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The New Juniper

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Everything posted by The New Juniper

  1. I think that is a good idea. However, raising land several feet is much more expensive than one would probably think. I do believe, however, that building a community, such as a Seaside, is a good idea and sorely needed. There is very little sense of community in Galveston. It is a patchwork of nice homes, multi-family projects in various states of utility, surf shops, convenience stores, and Fertitta restaurants. There is no common tie to all of it. Galveston wants to be a tourist town with a quaint atmosphere and reputation. However, currently it has neither. Much help is needed. Given all of the above doom and gloom, I'm still bullish on Galveston and more development will soon be announced....
  2. Final stages of design development currently. ZC should be released to start CD's by the end of this calendar year. Given that, look for dirt to start moving sometime early next spring. The scope and magnitude of this project is really going to blow people away. What Houston has lacked is a group willing to spend the funds necessary to develop what is truly a mixed use. Not just a retail center with residential added as an afterthought. But truly an integrated design. This project truly will reshape our perception about urban living. Very exciting. Kudos to those involved.
  3. However, if your land is accreting, that is, land you own is growing due to sand deposited by mother nature, you own the new land. The folks that own/bought land on East Beach (Falcon, Shirazzi), have found this out.
  4. The owners have chosen a developer and will announce very soon. Should be the highest price retail in Houston....along with semi-affordable housing.
  5. Back on topic, again. This thread was meant to discuss the football team. It has since lost it's course and moved on to things like academics, etc. While important, that is a discussion without resolution. We are undoubtedly going to take a beating on the Friday after Thanskgiving. However, it will not be nearly the beating USC is going to put on Vince and the boys..... But seriously, I hope the Longhorns do win the National Championship. Just don't see it happening. Gig'em Aggies
  6. Just to show that I am not afraid to admit when I'm wrong and just when I have given up all hope on the Aggie football team, they step up and come through. Above you will see my bold prediction that the Aggies would fall to the lowest rated pass defense in the country following our game with Tech. Well, I WAS WRONG. We managed to show our Aggie Pride and stubbornly hold on to number 116. We are .34 yards per game ahead of Purdue. Not 34 yards per game, POINT 34 yards per game. If only Mike Leach had continued to run up the score and not just thrown a touchdown pass to the quarterback's brother, but how about his MOM? That was all we needed. Damn you Mike Leach and your classy program. OU has a miserable passing offense, but even the newly fallen Boomer Sooner can put up 350 on us. Hate to take a fatalistic approach, but come on. When is enough enough? FIRE TORBUSH. FIRE FRANCHIONE. Do something! Gig'em. TNJ
  7. i went by the sales office over the weekend. The product is actually very nice. Definitely a step above Randall's other projects. He has over 60 deposits for only 75 units.
  8. My contention is not that we are overrated, it's that we are just bad. NCAA Passing Rankings Click the link and you will see that A&M is ranked 115 out of 117 teams in passing defense. Now, how can anyone possibly make the argument that they are overrated? We're only Oregon State and Purdue away from being the LOWEST rated. And we still haven't even played Tech! We are staring #117 in the face. So, let's call a spade a spade. All those aggie haters advance a poor argument that we are overrated and blah blah. Makes no sense. We just plain suck. TNJ
  9. I just wish the Astros could hit. I don't care what color they are. Making contact would be great.
  10. I just can't help myself. As a die hard Aggie, this week may have been a new low. I know that our kids are trying, but we just aren't competitive. Our defensive scheme (if you can call it that) is the most disjointed thing i've ever witnessed. When we field a team that is so obviously out classed with athletes by Iowa State, it is time to make a change. Six times IN A ROW Iowa State converted third down and greater than 12 yards. The odds of this are lottery winning low. Reggie McNeal continues to throw passes to receivers 5 yards away as though they are 50 yards down field. I want to be positive and will remain a loyal fan, but WOW, something must be done. Franchione was seen as the savior but has a long way to go. Torbush will be lucky to see next week. Tech may score 1000 on A&M. Perhaps one more humiliation is what is needed to cause a change at the coaching level. On a related note, i'm proud that texas came back to beat OSU. I am interested to see how they stack up against SC and believe that will be the best national championship game for the fans. The Texans are dangerously close to blowing the first pick in the draft. I, personally, was looking forward to 0-16 so that we could ensure Leinart or Bush in Texans gear next year. Looks like now they may be playing at the frozen trundra instead. Phew! Feel better now. Gig'em.
  11. Love to get your thoughts on the building. When you go, ask about parking. I have heard numerous rumors on valet parking, etc. Thanks in advance. TNJ
  12. That is Tracy Suttles' building....It is currently a rental although i have heard numerous rumors that it may go condo...
  13. That just goes to show you that it isn't as easy as one would think to develop condominiums. They completely misjudged the market. Not by a little bit, but a ton. Enough to where they spent many millions of marketing dollars trying to sell a product only to realize the assumptions used to formulate the basis for the development were skewed. In the intervening months, construction costs have gotten away from them which will push the cost of even the newly designed smaller units up. Here is my prediction (and condo development is what i do for a living): The building will never get built. At least by this particular group. Even with re-designed, smaller units, they are in way too deep to ever recoup their costs, must less make a profit. They shouldn't chase bad money with more bad money. Cut your losses, lick your wounds, and live to fight another day.
  14. Couple of things: First, I totally agree on maintenance fees. These places that are designed and marketed to be "full" service condominiums are pushing maintenance fees through the roof. A developer can use services as marketing tools and, should they prove to be more expensive than advertised, the HOA is stuck picking up the additional cost. Having said that, buildings like Manhattan and Metropolis are both limited service buildings. This keeps costs down. It all boils down to preference, but most buyers would prefer more limited service and lower fees in IMO. Second, I believe that Redstone's decision (with all due respect) to shelve the project was anything but "simple". They have invested millions into the project which are now gone without hope of being recouped. Pursuing a condo deal is very costly. A decision to abandon (read: Orion) means that someone or group has taken a serious hit. If Redstone wanted to sell the property, they could've. Something more is at work here. I have heard (and it is unconfirmed) that the partners are in potential litigation which has tied up the land and prevented a sale. That is choice real estate and a buyer would have been easy to find. Especially when the alternative is writing off millions.
  15. Heard from the architect's office that the project has been released and drawings are in full swing. Push is to get to permit in the next 60 days. Very exciting.
  16. It's not just a theory, it's a painful reality. China, natural disasters, etc. are putting huge demands on building materials and labor. It is an unfortunate side effect (at least from the developer side) that the increased demand drives up costs. Increased concrete alone is not insurmountable, however, when you figure concrete, steel (i.e. metal studs and structural steel), drywall, all going up 25%+, it makes marginal projects no longer feasible. Developmental Darwinism....
  17. Heard today from someone that would know that Redstone is backing out of the condo tower at the Houstonian. Unreal. If anyone can confirm either way, i'd appreciate it. TNJ
  18. Guy in my office says there is some kind of launch party tomorrow night at the big tent being built by Tillman's Rolls dealership on the west loop. He put in a reservation check and said he got number 24 and they haven't even launched yet. I went by the sales trailer yesterday and it really is nice. Above and beyond anything Randall Davis has built in the past. Can't wait to see the crane on site. We need more of this in Houston.
  19. Now that we know Houston was spared and we can hopefully get past the name calling and shot taking, it is time to address an issue facing New Orleans. This is a watershed (pun intended) moment for the city. It can take this opportunity to rebuild itself (and its protective surroundings) in a way that will economically lift the entire area. Or, it can rebuild itself as the tourist destination that was predominantly poor, crime filled, and dirty. I know there are nice areas in New Orleans and I have visited those areas as well as the FQ. However, just with any reasonable review, you must throw out the high and low extremes and look at the majority in the middle. Throwing out the affluent neighborhoods and the FQ, you are left with a poor, mostly lower middle class city. This is not a shot a those folks, but having a population mostly dependant on the government for its existence is no way to foster growth. The same people (of all colors) that depend on the government for a daily check are now the ones screaming to have their old neighborhoods rebuilt. I hope that the officials in NOLA and WDC have the courage to stand up and provide for these folks in a way that will help EVERYONE long term. Give a man a fish...Teach a man to fish. This is a huge opportunity to bring the City out of a generations old funk. Let's raise the quality of life for everyone in NOLA. A rising tide raises all ships (to use my last appropriate pun). Good luck over there. TNJ
  20. Kenneth: Being new to this whole thread, I need the nickel tour. Did the council approve or reject the measure allowing the conference center/hotel project to move forward?
  21. Problem is that it was forwarded to me in an email, not posted on a website. Way to computer challenged here In any event, saw the new sales center opened yesterday. Drove by last night on my way home and RD was standing out front surveying the site. Picture of the building is on a sign on the outside of the building and it looks very cool.
  22. Someone forwarded me a rendering, but i am not computer savvy enough to figure out how to post it... Also, I got an invite to the launch party which is being thrown at the Great Room next to Fertitta's office building on the loop at San Felipe. RD is, at the very least, absolutely commited to making it go. Everything else to which he's put his mind in the past years has gone on to be successful... Fingers crossed. TNJ
  23. Galveston does offer much more than other beach destinations in Texas. Problem is: It doesn't offer the beach that other beach destinations offer. Galveston is an interesting place to go that happens to have a C+ beach you can utilize. Padre is an A+ beach, and happens to also have some peripheral activities associated with it. Drawing tourists is all about the quality of the coast line. Galveston, due to its proximity to the Mississippi River, has a poor coast line. What saves it, obviously, is that it is located 45 minutes from the 4th largest city in the country. I love Galveston, but I think few could argue that it competes on any level for beach enjoyment with Corpus or Padre.
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