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Everything posted by cloud713

  1. Apparently my commuter rail down the hov lane with park and rides turned into rail station idea isn't as original of an idea as I thought.. Nor very well received. So since that's already been discussed, ill post more ideas. -Commuter rail down 288 from the fannin transit station down to highway 6 (so much room in the median they are unfortunately going to put hot lanes down the middle of) -commuter rail down 90A tracks -commuter rail down west park (didnt try leave enough space for future rail or no?) -commuter rail near along 290 out to say cypress? I don't see the need or economic feasibility of running it all the way to Hempstead. -commuter rail between Houston and Galveston And of course... -High speed rail from Dallas to Houston, coming into the city along the hardy tollroad railroad tracks, continuing along the new hardy tollroad downtown extension which will run right past the old "hardy rail yards" where a new terminal can be built. I ignored the roads because houston pretty well has those covered, lol. Can't wait for the grand parkway to be finished around 2020, though I'm worried about the additional sprawl it will bring.
  2. Is there a 3rd crane at the site or just another project near by? I saw 3 cranes off 610 and 59. Couldn't tell if they were all part of this or not. Any new pics?
  3. If the renderings are anything to go by, it's 58 floors tall.. There's a large rendering somewhere where it's pretty easy to count the floors. 50 floors in the tower (with 2 double high floors, one at the top one at the bottom) and the podium it's standing on is 3 double stories tall, so that would put it at 58 stories.
  4. this is after the redesign? the building was already close to 52 stories with the crown. im hoping they keep the crown empty and dont decide to build floors up into it. i want this sucker to be tall! 52 stories is a 25% increase from the 41 stories, meaning if they proportionally increase the height of the crown (as someone else pointed out on page 1 i believe), the crown should be 12 stories, meaning this will be a 64 story building..? that would be fantastic. downtown needs a ~900 footer to fill in the void between 800' and 1000'. can someone photoshop this picture to make a 900' Hines tower instead of the 41 story version thats shown? IMO the new Chevron tower is a little short too since its more like 58 floors.
  5. is the observation deck in Williams Tower not free? or were you just referring to the downtown area?
  6. how tall will this be? the article on the first page says 23 stories, the title says 25 stories, and im pretty sure skyscraperpage says 28 stories..?
  7. i really hope this gets built. i only have a vague idea of what it looks like but it sounds very cool and much more appealing then say 5AC. plus Houston could use nice lighting on more buildings at night.
  8. very cool, i like the sharp edges on the 2nd one. haha wow. i think i follow you. would you agree it looks like a squared base version of the second tower? only 3 of the 4 sides curve in, correct? what you mean for the top of the roof is more like this (assuming this front corner is taller than the others and its not just perspective).. but the corners curved in not pointed out? i also found a spiney/fish fin-ish building in my google searches for curved roof skyscrapers, though i doubt it looks anything like this.. e
  9. does the rendering look anything like any of these? but maybe with some "spiney fin sail down the curvature?
  10. oh bummer, so what about the architectural top fin fish sail? does part of that not protrude from the top like a spire? a 750 footer is still cool to expand the skyline a ilttle further to the north, i was just hoping it would be more like the Burj al Arab which is 60 stories but over 1,000' due to its spire/sail feature.
  11. would we be safe to assume this building would be close to 900 feet with the architectural feature on top? its not uncommon for 50 story office buildings to be 800 feet these days.
  12. only the head and shoulders guy hasnt seen the rendering (i dont think?), unless he was maybe describing the overall shape of the building, whereas the other people that for sure have seen it were talking about the more dramatic architectural "top fin fish" feature on top?
  13. it is a secret but hints were given (see page 2). im thinking the "head and shoulders" reference might of been meant towards the mock up tower/place holder in the skyline picture posted, im not sure if that guy has actually seen the rendering. if it looks anything like Burj al Arab i will be extremely excited, though that design would probably be better fit in uptown. maybe it will be the catalyst that will start making downtown architecture interesting again.
  14. maybe, but it seems doubtful as they built their apartments right on top of where the canal was supposed to go. you would think they would of left that portion undeveloped and built along the "canal" area. now the canal would either have to be diverted around the building or the building torn down. no the apartments you are talking about are the Alexan Lofts i believe. the old warehouses? does anyone know where the name Canal street came from? surely there didnt used to be a Canal running through that part of Houston?
  15. i mentioned it a few pages back so you might of missed it, but if you look at the renderings, they do absolutely no justice for 1500 Louisiana or 1400 Smith Street. those towers are beautiful. even if this ends up being the final design (i know everyone was hoping for a flashy signature building) im sure it will look much better in person than in the renderings, just like the rest of Chevrons downtown campus.
  16. i hope this one gets built instead of 5AC.. it would make quite an impact on that part of the skyline and the design sounds dramatic. of course having both built would be nice too but thats a lot of new floor space on top of whats already planned for all the other towers. did we ever agree which curved shape this tower looks like? a cross between a head and sholders bottle and the Burj al Arab in Dubai?
  17. heres a new article about the transit corridor along the University Line http://www.houstontomorrow.org/livability/story/city-of-houston-may-add-transit-corridor-streets-to-classification-system/
  18. i totally agree with the possibility of the next supertall coming from a foreign company. its strange, but in a way fitting for Houston.. what other big name energy companies are out there? i know many of the large foreign companies are government owned, im not sure how that would effect them building a tower in another country. the middle east is a safe bet to assume, but there are loads of potential in the south american oil fields and asian gas fields so who knows.
  19. i was looking at a map to try to get an idea of the feasibility of the South Canal.. it looks like Canal Place is built directly in the path of where the South Canal was planned, so they would either have to tear down a perfectly good, new apartment complex, or reroute the canal. there are also a few 1 story buildings in the plots of land downtown that would be needed to be removed first (though that part wouldnt be too difficult to figure out id imagine, since they were able to figure out how to relocate the buildings in the way of the north canal). i realize the South Canal at this point is just fantasy and wouldnt happen anytime soon.. just interested in the small possibility that it ends up happening, in some shape or fashion. i guess no one knows if they are going to build the North Canal out to the master plan specs or if they are just digging a trench for now?
  20. when will construction start on the north canal and what is the likely hood it will be built like the buffalo bayou master plan? i hope they dont just dig a canal with intentions on coming back to develop it later, but thats probably what will happen. i agree with baracus that the south canal seems kind of pie in the sky-ish right now. that would probably be one of the later phases of the project once the rest of it starts to prove its viability.
  21. im just curious why your so certain about that? Chevron had been saying up until the tower announcement was made that only 800 people would be relocated to Houston over the next few years, and didnt acknowledge any of the new tower rumors until they made it official, just like Exxon did with their new campus. so these types of things have been proven to officially be denied by the companies many times in the past, even with there is truth to the rumors. not saying i think it will happen, but you never know? it would be nice to have such a large corporation relocate to Houston. im still bitter that Exxon is still in Dallas after building the huge campus in Houston. does anyone have any idea how long until Chevrons current lease in their San Fransico buildings are up again?
  22. im excited looking at the height of the Devon tower now.. 50 floors and 850 feet? i wonder if the floors go up into the ^ part at the top or if thats an architectural feature increasing the height. but if you look at the rendering of Chevron tower there are 50 floors on top of the podium, and the top and bottom floor of the tower are 2 floors high, and each floor of the podium is about 2 floors high, making 58 stories. thats what i was thinking originally too. figured the daycare would be a great lot for the tower but then some dude came in saying there were anchors for the building preventing major development on those 4 lots. the guy who mentioned HQ relocations said Chevrons preferred situation would be to tear down Exxon and rebuild a tower, which makes me wonder if there are truths to the 4 anchors rumor and when they rebuilt they would put the tower on the daycare lot instead of running a huge podium across an entire city block. as for your point on HQ relocations, true thats where a lot of future business will be, but a lot of the new oil is coming from places like Brazil and Venezuela (they have the largest oil deposits in the world) in south america, and Houston is sort of a gateway to the south. i guess it could go either way
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