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  • Location/ZIP Code
    Screwston, TX
  • Interests
    Jammin Screw and Dumpin on you H* A** fools....Also real estate development...urban development...pedestrian friendly walk-able development...Music>>>> S.U.C.....Guerilla MAAB...5th Ward Boyz..South Park Coalition...Beck...U2...Reading....

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  1. This banner needs to be put up all over the city. Murals, graffiti, signs, banners, tattoos, IDGAF....doesn't matter this needs to be everywhere....its time the lying, vile, corrupt douche-bag politicians and bureaucrats listen...they're going to destroy half of EaDo, part of Midtown, Northside, and just make Houston into one giant f*****n freeway. I'm so sick of it...Mayor Turner didn't like this project at first but now its seems like he's bowing down to the powers that be...pathetic...
  2. This entire stupid boondoggle of a project makes me realize how much of a worthless useless organization TXDOT is. It also made me realize just how spineless and corrupt politicians are.
  3. This entire building should just be filled with murals, inside and out. That would be an awesome site to see.
  4. Market? Arent we already getting a brand new redeveloped yuppified Farmers Market with the Caninos Redevelopment?
  5. m.e.h........another mall.... Houston Center ----> Sucks Bayou Place ----------> Sucks Houston Pavilions/GreenStreet -----> Sucks but getting better very slowly Downtown Tunnels ------> Single worst development in Downtown Houston history. Was really excited to see what was going to happen with this site but not anymore...The city should've gave the building to University of Houston-Downtown and just let the school expand its footprint...but they decided the building is better off being an indoor mall straight from 1977. This project should be called PreHTX...because its everything lame Houston developers are known for.
  6. Believe whomever you want to believe. On one hand you got some NIMBY "environmental engineer" who wants, excuse me; demands people to agree with him or he's going to do the writing equivalent of slamming his hands on the ground and cry or you can choose to believe someone............on second thought, you sound exactly like a pretentious NIMBY just like Ole Reefmonkey, I don't want you on Team El Seed lol......quantity not quality.....anywho...cheers! Til next time bud!
  7. Maybe I didn't articulate it perfectly but AnTonY gets it. Galveston has so much potential. It has potential to be a Savannah or Charleston or whatever it wants itself to be. The problem is people like you who have no vision, no pride in your community, and quite frankly, "no swag" want Galveston to be the same or at best a poor mans Mobile, Alabama ( No offense to Mobile). If people like you were with the Allen Bros in 1836 all you would've saw is a mosquito infested swamp not a thriving port city that they envisioned. You probably called Tillman a fool for wanting to build a boardwalk even after the original got destroyed, but he still did it; visionary. You would've probably be against spending millions in developing Discovery Green in Downtown Houston but somebody thought it was a great idea; a vision. Whatever Galveston does it MUST be world class. Its got too much going for it not to be: close to a major metropolis, beaches, charming urban city center, historically preserved buildings, close to at least 4 other major cities (N.O., S.A., Dallas, ATX), theme parks. Having nothing less than the best or should I say aiming for nothing less than the best is really doing Galveston a disservice. So there you have it. Oh, but one thing that is clear as day is; this whole topic has really gotten your panties in a bunch lol. Its OK snowflake we're on the same team. No need to be a NIMBY.
  8. Sorry bud but I'm right and you're wrong. Don't worry, thankfully, the City of Galveston is wiser than Reefmonkey. Also, I'm than sure my type of developments will be more commonplace. Better luck next time bud.
  9. Sorry bud you're wrong and I'm right. The Houston/Galveston area needs some more cool almost outlandish ideas to put the city at the forefront of the world. Like it should be. Think Dubai. However, lame Houstonians, like yourself only want a future of Applebees and Big Box Wal-Marts as far as the eyes can see. Fortunately, there are some good developers thinking of some cool things for Houston and Galveston in the future.
  10. Sorry bud but I'm right. Galveston should have a Hamptons type development. It'll be amazing. Oh, and Galveston should have a man made lagoon. It'll look amazing. It'll be breathtaking.
  11. Nah, thats limited thinking. Thats a very old school backwards texan type thinking. Turning it into a playground for the rich would be ideal. It would be awesome if it could be a hybrid of South Beach and New Orleans. Its kinda lame as it is.
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