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Everything posted by urbanize713

  1. I didn't realize hot takes were published and thought of as great and informative journalism...wait. All sarcasm aside, I think it would be great to see where all of this space is. For example, how much of the available office space in in the vacated office buildings around Greenspoint? That space will probably be available for a long time. How much of the space is in the energy corridor? etc. There is a reason more buildings are being built downtown/centrally. That is where young people and now even older generations want to be. Even if they are not going to work in the CBD.
  2. FYI the dog park is up and running within two weeks of the flood that “ruined” the dog park. Buffalo bayou posted pics of dogs already making use of the lake/pool and running around. Guess no one is going to post that on reddit though and say how wrong they were but I digress. Cheers to our awesome park!
  3. Your right, my bad. What happens when you do quick math in your head. 800 ft would be approx 243 m. I was just too eager to kick a Dallas building out of the top 5 lol
  4. Wow, Hines Global headquarters are moving downtown. If that is not a sign of the winds changing for downtown, I am not sure what is.
  5. Pelli returns to Houston, I think once the high res images come out it will grown on more people. Definitely different, which is a welcomed change.
  6. I would not mind a Foster design. It would be cool to have something of his in Houston. Heck, Just buy his World Trade Center 2 design, lol. Would be like Southwest Tower design going to Philly but in reverse.
  7. How do we not have a rendering for this ??? anybody able to work some magic?
  8. First let me say I love the Astros and Minute Maid Park. With that said, if they could demolish Yankee stadium they can demolish anything.
  9. Its just a link to Flickr. Not sure what is going on. Pics would not inbed into the post.
  10. https://flic.kr/p/JNkfKZ https://flic.kr/p/Ljp37h https://flic.kr/p/JNkfHV
  11. For all those that doubted the chalk lines... see my post below.
  12. Yeah, there is something not right with that picture. Or they are using one very expensive camera with special features/lenses.
  13. Some pics of the building and others going up around it. Crazy that none of these were here 5-10 years ago
  14. On the walk home noticed fencing has actually started going up. Building door also now says closed.
  15. This project appears to be starting very soon. There are markings around the building for a hoist/gates etc. This morning I also spotted some fencing that was un-assembled. Did we ever get additional information/renderings?
  16. So back to Whole Foods/Pearl, when do we believe this will be done? end of year? Would the store open even if the apartments above are still under construction?
  17. My guesses 1. Empty lot across Carnegie Vanguard, next to mid rise under construction. 2. Where the previous homes/building were demolished (skinny rita's) Not sure where it would go closer to RO.
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