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Everything posted by cloud713

  1. lol i just reread the statement and realized what they meant. not more than 34 floors, but that much floor space spread out over 34 floors. i wonder why the other plans say 33.
  2. lol ricco.. can we all agree this is about a 58 story tower? assuming the rendering is correct.
  3. i just read some potentially bad news for all of us who had our hopes up on a much taller redesign.. im not sure how they can make it "much larger" and keep the same height without drastically widening the tower. hopefully they dont ruin the design and keep the proportions the same to make the building taller. http://swamplot.com/bigger-taller-hines-to-redesign-proposed-609-main-st-office-tower/2013-07-09/ heres an interesting post i saw in the comment section. does anyone have any information on this other "super tall lot" Hines owns? From Shannon:@walt–the proposed Southwest Bank Tower from the 80′s was 1200 feet and had been approved –it’s true Chase Tower was lowered 5 stories in the early 80′s, however the FAA can allow for over 1200 feet, this building will not be 1000 feet–Hines wouldn’t build a building of that size for this location, they have another lot deemed for a super tall when the market allows
  4. very true, which is why i went back and compared it to BG Place (Hines most recent downtown tower). im sure my estimate is off, its just fun to guess.. i wasnt trying to be scientific about it when i first guessed. but if i could redo my guess i would keep it at 850 feet, but drop the floor count to 56 i was thinking this too when i was replying last night. that would make sense that they increase the overall proportions of the whole building, increasing the height of the crown.
  5. oh wow, i didnt realize the crown was 9 floors. its sloped more than i thought. you dont think they will implement floors into the crown as part of the expansion? hopefully not for the sake of the height.. heh. my 62 floors is still plausible at 850 feet seeing as Fountain Place in Dallas is 62 floors and only 720 feet tall. though judging by the hight/floor ratio of BG Place, my estimate is probably either a little short (hopefully), or too many floors. i cant wait till the end of the year to find out the final plans.
  6. i want to see more renderings/different angles of the redesign. a night time rendering would be cool to see if/how the architectural feature on the roof looks if/when lit up.
  7. haha, one can dream... i know the FAA didnt like the idea of the Bank of the Southwest Tower back in the 80s, though i heard theyve changed flight patterns out of hobby since then or something, so it wouldnt be as much of an issue anymore. i wish our buildings had better lighting at night too. Wedge used to be all outlined in green but supposably nearby residents complained it was too bright and they were turned off. i hope thats not true. maybe when some of these skyscrapers from the 70s-80s are up for renovation they will implement some better lighting.
  8. haha, it does say the building will be "much larger" than the original proposal, but i cant really see them doubling the height. it just seems a bit dramatic of an increase.
  9. 850 feet (i hope its taller), 62 floors. i would be awesome if we have a new supertall but im trying not to get my hopes up.
  10. im glad its going to be taller as well. the only angle it would of stood out in at 41 stories is the north/east side of town. ill go ahead and guess 850 ft (i hope its taller but im trying to be realistic and not get my hopes up). Houston needs some 800ish footers to fill in the void, though anything taller would be icing on the cake.
  11. haha right? how do they expect to do that without owning any of the land? it would take a large effort from the city to push this, but i appreciate the vision.
  12. its going to be taller. they said it was going to be "much larger" than the original 41 story proposal. its already got a podium on the base so unless they radically redesign the building or make it a lot fatter, its definitely going up.
  13. i emailed the city of Houston planning and development about it and they said the building plans for Exxonmobil building could be viewed at 1002 Washington. i still dont understand why all 4 lots around the tower have remained vacant for all this time.
  14. lockmat, was that a serious proposal? what ever came of it?
  15. The East End has plans for a street car system that would run through downtown, form a loop around the East End, and eventually connect to the KBR property, so by the time this would be developed they could have a street car service in place, connecting KBR, the East End, and downtown.
  16. haha agreed, with all of the proposed towers already vying for tenants, i dont see a supertall happening anytime soon (unless Hines wasnt kidding about Texas Sizing their tower), unless theres a corporate relocation where a big company decides to build a tower for themselves.
  17. heh. i see he only has 5 posts. i assume he was joking, but one can hope. didnt the Bank of the Southwest Tower proposal cause a lot of drama with the FAA?
  18. woah, ive never seen that before! yet again someone beats me to the punch... i was envisioning it to be less of a typical "park" though, but more of a submerged promenade with more retail and cafes with outdoor seating areas around the grassy central area. and large trees to provide shade (or some of those suspended horizontal roman shades to open in the summer time). an outdoor area you could envision a farmers market or something taking place in. i dont see a single tree/shaded area in that proposal, it gets HOT in Houston. was that planned for the parking lot/block to the east of Shell Plaza? when i was looking at the map of the tunnel system i noticed all four sides of that lot are surrounded by the tunnel system and that was my first idea for a submerged park location, but i felt that the lack of any vacant lots around the block took away from the parks ability to spur future development, and given the fact that all the buildings surrounding that property are office it would only get used during lunch break, so i decided it would be better fit for the south side of downtown where some residential activity is currently taking place and where the tunnel system could really use the street access and improvements.
  19. ugh, unfortunately i think this is probably true for the office market. especially with the Exxonmobil building up for vacancy after they renovate it starting in 2015 (unless Chevron ends up buying the property and relocating). i really wish Capital Tower was taller but at least were getting a bigger Hines tower. our only other hope is a major corporate relocation. i guess we will still continue to have new residential projects going up around downtown, with the Texaco redevelopment and others planned.
  20. Gensler idea? not sure what that is, you quoted all three portions of my reply.
  21. then why arent the 4 parking lots to the N/E/S/W sides developed with towers? it was the tallest building west of the Mississippi when they built it. maybe they were worried about our soil being different or something and wanted to better anchor it? i hope those rumors are false so that those lots can be developed, but that info apparently came from someone affiliated with the Exxonmobil building. i was just thinking the other day the lot to the north of Exxonmobil would be a prime place to implement my submerged park idea linking the streets to the tunnel network, with the ring of retail/cafes around the bottom and openings connecting into the tunnel system (through Wedge, would also link to Exxonmobil, Travis Tower, and the plot to the north east of exxonmobil, on main street along the light rail line, where i envision the park spurring a residential tower). Mayor Parker was talking about wanting to better connect the streets with the tunnel level and that side of downtown isnt linked to the tunnel system very well, but its starting to sprout residential projects which will need the retail/dining. ive wondered this as well. it would be really awkward if Chevron bought the building instead of Shorenstein and leased it out to Exxon for the remainder of their stay, haha. and the tunnel connection isnt planned to happen until the renovations, correct? this source said Chevron would prefer to buy the building out from Shorenstein. it would be a shame if they tore it down, but if the 4 anchors rumor is true and its preventing those lots from being developed, maybe this tower coming down and Chevron rebuilding on the lot closer to their campus is better to open up new lots right off of the light rail line.
  22. great news! so it looks like they will be going forward with construction in the first quarter of 2014 without any tenants signed. im sure they wont have a problem finding tenants for that amazing location. i wonder why the redesign of the building is taking so long? i guess like you said they will be adding many first class amenities to the base/a podium maybe? i hope they keep the design the same, (taller of course) or it gets even better.. Hines isnt really known to cheapen their stuff so im hoping there wont be any Embassy Suites/Marriott Marquis lame redesigns to the final product. cant wait till the end of the year to see the new proposal. the 41 story tower was already taller than BG Place which is 46 stories, after the redesign the height of this tower is sure to be taller a 50 story building, putting this in Houstons top 10.
  23. not to mention Exxon will be moving out of the Exxonmobil building in 2015, leaving 1.2ish million square feet (or are they not the only tenant currently in the building?), though its scheduled to undergo renovations afterwards, and im sure no tenant is willing to sign a lease without renovation plans, and wait around till 2017 or whenever for the renovations to be done when they could just have a brand new building in the same amount of time. either way unfortunately unless the Chevron rumors come true and they buy out the Exxonmobil building for headquarters relocation in the next few years, there will be 1.2 million sq ft of vacant office space hitting the market around 2017 so i hope these new downtown developments get started soon.
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