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Everything posted by westguy76

  1. good post!~ i agree don't lay your percieved problems on others because you obviously have issues. There is no need to call people ignorant just because you do not understand their motivations or percieved needs. I hate it when people hide behind the anonymity of the internet and act like complete asses. You can make your point about Sprawl without be-littling others
  2. I agree with you on one thing. I wouldn't move to Katy (or anywhere west) in a million years. It's just like Dallas IMO (no trees). Well, I have plenty of large! live oak trees around my house in the Katy area. So don't fall into generalizing areas you don't live in like the previous person did to the area you live in. I realize the perception is that of old rice fields but. In the last 30 years there have been tons of trees planted to fill in with the old ones and most of the Neighborhoods had severaloak trees planted on the lots. Even in South Katy areas Kelliwoods and Cinco ranch areas have become and are becoming pretty wooded. Also don't forget the Barker resivoir south of 1-10 it is a virtual forest with hike and bike trails to use.
  3. what qualifications do you have to determine if a house is cheaply built? How would you know anyways how well a particular block of houses is built in suburbia. There are lots by the way, and lots of builders, so don't tell me I know someone who.... blah So you think there are more well built houses in the city than the new or newer ones built in suburbia with new building codes, standards, and public demand for better building standards? so all houses in suburbia are small too? And they don't have any architectural details? and cookie cutter. I am learning alot here, thanks. sounds like you are generalizing and to no good effect. I get tired of the same retorict, where do you live? We can't all live in memorial by the way? little boxes of similar looking ticky tacky?
  4. shows you weren't paying attention the pass was tipped on the two point conversion and the reciever slid and would have been in perfect position to catch it if it was not tipped!
  5. Hey Mark, you might want to have someone run a spell check on your bio on your webpage. No slam, I just wanted to be asshole too! it's FUN!!!
  6. You do your dishes and prepare food in a fountain? How can you stand the poo smell?
  7. We have some friends looking in the area. I bought in Cinco ranch a year ago. They want to be closer to I-10 and closer to town. Specifically he works near i-10 and Cambell. They are looking for a starter house to live in for maybe 5 to 7 years. they have a baby on the way. they have a lot of school loans to pay off so they want to spent less than 135,000. They want something newish, they don't have to worry about or spend money on. This is a house that was built in 1996 it has a good size oak tree in the fornt yard for you generalizating sprawl haters! haha. seriously it is not where i would choose but hard to find what they are looking for closer in alond the west corridor. maybe you have another suggestion closer to town, thanks
  8. any opinion on the subdivision Sundown Glen in katy isd off of fry north of 1-10. It looks like a nice little surburban neighborhood with entry level houses around 1800 sf.
  9. This brings up something else I was wondering. What will this area be called? People already consider all of Cinco Ranch, Grand Lakes, Seven Meadows as South Katy. When it is really not Katy and never will be. But, it is K.I.S.D. so I understand this. I myself don't have a problem with that. But shouldn't the area south of the westpark tollway be considered something else as it even further removed from Katy proper. How much of this is in Houston's etj? Does it go to grand parkway or beyond?
  10. did they try and trade him to houston?
  11. everyone ignored it when i posted a footprint of the plan in the target post a month ago. it's in there if you want to see it.
  12. WHICH IS IT? Los Angelos, San Diego, Katy, Northwest Houston, Clear Lake? Good luck finding a diverse liberal crowd . Just curious cause you have been looking for housing in five different areas in the last two weeks.
  13. can this not be as simple as just a street pattern that was platted and not developed or subdivided? there are plenty of circles in the middle of blocks in houston. There was one a street over from where i grew up we played baseball and football on it all the time. look at how they created lots in this elllipse they could fill in the shape we are talking about easy. and its close by perhaps they were envisioned by the same land planner. I guess looking at the shape again they would have to cut streets into it to get to the inner circle. doh!
  14. i can envision that the area was simply a rough layout for future lots and streets. a creative one, but not much diferent than the odd shaped little rectangular section just to the east down clinton in Galena park. The area where 1st thru 8th street are. this is a simarly sized shape as well. do we know when this scetion of blocks was platted and by who? We do know that the area was replatted and filled in with homes but with a different street pattern.
  15. why do they only have buger king's in the ghetto? (or older urban areas at least) is it because they stopped building them 10 years ago?
  16. I was mostly funning about the shorts. It's a matter of personal preferance i guess. I do have some bicycling shorts that look like cargo shorts with padding in the butt region, they definately make a long ride more comfortable. I have never had a problem getting any thing caught in moving parts though. except a shoestring. I mainly have a problem with bicyclists chosing a two lane busy rural highway to ride on with no shoulders. I used to see them all the time riding 1464 between highway 90 and 1093. I want them to have there own choices where to ride but not if it endangers me as well. cheers
  17. funny i don't remember noticing what he was wearing but you're right he must not have been wearing spandex. He wasn't the typical road biker you see. I never got wearing man hose riding a bike, any advantage gained aerodynamically has got to be upset by the uncoolness/gayness factor of wearing spandex panties. Not that there's any thing wrong with that. I have plenty of gay friends. just kidding. toungue in cheek.
  18. Several years ago I was driving through downtown, must have been an odd hour, not much traffic over on the east side where there is nearly no one around. I think I was taking the wife to dinner. My light turned green I proceeded to go through the light looked up and two bikers came right through the light from the side. I had to tap the brakes lightly, nothing scary, but I did honk the horn and kind of through my hands up like what gives? then continued through the intersection. thinking man those guys must have a death wish and also they had no respect for the road laws if they wanted to share the road. I look in my mirror one of the guys is now chasing me yelling. He catches me near the next light I catch 2 or 3 blocks down. He starts beating on my back glass then the sides of my explorer as he catches me all the time yelling obscenities and flipping me and wife out. So I jump out and beat him to a pulp. just kidding, I then notice he is like 6'5" and 230 he looks like mark mcgwire. So I press the gas and me and my wife comment on what an asshole, thinking to myself damn that guy was huge no way i'm getting into it with the likes of him. point is people apparently are jerks on both sides but this guy definately scewed my opinion of bike riders for a while.
  19. Most people move to an area and buy a house to live there and look forward to enjoying the community. You sound like you have an agenda to "infect" the community. I am not sure with what and I won't speculate but you are one odd fellow. Nigerians? what are you talking about? I have no problem with people seeking out "diversity" when they choose a place to settle down. I am not sure you are going to be happy in trying to accomplish what ever your agenda is.
  20. $80,000 in Cinco Ranch that is news to me. The cheapest you can find now is around 150,000 isn't it?
  21. Maybe someday when you have the priviledge of signing a mortgage you will understand. and I don't mean that as a slight.
  22. I have to agree, this is why a lot of people moved or do move to the burbs (certain areas) the nicest areas they could/can afford. Count me as one does not want low income housing in my area. You are generalizing a bit here with your perception of all low income housing and what the poster meant by low income housing. To me though, we have to realize when we are saying things like we don't want low income housing near us, we are effectively saying we don't want a class of people to live near us(low income people)not empty houses of cheaper build quality. Does that say we are discrimitating and does that bother you. to discriminate is to (defintion) 1. To make a clear distinction; distinguish: discriminate among the options available. b. To make sensible decisions; judge wisely. 2.To make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice: was accused of discriminating against women; discriminated in favor of his cronies. I'd like to think that we are employing the word in the sense of the first definition. but i have been accused of being a right wing fascist before(haha). I do think we should be more sensitive in our posts to the plights of others in the fact that anybody may be reading them.(i am so guilty of being closed minded and do not always think of these things myself),I just mean that "sttombiz" for all i know could be genarally interested in the Area and is pushing his budget to get into that area and I can sympathize with that. Cheers
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