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Posts posted by C2H

  1. Denver is a tourist destination?

    No Denver is not a tourist destination. I have no idea what Shasta is talking about. Denver is a business city with a weak economy. Although its improving, its still not up to par for a major city.

    I love Denver and it is the largest city in the state i live, but for real, just because it attracted "Real World" does not define it's vitality of an interesting city. Austin got real world, does that discredit San Antonio and Dallas as being interesting places?

    I'm actually surprised at Shasta, usually his posts are usually way more imformative. That last one was a tad bit ignorant.

  2. After looking over that list more closely and comparing it to the current tenant list at Denver Pavilions, I think it is pretty clearly a combo list of tenants who are currently in the Denver Pavilions and tenants who have signed leased for Houston Pavilions. Some tenants are in both categories. Perhaps others to be announced are on the list and are currently in Denver Pavilions. But I would not expect all of the businesses on that list to end up in Houston Pavilions. Personally, I would be very surprised, for example, if we see either Corner Bakery of Hard Rock Cafe in Houston Pavilions. But of course, one never knows (at least until tomorrow)...

    I would love for them to announce a new hotel as one of the anchors they are supposed to be announcing tomorrow...

    That's why i hope they don't waste good space by putting in the same tennants we already have. Seriously, if they put another Red Cat Jazz cafe or a Corner Bakery, i'm gonna be sick to my stomach. We need more variety, something we don't have down there already: Barnes and Noble, NikeTown, ESPN zone, Virgin Megastore, or Movie Theater. PLease, Please, PLease lets not waste this thing on things they have a block away. I thought the idea was to bring in more exclusives to downtown.

    It won't help bring people downtown if we're rebuilding the same Main Street we already have all over again.

  3. It's more fun to watch this skillful stalk and pounce between Niche and 19514 than the redundant D v. H tirads.

    It IS funny to read. One thing for sure about Houston19514, he doesn't discriminate. Whether we're talking about Dallas or Houston, you'd better come with the facts or he'll call you on it.

    So dallasites, take this as an example that when the forumers ask for facts, that doesn't just apply to when talking about Dallas. Many of the dallasites try to make it seem like Dallas is being singled out, and that's not the case.

  4. That said, the tenants do seem a little specific as far a 20-30 screen theater. Denver's is 15 isn't it. Plus is a local in the list such as Yao's.

    Yeah Denver's is only 15, so maybe the movie theatre did make the list.

    I'd say Niketown, Movie Theater, Barnes/Noble, Virgin MegaStore, and ESPN Zone!!!

    Oh yeah! I forgot about Vigin Records and ESPN Zone. I hope they make it too!

  5. Relax. The list is fairly accurate.

    I don't know, WesternGulf might have a point. That list was only a list of possible tennants, not ones that will be actually filling the space. The ones i'm really hoping that will still make the list are: Niketown, Movie Theater, Forever 21, and Barnes/Nobile.

    But i wouldn't expect all those tennants to be in there. It's just too many for the amount of space available.

  6. All i have to say is, i actually voted for Dallas Victory when this thread was first created but i wish i could go back and recast my vote to HP. I only really voted for Dallas Victory because it was a larger development and it looked cooler with the video screens and all. If you think about it, Houston Pavilions is only one key element to the east-end downtown renaissance. If you include all the east end development, i think its equal to Victory. Plus, i think the Houston Pavilions will bring in the masses more because it won't just be limited to catering to the rich. It also seems like it will have waayy more entertainment than DV such as: The Movie Theatre, Bowling Alley, HOB, and its connectivity to Main Street Square and Discovery Green.

    And Houston19514, i wouldn't take heap to what TheNiche is saying. He provides no basis or any clue as to where he gets this information, so i view it to be useless. It appears TheNiche is just having fun with us, once he gives us a little more info, maybe i'll change my mind. How are you gonna blow your cover on an internet forum anyway where no one knows you or your name.

  7. OH MY GOD! I really think this is the tenants for Houston Pavilions, at lease I hope it is. I've checked Denver Pavilions web site. They don't have a 20-30 screen theater, it's only 15 screens. I'm guessing they decided to built a Multi-Use Cinema Complex to make up for the residental. So, pretty much this is a dream come true for downtown Houston!




















    FOREVER 21



    All i gotta say is... WOW! That will mean a whole new downtown Houston.

    Semipro, thanks for that list because the link wasn't showing up on my computer. Are you sure you didn't add anything to the list yourself just to play with my emotions? :blush:

  8. Actually, Houston is just one of a zillion cities with this problem. No, it won't get fixed overnight. But ... location - location - location will totally fix the problem ... in time. :unsure:

    I thought there were plans to change the old Days Inn hotel to a mixed use development or something like that. There's a thread about it somewhere on HAIF . The thread just needs to be uncovered from the dust.

  9. Hate to burst your bubble, but what you see is what you get (except the temporary sheathing that's covering the renovations, of course). Believe it or not, they've already finished all but the top few floors. I got my hopes up when they started that project months ago, with the lowest 10 or so floors under wraps. But when they moved on to the next section and revealed the renovated section, I was sorely disappointed. Can't tell the new from the old.

    I guess they're doing more extensive work on the inside?

    Yeah, i don't know what the whole point of the rennovation was anyway. It's like they've done nothing at all. It really still looks like the same ol' ugly Exxon Mobil building

  10. :D Gawd this thread IS 5 pages long. :D The "who has more upscale shopping" thread didn't even get that long. "Port of Dallas", why does the Jamaican bobsled team keep coming to mind when I see this thread?

    I know this is slightly off topic, but the last time i checked, the Houston VS Dallas Shopping thread is 6 pages long while this one is 5. I'd say the Houston VS Dallas Shopping thread is still probably the largest thread on the Dallas Subforum and one of the biggest threads on HAIF. Not to nitpick, but i just had to point that out. This thread is getting big though!

  11. I agree the Angelica is great, but it is in fact an almost exclusively art/foreign/indie theater. Of this week's top ten box office movies, the Angelica is currently playing one of them, and it's in Spanish (Pan's Labyrinth). A Cinemark it is not. With that said, I do not think a general interest movie theater would benefit downtown.

    whY not? It works for Ft. Worth and downtown Denver?

  12. I've spent time in Denver and like the city. She's right to some degree: Houston dwarfs Denver!

    Did you know that Houston/Galveston metro has more people in it than the entire state of Colorado? Denver metro alone acounts for half of the state's population.

    2006 Consensus

    Colorado State population: 4.6 million

    Houston/Sugarland/Baytown: 5.3 million

    Denver/Aurora/Lakewood/Boulder 2.7 million

    Colorado Springs: 550,000

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