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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. So let's see if I have all these rumors strait. There is a 50 story tower, a 55 story tower, a 66 story tower and an 80 story tower all in the planning stages in various parts of uptown - not to mention several in the 20-40 story range. Phenomenal!
  2. 80 stories! Wow. Engcons, dmoney and puma do not speak for most of us. Thanx for sharing.
  3. I agree, we should even have a contest to see who can think of the best derogatory nickname for the cowgirls. If mine wins, I would gladly give the credit to 214/713 for reviving this thread and for his encouragement and inspiration. I've seen so many good ones lately, I'm sure that if we really tried we could spread the nickname throughout the internet so thoroughly, that it would become a household word in a matter of days. But, from what I've seen around the world wide web, 'cryboys' is taking off like wildfire. I love that photo of Tony Romo sobbing on the field after last year's spectacle and this year's teary eyed T.O. photos. Ain't life grand. Here's another stat for you, the dallass area has been selling a record number of Kleenex ever since last Sunday's ass kickin'.
  4. I wish people would talk nicely to insiders that have proven to be a reliable source on this website. We don't want to scare them off. I think engcons, has already told us everything he feels comfortable about revealing. Keep the good news coming Engcons! I'm still buzzed over the use of the words 'quite stunning' and 'very tall'.
  5. Q: What do you call 47 people sitting around a T.V. watching the Super Bowl? A. The dallass 'cowboys' Q: Why is Tony Romo unable to answer a telephone? A: He can't find the receiver. Be warned: I got hundreds these at my disposal.
  6. That's because all that garbage keeps getting set on fire every year by all those embarrassed fair weather fans. And the next year they buy all that sht again, because they are too stupid to learn that they will just be throwing it all away next year, BTW, note the date on that article, genius. I bet they have sunk lower on the list since last Sunday.
  7. And how exactly does this make this year's dallass cowporks or their fans not suck? They could send the whole team to the probowl and dallas will still be known throughout the universe as CHOKE CITY. It can't get much better than that. Probowl?! ROFLMAO! Is that the best you can do? I can't see how that could really make anyone in dallas feel better. It sounds like you're grasping at straws. Desperate times call for desparate measures. I guess in your next post you will tell us that the bowelboys keep their jerseys better ironed than the TEXANS. The cowbowels pro bowlers will be watching the Superbowl on television just like the rest of the cowfarts. I can keep doing this for the entire offseason. And probably beyond. So, yes. I shall accomodate your sadistic need for punishment for a long long time. Until the mods tell me to layoff.
  8. LOL If this project turns out to be anything like the rumors, it will be worth the pain and embarrassment. Good God! Can you imagine THREE 60+ floor towers in uptown in a few years. If all these projects actually happen according to plans (and early speculation), uptown will be packed with building cranes in a couple of years. Uptown could look like Houston's own little version of Dubai in 2010. I'm drooling. I know I'm also probably getting a little ahead of myself. But so what, this has been a good week.
  9. I was refering to this article from Forbes http://www.forbestraveler.com/best-lists/m...es-slide-9.html I may not have said that right, maybe I should have said.... According to Forbes, Houston is the most vistited city in Texas. It came in at number 9 on a Forbes list of the 30 most visited cities. Dallas came in at number 10. Maybe not a GREAT number, but concidering that these promotional campaigns don't seem to make much difference, it's still pretty good. There was a thread about it here http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...showtopic=12167 I believe that the general consensus was that Houston ranked as high as it did due to business travelers. Although no one ever proved it in that discussion. That list was compiled from raw numbers. But anyway, that's why I said Houston is already the highest business tourist destination in the state. It's not really a proven fact or anything, just something that made sense to me after reading this discussion.
  10. Why WOULD anyone go out of their way to say that? To selflessly warn strangers of impending eyesores in the name of spreading joy to the masses? NO, it was written by someone with a personal agenda or grudge. Most likely because they are jealous of people who live in cities with nice affordable houses who are able to save a little money. And who don't have to shovel snow. And who live in cities with booming economies with cool new construction going on everywhere. And who live in cities that stay green all year long. Take your pick. There are probably hundreds of reasons why someone would be jealous of people who are lucky enough to live in Houston. People who are happy about where they live USUALLY don't take the time to trash another city, without provocation or just for the hell of it. They would be out enjoying wherever they are, completely unaware or totally disinterested in someplace they feel is inferior or don't like for some reason. If Houston was truly uglier than the cities where all the newcomers came from, the population wouldn't be growing as rapidily as it is. If it were a REAL issue, everyone would turn around and go back where they came from. But obviously, it can't be that much of a deterrent. I think Houston could look better in many places than it does now, but I wouldn't put any stock in a couple of crackpot comments at the bottom of an online USA Today article. Ugly perception or not, it doesn't really change the quality of life that most of us enjoy ...the one's who aren't bogged down with a lot of personal issues...anyway.
  11. Houston's booming, people like it. That guy you were addressing hates Houston and doesn't have anything to be happy about at all these days because so many things are going good now in this city. He only shows up to point out the negatives. I think it's his job or something. Hanging around a city that you don't like makes no sense to me, but hey it's a free country. People are free to be miserable if they want. Poor slob. It's got to be a jealousy thing. Why else is this guy so obsessed with the negative aspects of this city while NEVER acknowledging any of the positives. No one ever said Houston was paradise, and all the negative comments in the world aren't going to make the humidity go away, make the city more like New York, or make the people stop coming here and enjoying their lives. But we all know what's going on already. That boy just pops in to stir the poo. ...Like that last brilliant piece of "critical thinking" he wrote. Houston doesn't need a campaign. It sells itself. All the past campaigns haven't make any significant impact, yet the people keep coming anyway, buildings keep going up, more nice hotels are being built, and with cool mixed-use projects like Regent Square, BLVD Place, West Ave, and the River Oaks District (to name a few) the future looks pretty bright. Houston is already the highest business tourist destination in the state. So what's the point in selling a city that doesn't need selling. But if we just HAVE to have one, I think a good campaign would be something like... "Houston: We didn't lift a finger, and you came anyway" Oooh sexy!
  12. I know, but that's what makes this particular loss sooo sweet. Watching the 'fans' squirm - and coming back here for more abuse. I got lots more. Thank whoever revived this thread from it's 11 month hiatus. I, for one, forgot it even existed until December when it started popping up on the 'view new post' list. It was revived to discuss how 'awsome' the crapboys were. But now I guess it will be the thread that keeps biting cowsack fans in the arse - for the next 6 months. Longer, if the cowpukes continue to play the same way they played at the end of the season. - as I'm sure they will.
  13. ^ Well done, Trae. Don't worry Gary, they're tough guys, they can take it.
  14. As a cowhole fan you should be an expert at recognizing weak things. As in "another weak playoff performance". O that's too kind. That LAST game wasn't just weak, it was a scar from which dallass may never recover, especially if next year proves that this year's cowplop record was just a fluke, as many of the 'experts' in the media (and I) are now suggesting. It will probably be years before the cremepuffs get into anymore playoffs, if ever. Watch them all turn on each other in the long, long off season and all go their separate ways to distance themselves from Choke City. I don't blame them. I'm embarrassed that those crybabies even live in the same state as I do. Ewww, what a repulsive thought. This great state has been besmirched by crying football players who don't have the self control or the ability to except a loss with some dignity and and ounce of self respect. It's great to think that dispite this season's records, the TEXANS offseason was only one game longer than the cowpeckers. HA HA HA! All those wins, down the drain. :lol: And next year the cowboobs get to start 0-0, just like the TEXANS and everybody else, without sht to show for it except for the newly aquired and well deserved nickname 'cryboys'. :lol:
  15. Note the quotation marks (""). I usually only use them when I am using a word that seems questionable, inappropriate or out of place somehow. It seems strange now to ever refer to the dallass football team as anything other than cryboys. Although not my favorite, (cowholes is today I think) cryboys seems to sum it up best and say it all. For the record (since you guys love history so much) I'm willing to bet that the cryboys have ended more games with goose eggs in their column than the TEXANS. Thats the legacy of having such a old worn out team. You get to count the bad stats from decades gone by along with the good ones in silly pissing contest like this one. BTW, Red's right again. That WAS weak.
  16. BEAUTIFUL! Could this be the rumored 66-story tower going up in uptown? It looks tall. I love the way it tapers at the top. Can't wait to see a rendering at a flat, side angle. Great news.
  17. I didn't really understand that jibberish that was at the end of texastrill's latest deep thought (26 for you.None for them.) Only a cowhole fan could understand that. But I do understand why there is a big goose egg right after the word "COWBOYS". Better get used to seeing 'zeros' and 'cowboys' in the same sentence for a long time.
  18. Not as stupid as reviving a thread a few weeks before America's Reem was about to give the city of Dallas the now widely use nickname of CHOKE CITY. But then again, it has been well established that the typical Cowhole fan isn't exactly the sharpest pencil on the desk. I mean just look at this thread, the Cryboy fans just got the most humiliating and historically relevant ass-kicking of their lives (far, far worse than anything the TEXANS ever got) and they're too dumb to realize that the best thing they can do is to lay low for awhile. Instead, they act as if their team actually won something more than the new widely used nickname "Cryboys". The crying, excuse making, and living in the past fan base is compounding the new pathetic image daily with their incessant "we used to be good" whining. I LOVE IT! When you talk TEXANS you're talking about the future. When you talk cryboys you are talking about faded dreams, past glory, frustrated losers, and toothless buffoons that can't handle the fact that their glory days are long gone. God, this is fun.
  19. Actually, this thread was brought back to life in Dec. by a chronic Houston hater and Dallass ass kisser who thought it would be fun to rub it in about the TEXANS disappointing season and gloat about the cryboys optomistic chances of making it to the superbowl. Well now it is truly time to revisit this thread to discuss and explore the "Cowbobs reeling" part of this thread's heading. At least T.O. was wearing glasses when he had his cry-baby meltdown on national TV. There, add another "at least" to the cowgirls count. 5 Superbowls didn't mean crap last Sunday. All the fading memories of ancient superbowl victories in the world arn't going to help you now. Just suck it up.
  20. dallass fans can cram it and pass the tissue. As far as "at least's","yets",and "next season's" the Cowsht fans have been talking like that decades before the TEXANS were even born. I think the count will be higher when referring to the cowpoles. Wait a minute, Wasn't December the month that the cowcraps started going downhill. They lost 3 of the last 4 games they played. O well, maybe next season. There, that's already one "next season" on the cryboys side of the scorecard.
  21. The 2007 dallass cryboys played like the 2006 dallass cryboys. Only diff is that they were just a little worse, because they lost in their own back yard, right before the eyes of their crying redneck, hillybilly, brain-dead fans. (that was sooo sweet) That teary eyed breakdown after the game was like icing on the cake. I hope this thread continues on a daily basis for the next 6 months. I love slamming the cowpuffs - and watching others go at it. (Kinky) The 12-year legacy of failures and watching their 'fans' eat crow in the offseason, year after year is downright exhilarating. So I encourage the shrinking cowpoo fan base to keep posting. The TEXANS may not be superbowl contenders yet, but at least they ended the season on a positive note. At least the didn't talk trash all season about everybody and then watch it all come crashing down in the ONE game that really mattered. The TEXANS have a long way to go, but no matter how disappointed TEXANS fans may have been this season, it can not compare to how the way the cowwimps let their fans down and gave people like me ammunition. Think of all the dallasites that already bought their airline tickets to the superbowl now trying to find buyers on ebay. HA HA HA HA! Yes! Let's just keep revisiting this thread over and over for a long long time in honor of the Haifer that brought it back to life back in December.
  22. YOU don't make the rules around here Cryboy. But since you love rules, here's a new one for you... -- Before you can make fun of the home team (in this case our beloved Texans) you must be from a town or fans of a team that hasn't blown their last 6 playoff games. Now go back and join the pity party up in Choke City, I mean Dallas. The cowboobs blew it big time. Just suck it up. They played like they did in last year's BIG playoff game. It's the true cowgirls doing what they do best - choking under pressure. I would say they are playing very consistantly in the playoffs - like the true losers they are. Last year it was a Romo fumble, this year it was a Romo interception that lost the game - I would say that the Cowblows are very much playing just like themselves. A real pattern is forming. A signature humiliation to end the season. I love it. If the Cowfarts were playing like the Texans, they would have won the last game they played. That's what the Texans did. None of that crying about past failures. "he's my quarterback, boo hoo, wimper, wimper". HA HA HA! It's probably because the citizens of Dallas are willing to settle for a team that can't handle the big time (just like everything else up that way). O sure they are great at talking the talk, but can't deliver when it counts. Just like every other aspect of "Mini D" it's all BS. Only this time it's on a world stage. Suck it up losers.
  23. I agree with Red. After listening to cryboys fans talking trash about teams that didn't win as many games this year as the cowholes were lucky enuf to win, it's now time to suck it and realize that a 13-3 record dosen't get you any closer to the superbowl than a 8-8 record or even a 3-13 record if you can't make it past your first playoff game. And concidering that the cowplops haven't won a playoff game in 12 years only goes to prove that their 'glory' days are long gone. Long, long gone. In the grand scheme of all things football, this year was a fluke. So suck it. The history of 'important' football contests (especially ones as old as any the cowfarts ever won) mean about as much today as the history of the 'important' chicken pluckin' contests that took place in a shack somewhere in rural Alabama back in 1922. I'm sure there were trophies and speeches and everything! If you want to keep up with the times, it's all about the Patriots, Chargers, Giants, and Packers now. The cowpigs are soooo yesterday. Sure, the Texans are a 'never was', but at least they don't have to compete with their own past. At least it's all about the future in Houston, not that sad place one is forced to go in their own mind when they realize that their best years are behind them. That must suck - So suck it up Cryboys. I guess all the cowgirl fans (you know, that sad collection of losers, lowlifes, and rednecks) are back in 1977 or whatever today. Remember... Remember... find that happy place... Remember... Whatever gets y'all through the next 6 months of finger pointing, cry-baby tear tantrums, and 'what if' scenarios. What a great day this is today. I feel great!
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