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Everything posted by Alec

  1. The mustard is pretty true to the rendering; it should be toned down a bit when they put in the contrasting brick on the lower half. I'm more concerned that they put that weird flat facade on half of it, and it's not even the half that would cover up the parking garage sticking out of the roof. What's up with that?
  2. That's the site for the proposed Stream Essex tower: http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/27885-50-story-international-tower-by-streamessex/
  3. I recently saw a soil testing truck doing its thing on the oddly shaped lot to the west of the Broadstone 3800 project on Alabama. Does this suggest a builder has pretty serious plans for that location? Or could it just be the land owner looking to better describe his merchandise?
  4. How does that work? Are the modular sections actually part of the building or just something to hold up the next floor while it is poured and drys? They look like a solid platform on top of six feet of metal laticework, so it seems like it would be too bulky to leave in place and too cumbersome to remove after the pour.
  5. If you look closely you can see it was done by "Remuv". Houston Press called this guy's tags some of the lamest in the city: http://blogs.houstonpress.com/artattack/2012/09/remuv_lastest_contender_for_ho.php
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