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Posts posted by cspwal

  1. Looking at the map and the satellite view, it looks like the burger king is the only thing in the way of Travis going to Holcombe.  I don't know what you would gain with that however, as it would be so close to the Main and Holcombe intersection.  You would probably have to extend the median to block left turns onto Travis or from Travis.  I see why the city would like someone else to open it up with out the city having to buy the BK, but requiring it through permits seems...odd.  

  2. Hello Everyone- This is Jason Franklin with the Ivy Lofts- I have really enjoyed reading your thoughts on our upcoming project and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. I can do that here, or if you would like to contact me directly, you can reach me at jason@theivylofts.com.


    I look forward to your questions.



    What sort of parking will units have?  A normal 9 x 18 parking spot is 162 square feet, more than half the size of your smallest units.  Is this building going to literally be half parking garage?

  3. Super close election - I was surprised though at how low the turn out was.  I know it was an OK turn out for the type of election, but when you realize there are a million registered voters (source) and there were only 212,696 votes cast for mayor, that's amazing to me.


    Another way:

    1,000,000 registered voters

       212,696 votes cast

       108,389 for the new mayor


    Only a tenth of this city actually stated they want our new mayor for the next four years

    And only a tenth of the city said they want someone else


    What was everyone else doing?  Why does the overwhelming majority of the city not care? This is an election where your vote definitely would have counted, seeing how close it was



    • Like 1
  4. Wow.

    So let me get this straight. A structure like this is proposed to hold more cars and reduce traffic and the general concensus is that this is a great idea, we have the money for this, people are all for it, there is no opposition from local congressman or senators.

    But if we were to build the exact same structures over our freeways or over the HOV lanes of I-10, 45, or 288 and then.......PUT A TRAIN ON IT that holds way more people than cars do, and SUDDENLY it's a HORRIBLE idea, it's completely not feasible, we DON'T HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT, and it would be a HORRIBLE APPROPRIATION of funds to spend any money on it, do I have that about right? :rolleyes:

    Man, **** **** ****.


    Sounds about right.  More people would benefit from a train (because a train can hold more people).  Therefore you get more people moved per dollar.  This would be a smart decision.  The government is making the decision.  Therefore we get the highway lanes

    • Like 1
  5. Agreed, I really don't see this as improving much at all. Looks like a bus lane that they've converted into a general express lane on account of the opposition to the Post Oak busway.


    The Post Oak busway looks to be a separate structure from this.  I can't imagine why they would bother having 2 lanes at any point if there are no exits and the beginning and end are both single lane ramps.  It's almost like they were going to have it go longer distance or connect to 59 or 10 and changed their mind before going to the public

  6. On the dual-signed interstate thing:

    I-75/I-64 are dual signed outside Lexington KY https://www.google.com/maps/@38.0918376,-84.4773567,11.76z

    I-35/I-410 are dual signed in San Antonio https://www.google.com/maps/@29.4809618,-98.3599459,12.34z

    I-75/I-71 are dual signed south of Cincinatti https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9599493,-84.6211163,11.44z


    Looking at the map, I suspect an I-14 would follow I-35 in Temple, but it could just as easily bypass Temple and intersect 35 where 190 splits off to the west. https://www.google.com/maps/@31.0681987,-97.4049968,13.46z

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