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Everything posted by LTAWACS

  1. Why wouldn't they have high vacancy rates? They're bland and boring boxes. The complete lack of imagination that went into their design is astounding and makes me want to puke.
  2. I would leave it as is. Looks boring compared some other towers by Pei but I'd still leave it alone.
  3. Me too. This whole "energy corridor" gimmick is turning into a veritable yawnfest. Boxes for miles around. Ugh.
  4. Interesting. Gunna have to check it out.
  5. Is this some sort of euphemism for "faux apple store"?
  6. Tourists? lol... they're here to see.... what? Traffic jams? Boxy, boring, and bland skyscraper designs - located miles and miles apart? Crappy sports teams? Fake space shuttles? Polluted bayous? Come on man, give me a break. Whatever tourism we had pretty much died when Astroworld shuttered and our manned spaceflight capability eroded. The closest thing we have to tourism are the energy related travelers who are forced to come here and wealthy (or not so wealthy) foreign shoppers. That's it. You underestimate the benefits and synergies that having a dense downtown can do for a city's infrastructure, transportation/mobility, vibrancy, skyscraper design, liveability, etc, etc. So yes. Having towers in the same "place" does have the potential to do wonders for you (city).
  7. Jump on their hood and tell them to leave.
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