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The New Juniper

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Everything posted by The New Juniper

  1. Couldn't agree more. I mean, you shouldn't even be qualified to run for President, much less serve, unless you have spent your entire adult life in political office, pulling your salary from the American Public. We need, strike that, must have a career beaurocrat in office!Damn GW for his private sector successes and failures. Agree here, too. That lousy George only gave me back $100 bucks a month of my money. We have got to get someone in there who will not insult me by giving me such a lousy amount. We need someone who will actually take more of our money and redistribute to some worthless government handout. Also, I think we should string him up b/c he has the nerve to be the son of a US President. The nerve of him to choose a family like that. Lastly, he is clearly not smart enough to lead this country. That whole Harvard & Yale thing is a breeze. If you are priveledged, (and he was the only one there who was), they just hand out passing grades.
  2. Thanks to all for restoring sanity and a sense of decorum to the discussion. I will leave you (and this discussion) with one final thought: The speech, misguided or not, was very well written. It was designed to whip the electorate into a frenzy and mission accomplished. He may be the grandwizard of the KKK. He may be a hot head. The aforementioned would explain why he's a Democrat. JUST KIDDING Peace.
  3. Now that is a response of which you can be proud. Seriously, that's good. The others were predictable. But, once you felt personally challenged, you pulled through. I do know Adam, I served with Adam, and you sir are no Adam.... You are still obviously harboring serious resentment from 2000, which is understandable. I would be upset if my guy had the election stolen from him by the most powerful family in American History.....no wait, that's your line. Anyway. All name calling aside. You side like a smart guy. Use your powers for good. Stay away from the dark side. There are Republicans that I would prefer to expel from the party. There are Democrats with whom I agree. I apologize to you and the entire board for starting what has turned into such a heated thread. Olive branch extended. Be a big man and accept and let's move on.org Juniper
  4. Come on, say it: Selected not Elected. I know you want to. That is the Sour Grapes Anthem. Selected not Elected. Or, my personal favorite: "Nobody died when Clinton Lied." Man, you guys may not be worth shooting as politicians, but you can come up with some great catch phrases... As far as Alan Keyes: Where in God's name did you get that??? You must really be looking for a fight if you are bringing up Alan Keyes. Also, I didn't mean to scare you by referring to God...Sorry. All of your nonsense about how unqualified and stupid GWB is is predictable, yet strangely entertaining. Again: YOU LOST IN 2000. GET OVER IT. Get a job, contribute to society, pay your taxes. Then you'll see why being a Republican makes sense. In the mean time, continue to hole up and subscribe to welosttheelectionandmustcomeupwithaconspiracyastowhy.com I thought this was going to be a good discussion. However, your use of the same, tired rhetoric is disappointing. Sorry to end with this, but you are a pathetic loser who needs to grow up. Over and out. Good luck and hope you get some help. I'll check back in on you after the election. That is, unless you move out of the country if your boy loses. Wait, isn't that Baldwin idiot still here despite his threat/promise???? Typical liberal idiot. W04
  5. Palisade Palms has the model there. Very, very impressive. I heard models such as that one cost $150K....
  6. My earlier point was that hate will not win you elections. This certainly drives home that point. As for Zell Miller, please go back and reread my initial post. The speech he gave was great. Whether or not you agree with the content, it was a great speech. If you want to debate Zell's character, you will have to argue with yourself. Again, great speech. I am able to see through the fog and separate character from performance. Clinton, while I didn't necessarily agree with many of his policies, was a great, stress great, orator and politician. Rarely do we find someone with his ability. It may surprise you to know that I am pro choice and anti gun. Yet, a Republican nonetheless. I am sure John Kerry is a good man. I prefer that he stay in the Senate, b/c alternate views ensure vigorous debate, etc. That is perhaps where we differ. I do not wish to say that Kerry is a murderer or whatever you wish to brand our President as. George Bush is the President of the United States and has performed admirably under tremendous hardship for the country. The office commands respect, just as it did when Clinton acted in a questionable manner. At no time did I ever believe he was any less deserving of respect just because of my personal disagreement with some conduct. People who wish to bash George Bush really confuse me. Why some vitriolic hatred?
  7. This kind of stuff is what I love seeing from the Democrats. Keep on hating my friend. This is precisely why you will lose. Hatred will eat you up. Oh, and it sounds like you need a nap. W04. Juniper
  8. And, before I forget it.... Beat the hell outta Utah!
  9. I am not a huge politico, but WOW did I enjoy Zell Miller's speech last night at the Republican Convention. That may have been the best "fire and brimstone" speech in our generation. Coming from a Democrat, it may well be the nail in the Kerry coffin. Here's to hoping so. Again, I LOVED it. Thoughts? Juniper
  10. I have heard through numerous people that Palisade Palms is 100% sold. Why is there nothing happening at the site? I have also heard that Emerald by the Sea has contracts at the Title Company and a waiting list several hundred people long. Demand in Galveston????? I, for one, am shocked and pleased to see it. Juniper
  11. The Stowers folks have decided only to build out the first couple of floors. The condo portion will follow if/when demand dictates. As far as the Montague, I am not sure why the City doesn't condemn the property. It is AWFUL.
  12. I hope someone builds it. I hear more housing is going in downtown on the North side in the near future. There will be an announcement in the next 60 days for affordable units for sale in the area. By this I mean, units starting at less than $200K. In my humble (and yes, sometimes arrogant) opinion, this is what downtown needs in order to build critical mass. Retail should follow the influx of owners to downtown. We will never reach that mass if we only sell $700K homes. Juniper
  13. We have tried to buy the building numerous times. I know of at least four other groups that have tried to buy it. Seller is crazy European who wants WAY too much for it. It is a blight on the neighborhood and a shame that the seller continues to hold it.
  14. Building a hotel in downtown Houston is financial suicide.
  15. Careful, I got yelled at months ago when I had the nerve to suggest to Houstonsemipro that Shamrock would not start in August. Hmmmm. What is today?
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