THEY TOOK MUH BOY!!!! I just can't stand a charachter that irrational. yes i have been saying this since the episode. I think Juiet just had a stack of papers and was bluffing. They want them to think they are in totall control. Obviuosly they broke Kate down the same way as she came back looking like she struggled and was weaping. And I think the only way they could have made her cry was to bring up her past as we have seen she is one tough chick
  6. Awesome looking house. Great location
  7. As if turnovers a good thing, I wouldn't be pointing those out if I were you. Dallas lost by the same margin as Houston did to Philly: 14 points the texan lost by the score of 24-10 the cowboys lost by the score of 38-24 You were so much closer to winning then we were! right... and how about that defense I would not go bragging about that. You have beaten a horrible Tenessee team picked on a washington team without a running game(before Portis came back) Lost to Jacksonville And you lost to a very good philly team. I expect the Cowboys to beat the Texans. Never said I didn't. They should, but I like our chances to make it a competitive game. Especially if we Blitz like we did last week and get to that statue of a quarterback you have. Dallas definatelt has us beat at the cornerback and safety positions but I don't think anyone is scared of their d-line anymore.
  8. How do you guys see the Cowboys Texans match up. They faired about the same against Philly as we did. I hope our defense can really put some pressure on Bledsoe that is what we need I think. We need Dayne to break out and have a big game to he has showed great stuff over the last two weeks just hasn't broken any big runs. But i think he will. Anybody know if Jerome Mathis is getting healthy? I heard maybe week 6 he would be back in the preaseason?
  9. obesity is not a public health issue. The business I work at has about 60 employees, my premiums would surely be better if we fired the smokers! yeah! and the people with diabetes too! haha (proving your point) I am not scared of the government they have done a damn fine job creating the best country in the world in just over 200 years. I think we are getting off topic though.
  10. What are you implying, that you have to be an idiot to go to a bar? for crying out loud, you think i could go to a bar with out somone puffing tar on me! try to imagine it it's a pleasant place
  11. westguy76


    does anyone else think the "other" girl who helped Claire escape is Rossou's daughter.
  12. And you know I feel the same way you do. I just find it interesting to feel out peoples opinion on a subject like this. I don't think about it often. It is mostly just when it is an annoyance. I do find myself judging people that I see smoking. We all have flaws. I don't mind tighter restrictions is all. I guess I don't see it as a rights grab by authorites. maybe I am wrong. I have been wrong before. I think it was 19..... j/j.
  13. Hey I ain't skeered. I'm just joining in the discussion, but I gotta believe that the absortion rate in the tightly packed bars i go into(admittedly not very often any more) is greater on my lungs in the bar than in the great oudoors with the infinate atmosphere we all share to dissipate the pollution. So I am talking about the inhaling not the emmitting. It's all about limiting the effects on your fellow man not controlling people because you never will
  14. westguy76


    joni loves chachi! It is signifigant to me that Carrie was the stephen king book they were supposed to discuss in their book club. Telekinesis... I think Walt may have a touch
  15. yes we should ban alcohol at bars where 51% of the crowd is not pedestrian.
  16. And democrats are poopie heads!!!! good thread TOMIKA!!
  17. relative to each other and the effect on the human respritory system your arguement does not hold weight. In my opinion. I don't start cars by sucking on the tailpipe either. And we are talking about confined spaces not the wide open sprawl i drive around in everyday. ^^^^look I used sprawl in a sentance^^^^ I belong!!!!
  18. automobiles ie., private transport do not kill people on their own. They require another factor in this case humans to make an error in judgement. by themselves they are not a public health issue. ok so people have to smoke cigarettes. I liken this arguement to "guns don't kill people, people kill people" do we ban guns in public places? or private if that is what you want to call a restraunt. you can count on my support to ban Idiots from driving, yes!! and i get to pick out the idiots!! haha
  19. ok then the problem is that it is a ban, not a law prohibiting smoking in public places, or privately owned and ran public places. semantics.. i'm in for a law that makes it illegal for someone to against my will damage my health along with there own in a place where i can not control it. that to me is infringing on my rights. you say go somewhere else. i say that is discrimination,. Where does it end?
  20. man I see everyone's point in here. And God knows I am not for more governmental control. But dude is right it is a public health issue not a private rights issue. How can you consider a publically accesible establishment a private one? And it becomes a public issue the minute you exhale toxic fumes.
  21. sorry to be a pain in the ___! but i still can't tell where this is even after going to the link! any crossroads. I read it is near the igloo facility, any other landmarks? thanks
  22. westguy76


    Oh hell yah, just found this post! I found lost about a month and a half ago. I have since then watched both seasons on dvd. just finishing the season 2 finale 2 nights ago. I am hooked on this damn show now. I can't wait to watch the opener tonight!
  23. I was wondering if this thread was related to the new series of the Bachelor? Has any one watched it? Apparently there is some Houston Socialite on the show who is very snooty and annoying. There is an article about her/it on www.houstonist.com
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