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Everything posted by HOUCAJUN

  1. I visited Dallas alot growing up, but haven't visited it that much since i moved here. i really didn't notice or care about the things i reported in my post until i became a member of this forum.... whether it's good or bad, i don't know. I've noticed that when people describe Dallas as pretty or cleaner , they are usually refering to areas way north and out of the city limits like Plano,frisco, etc.... plano is nice, but so is the Woodlands and kingwood.Look, Houston is far from perfect, but even my family and friends who live their admit that it isn't as pretty as some people somehow believe. there was an R.V. park off of I35, just minutes from downtown Dallas.AN R.V. PARK. peace out.
  2. Unfortunately i visited Dallas this past weekend for a funeral. we stayed at the Marriott suites hotel in the Market Center area. During my stay, i noticed that Dallas isn't as beautiful as some people say it is. they have as much of a litter problem as Houston does and in my opinion, a more of a graffiti problem. I thought that I35 reminded me of I10 on the east side and I45 north. The road was bad and needed much need of fixing.We also visited the suburbs of Duncanville, Desoto, Grand Prairie, and garland.... all of which were not very pretty.on our way to check in at the hotel, we passed the American Airlines Center. unfortunately i couldn't really see the arena because of a hideous looking train blocking my view.While at the hotel, i took an occasional peek out of the window to see how that part of the city looked from the 11th floor. i was disapointed. I believe that downtown Dallas has one of the best skylines at night, but during the day is a total different story. it really looked rundown. i do have to say that once we got on 635 ( near the galleria), i was much more impressed. Too bad it was the only part of town i liked.
  3. here we go again. i totally disagree with you.let's talk about other things and leave this subject alone and move on. these dallas vs houston topics are wearing me out.
  4. I can't wait,Galveston will soon be the weekend destination once again.
  5. The Toyota Center(considering how well we did for the Super Bowl) is the reason why we got it.
  6. maybe visiting these developments will encourage other developers to do the same thing in the city limits.your stament was the most insane i've ever heard in this forum.
  7. shouldn't the roads be smoother since they have a great subway system? lesser drivers on the road, right?boston has no excuse for bad roads.
  8. 70's? How old are you anyway? Aren't you the one i swipe all the time on 45 for going 25mph in the fast lane? yep, it is you. Shouldn't you be getting your bed pan changed,right about now.
  9. Thank God we aren't in lake charles. what planning and development is going on there? has there been any since the turn of the century?
  10. it's okay wanting to goto a smaller church and one without those amenities, but don't downgrade the bigger churches that do. there are advantages and disadvantages with both."how do you get to know your church family." go to church more often. join an organization. you'll be surprised that big churches can be as personal ....if not more personal than smaller ones sometimes.
  11. i'm still waiting for midtown to answer the questions from my previous posts.
  12. why?churches do offer activities for kids and grownups, you know. i think it's great that churches offer activities for the benefit of the mebers and community. what's with you people?there's Bible study, singles bible study, married couples workshops and plenty of other organizations you can choose.we have a basketball court at our church and people ,whether they are members or not, come and play.this is one way to keep kids off the street or spending most of their time playing video games.you still find that odd?
  13. ithink the building looks good. you're from NYC. i love the place,but it could use a bottle of bleach and fixing up.
  14. the retail center is almost finish.any idea what stores are going there and what are they are building behind it?
  15. how do you assume it's about money for everbody? look, when you are living the right way and being obedient to God, he blesses you in every area of your life.in the area of finances, marriage,etc...only a fool would deny blessings from God.so you think that the more poverty you're in makes you a better Christian?Christ wasn't poor and God definitely isn't. so, idon't understand your position on mega churches. are you supposed to turn people away when they want to become a member of your church, so that it looks better to people like you who feel that a church shouldn't prosper doing the Lord's will? your position on this is pointless and outdated. i guess it's ok for us to build multi million dollar state of the art stadiums where we cheer,clap, and glorify players who are just as human as we are. why can't we do that for God without question?
  16. velvetj, could you elaborate more on the race park you mentioned in your last post.
  17. look, i don't know the exact number of members lakewood has,but joel osteen has been on TBN , DAYSTAR, and ABC and all of those stations report that lakewwod has the largest church (members)in the country.what better reference do you need?
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