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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. I do too. Maybe not all of Houston - but Midtown for sure. I wish metro could buy up all the empty lots and eyesores on Main.
  2. Yeah, but is that a real street or just a wide walkway designed to look like a street? I mean there isn't a car in any of those photos. And in one photo, people are walking in the "street". That's why I was thinking that it looked like Main Street at Disneyland. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it, it's pretty and practical, but I wouldn't be using this place as an example of anti-fake anti-wannabee architecture.
  3. The Austin thing is cute, but it's not exactly cutting edge. Seems a little on the wannabee side too. That car-less, people filled street is too fake looking to be considered anything but dumb-downed. I see parking spaces but no cars - what gives?
  4. Well I guess the real point is that fly by night articles about shopping should probably be taken with a grain of salt. Or at least not too seriously. But it's your right to lap up all the promotional muck you can handle if you want to. Good luck with that. If you want to base Houston's fashion forewardness on one article from Atlanta (of all places), then you should probably read it better before making an opinion. After all, Houston was mentioned (however brief) in that article for what it's worth.
  5. That's pretty cool alright. But certainly not much more original than what's being planned at RV. I still see a bit of 'fakeness' in these photos. It looks like it was designed to look like a little city built to resemble the way cities used to be built. That first photo looks like it could have been taken at Disneyland. It's nice but it's still just a different kind of faux. Between the 2, I like the stuff in Austin better also, but what they are planning at RV is still better than what's there.
  6. I'm usually drawn to fabulous fifties architecture, the crazier the better, but in this case I do think the newer building style looks better. I wouldn't be saying that if RV had been built in grand style, state-of-the-art, googie fashion of the 50's (or whenever it was built). RV doesn't seem to be holding up that well today from the pictures I've seen, beauty-wise.
  7. A little extra wind is a small price to pay for a good skyscraper.
  8. They mentioned that Fendi headed for Houston. That's mention. But again, some people will believe anything they read on the internet.
  9. Wow. I guess some people will believe ANYTHING they read on the internet.
  10. The "Dallas Look" is extremely popular all over the world right now. Everyone wants their clothes to look like they were designed in Dallas. I hear, all the budding superstars in the fashion industry make it their life's goal to move to Dallas some day, but only the very fortunate few ever actually make it. NYC and Paris have to settle for the losers that can't make it in the Dallas fashion scene.
  11. If the Chicago Mandarin rendering and the Dallas Mandarin rendering had a baby - it would grow up to look like the Houston City Centre rendering. Isn't it funny that all three have one large tower with a similar roof top, similar observation spot and similar small tower right next door? Only thing is - there is no mention of any new Mandarin coming to Houston any time soon on their list up upcoming projects. Let's hope this rendering is brand spanking new to the kobi/karp website. Is there any clue how long the rendering has been there? This must be pretty new considering that the Shamrock was scrapped relatively recently.
  12. At last! A building everybody likes and a sure fire hit. What a godsend!
  13. Seems like soccer appeals to little kids in America and when they get older they switch their loyalties to football. I wish they would build the soccer stadium somewhere close to a proposed rail line. Just in case Houston ever gets considered for the olympics again, they can push the idea that all the venues are easily accessible to rail.
  14. If you think this thread got off track, you should see what's happening on the HP thread. People are posting photos of Hogan's Heroes or something. By the way, what exactly is going on at Rice Village? Is there construction or is all the renovation just in the planning stage? As someone who lives close by have you seen anything going on? I haven't been there in years. I remember RV being flat and a little bland. The renderings make it look more lively.
  15. Total B.I.T.C.H. here! I'm sure there are some on this forum who already knew that.
  16. Sure enough. I suppose if all I ever heard around here was that everything was so wonderful in Houston, I'd probably feel the need to do a reality check to point out what's wrong with Houston. But I doubt things will ever get too postive or negitive around here with out someone offering an opposing viewpoint. For the last day I've been the positive ying to the negitive yang.
  17. That's one of the best ideas I've heard in a long time. Seriously. It's a fresh idea that hasn't been done to death. Well done!
  18. Wow. Are people still talking about Victory? Seems so "last year" now. What else you got?
  19. I always thought Virgin Megastores were cool, but now they seems like they generate all the excitement of an abandoned amusement park. There's no future in music stores. Well, maybe a short one, but I can't imagine a Virgin going in at HP now. ESPN Zone sounds like a lot more fun. And considering the proximity of HP to all the sport venues downtown, it would be highly appropriate to have the king of all sports bars. Just think of the business it would generate for Astros' games after work. Someone really needs to write the ESPN people and let them know what's going on here. Who knows, maybe they are already waiting in the wings.
  20. I mostly agree with all this. No one is right or wrong here, it's all just opinion. But some these posts sound like Houston is a complete architectural waste land with no hope for the future and it isn't. Things aren't all bleek in Houston. If it were I don't believe this website would have ever been created and have as much activity as it does. Sure there are better places with better architecture, but I bet there are a lot of people who live in other cities that would love to get their hands on some of the architecture that Houston has. After all, who wouldn't KILL for a Williams tower and a TMC in their town. There are a lot of cities that would love to have the economy that Houston has. Houston today is a sucess story and mostly has been since it was founded. Sometimes people don't appreciate the good things that are right in front of them. And that's sad. Focusing strictly on the negitives won't accomplish anything. And while I would agree that focusing strictly on the positives won't get you anywhere either, at least it's better than moping around all day, angry and frustrated with nothing to do but gripe over things you can't change. Houston isn't some urban utopia, and not everyone's going to like it, but it IS possible to live here and enjoy it too. In fact, with the way people are moving to this area by the thousands every year, there must be something good happening around here.
  21. It's so amazing how quickly things change. It's seems like just yesterday people were doubting that this project would happen at all. And now - we got crane! Woo hoo!
  22. I thought commenting on HAIF - WAS resting on one's laurels. Maybe you're right about not sitting back and enjoying life. Worrying over something that doesn't bother me and that I have no control over makes makes much more sense. But seriously, I absolutely agree. It would be beyond silly to give up on Houston now or ever. If the architecture in Houston really bothers you, by all means voice your opinion. But it's no crime to be content with what's going up either if one is inclined to do so. You guys can type yourselves silly and maybe Houston will be home to the next penis tower, oh wait that's on another thread. I'm kidding, I really hope Houston gets something spectacular and if that happens because the involved architects or builders get a sense of the angst of a few HAIFers, then I'll be greatful for all the noise. Give 'um hell! Far be it for me to be the one to discourage some brand new, world class architecture for Houston. Keep those complaint letters to architecture Santa Claus coming (by way of HAIF) and maybe Houston will get a spire in it's stocking for Christmas. Everyone is entitled to their comments, positive, negitive, constructive or just plain b*ching - it's just that listening to a bunch of complainers get's old fast. So I feel a need to brighten your day - you're welcomed.
  23. Constructive criticism? Sounds like negativity to me. But like Sub said, it keeps HAIF interesting. It's been a while since I've seen Rice Village, but the renderings look better than the way I remember it being.
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