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Everything posted by smartalek

  1. Thanks for the information. Miss your jingling spurs.
  2. I have recently seen a medallion from this State Fair. Does anyone know or have any information to share on the subject. How did it get to Dallas if it is the same one?
  3. Queen of England and Prince Philip President of Ireland (Lady) 1990? Kinky F. Prime Minister Mulroney of Canada Henry Cisneros Ann RIchards Laura Bush Lady Bird Johnson and Daughters John Denver Ravi Shankar Mack Davis Cher Number of Bands when I was in college
  4. I am supporting Kinky as an independent. I am lucky enough to pay school taxes in three counties. Kinky stated early on in an interview that if a school district wanted a new sports facility, then they should find an independent entity to fund it and give them naming rights. Tax monies should go to fund education and teachers. Made sense to me and I dont even have children. I also believe that a strong independent showing in the state might just be the best indication that Texans are tired of the status quo.
  5. Thanks you hit the nail square on the head. I have recently had visions of the YWCA on Waugh and Buffalo Bayou as a suitable museum-Cultural center for our community.
  6. The Gay and Lesbian archives and collections of this community are in storage becasue of lack of funding. If the city is going to think of funding one groups efforts to tell their history then it needs to be across the board.
  7. I would have thought the building would have been older than 1940. I would be interested to know how they got the brick so clean. Boy I would love to live in that building.
  8. I am totally illiterate as far as trying to post things online. Do not have camera in any case. Can barely sign in on site LOL Hope you can post a picture. Ill buy you a donute at the Shipleys.
  9. I guess I have stumped the group. I wish I had the ability to post a picture because the building is unusual. Drove by it again today.
  10. When I tried to do some banking at the site on Ella and had to wait in line in the horrible little lobby of Chase, I ask myself why didnt the bank make a commitment to the neighborhood and restore the larger building. Sorry to see the old building go. Maybe its time I go from Chase. I think Oak Forest would support some new hip developments if they would go in. Oh World
  11. If you are ever at the round about (traffic circle) at Westcott and Washington look for this building. I think it is Washington that takes off north and will eventuall go to I-!0. By the time I got off of the circle I was so confused I didnt know where I was. (kidding) In anycase one will pass by a strip center, with Shipleys, that faces the circle. As you drive by the center look to the left and you will see a charming little house that to me appears to be made of concrete. Long and narrow, with pilasters. Totally cool. I would like some opinions or information if one knows the history.
  12. Nice car. My Girlfriend in college had one, it was bitchin. It would get us out to the strip in Lubbock to buy beer in no timel
  13. Thanks for the post. Plan to walk around campus when I am back in Lubbock for Thanksgiving. SUB has alot of good memories for me. Suggestion for next post. Some shots of Lubbock which is a very well planned city, signage height restrictions. lack of billboard, buried utilites and landscaper requirements.
  14. OMG I absolutely love those hamburgers. Oh world.
  15. Wait, from my dancin days I remember Big balls in cowtown. But I guess the pertinent question is, Were we ever a cowtown? Go Stros Dating yourself is not a bad choice. At least its easy to say goodnight.
  16. y'all quite monkeying around. Quit. Would you believe that Bob Hope on a visit to Houston years back called Main Street one of the most beautiful streets he had seen? The "Midtown" was lovely in its early years with large homes and trees. Oh World
  17. I will never understand why we build frontage roads along the freeways and then front them with commercial development. All of the traffic generated by the development gettting on and off the freeways cause all of the congestions. Freeways should be just that, rapid movement with a few select departure points off of the main lane.
  18. What straight and manly song do you suggest?
  19. I read an article that the store is closing because younger family members had no desire to continue the tradition. Kaplans was very similar to Hemphill and Wells and Dunlaps in Lubbock we I lived. Good customer service and unusual items. Sorry to see it go, if I had the money.................................
  20. Opinions Please. I have been a tree hugger so long my arms have grafted bark on them. In the Chronicle this morning was and article on drilling once again in Alaska. The article stated that estimates of the oil reserves ran into the billions of gallons. If that is so, then perhaps we should drill in the protected areas, IF Congress would mandate that all of the oil produced stays in America to run our industries and provide for our energy needs. For every barrel produced we would begin to scale back the purchase of imported oil. The ultimate goal would be to get out of the middle east oil quagmire. Of course running concurrent would be the development of alternative enery sources to be in place once Alaska dries up. Perhaps this is simplistic but why drill for oil if we are going to broker it and then perhaps buy it back though another source. But until then I am still hugging.
  21. Probably another CVS Pharmacy. Oh World
  22. My Family has farmed in Texas since 1860. I grew up on foodstuff that were raised on the property because it was a way to save money for the necessities one needs for maintaining the farm. Local farmers would sell the surplus to the townies and local grocery stores. Sometime in the 1960's agriculture took a turn to major Agribusiness and many small farms had to leave because they could not maintain the lifestyle on a small farm. I think that small farmers deserve to be subsidized. Unfortunately it is the giant corporations that control farming in this county that have given the business a black eye. They get the same subsidies as the small producer but have thousands of acres. It honestly scares me to think that our food production is in the hands of the giant conglomerants. THink about the rising price of fuel and its effect on transportation. How will that will ultimately affect foor prices and supply if it is every disrupted. At the turn of the century Houston and the surrounding area raised many agricultural products. Pearland, Alvin, Sugerland all were agriculture oriented. Now they are asphalt. Did I get off the thread?
  23. If when you are fixinto fry your okra, cut off the ends where they were attached to the stalk. Then stick them on either side of your forehead. They make great mini horns. Cooking was never so much fun. I finally realized I never had ADD as a child, it was just to sweet tea.
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