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Everything posted by htownbro

  1. I agree. NYC, LA and Chicago considered while we are the 4th largest city and not even considered? My guess is DC or NYC will get it so that Amazon will be on both coast
  2. Harvey scared them away. Austin may get it. http://www.chron.com/business/article/Houston-misses-Amazon-cut-Austin-Dallas-still-in-12507106.php?ipid=happening
  3. What are you hearing about the 2 potential lots if we don't get HQ2 bid? Do tell...
  4. Well I guess Houston is still in the running for Amazon HQ2! WE got passing grade of B- just as Austin and Dallas have as well! This has to be a good feeling! https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2018/01/04/houston-scores-passing-grade-when-it-comes-to.html
  5. What a beautiful building. I live in Houston and wish we could get a tower like that. Austin's skyline has come a long way. But good luck with traffic.
  6. 20 to 21 floors? ughhh. Well, I'm sure blocking the northern view had something to do with it...
  7. You may also consider Montrose or Heights area if your money is long because inner loop is quite expensive but quality of schools may be lacking but they do have alot of private schools. Welcome to H-town!!
  8. Woodlands is a nice area as far as living but not sure about the tolerance. It is Montgomery county and tends to be quite conservative. But it is ultimately your choice.
  9. Why no high rises? They need residential towers out along the Grand pkwy.
  10. I see progress since I live in this area. It looks like 3 floors are up so far and that could just be the garage. That location is so small. The townhomes south of it will lose their second story view of uptown.
  11. There goes their view of downtown but I like the density!
  12. I'm hearing Denver may be the landing spot but Houston is an underdog so who knows.
  13. The one on OST and Scott is a smaller HEB and serves that community. This new one will give them more options as I'm sure it'll be a more upscale store.
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